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"How's (Y/N) doing? Are they recovering okay?" Juleka asked as Luka came into the kitchen after his third day of taking care of his partner. He had begged to sleep over but (Y/N) insisted he go home and pray he doesn't catch whatever monster of a sickness that (Y/N) got. 

"They're managing. They said they feel almost all the way better, but I'm not sure if they said that to get me out the door faster or not," Luka answered "They really don't want me getting sick." 

Juleka nodded "Well if it's as bad as you say it is, I wouldn't want you getting sick either. I'm not even sure they wanted you to see them like that anyway." 

Luka sighed, nodding in agreement "I'm going to go shower and get all the gross off me. Do you want me to make dinner?" 

"Please" Juleka answered as Luka slipped into the bathroom, a bundle of clothes in hand. 


"My lady!" Chat sighed with relief as Ladybug arrived, he had been busy holding off both sentimonster and an akumatized victim for nearly ten minutes before Ladybug showed. A small corner of the city was nearly destroyed as he waited for one of the many heroes to show up. "Where is everyone else?" he grunted as he pulled them both behind a flipped car. 

Ladybug threw her hands up in the air in frustration "I don't know. Why isn't Raven here?" she said, spitting the name out like it was venom. As much as Ladybug was jealous of Raven, she knew they were always one to get the job done.

Chat shrugged, a worried look on his face that eventually turned into a smirk, "I guess it's just you and me against the world like the old days, m'lady."


Luka sprinted out of the bathroom, his hair half-dried the second Juleka read him the news from the other side of the door. There was a huge attack on the other side of the city, and his panic only grew more intense when he realized it was only a few blocks away from (Y/N)'s house. His jacket was on and he was running before he had a chance to even hesitate, not even letting Juleka stop him. Luckily, Ladybug had made him a permanent Miraculous holder, so all it took was transforming into an alleyway and he arrived within minutes. He snuck a quick glance into (Y/N)'s window and felt his heart stop when he saw they weren't there. Where were they? They were sick why were they outside? What happened? He couldn't stop himself from slipping in through the window and briefly de-transforming. 

"My love?" He started, forcing his voice to stay calm. "Dear?" He said again, stepping forward, his voice cracking slightly. "(Y/N)" He all but sobbed out, desperately trying to ignore his rapid heartbeat and tears blurring his vision. "Where did you go? God, please, please tell me you're okay." He whispered in his broken voice, holding his face as he only imagined the worst-case scenarios. 

"Luka," Sass murmured, his face and voice filled with concern for his holder "We might be able to find them if we go and take care of this," He said, hissing slightly as he spoke. 

Luka nodded, trying to wipe his tears and pull himself together as he slipped out of the window again, trying to distract himself with the sounds of the city before the battle came into view. It was definitely one of the worst Paris had seen so far, buildings were damaged, cars were flipped onto their sides and anyone could see the occasional smoke across the sky from the fires.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir!" Viperion gasped as he landed behind the two heroes currently hiding behind a roof access point that jutted upwards from the rest of the building. Ladybug's relief was evident as well as Chat Noir's, both of their faces were covered in ash and dust from the clearly drawn-out fight. 

"Viperion!" Ladybug gasped, jumping up to hug him quickly before pulling him down, immediately launching into explanation mode "Raven is keeping it occupied for now, but we have to get to the Akuma. They've been at it forever I don't know how much more their miraculous can take." 

Viperion's head popped to the side to look before he could even think about it "Raven's here?" he gasped excitedly before feeling a tinge of protective rage come from some unknown place inside of him "and you left them to deal with that monster alone" He growled, glaring at Ladybug. If looks could kill, Ladybug's kwami would need a new holder.

"They insisted. They looked horribly sick though I don't understand how they're holding up so well" Ladybug said, trying to save herself 

"You let them go alone...while they were sick. What the hell is wrong with you?" Luka shouted, before you could blink he was vaulting over the roof and running in the direction of the fight. 

Luka heard Raven coughing up a storm as they desperately held up a shield to take blow after blow from the villain of the day. He silently promised to quote-unquote "accidentally" punch Ladybug across the face for being so reckless with the lives of other heroes. He rushed to hold them up from behind as they began to collapse "Miss me, pretty bird?" he murmured against their ear as he supported them, running behind a building for some cover. 

"Luk- Viperion-" Raven started before doubling over in a coughing fit again. He laid them to sit against the wall, rubbing their back as he shushed them gently "You work is done now, rest. I'll rip Ladybug a new one afterward but you have to take a break. You're already sick, Raven" he said, his voice gentle and calming. He was panicking but he had to keep that to himself for now. He had yet to see (Y/N), which was good because that meant they weren't nearby, but horrifying because that meant they could be anywhere on top of being sick. 

Raven's eyes closed as their breathing turned shallow, it was evident they were trying not to cough again "Go, they need help." they gasped out, trying to hold it in. 

Viperion bit his lip as he looked down the alley, seeing Ladybug and Chat Noir finally do their jobs and actually fight the damn thing. He looked back at the fragile hero in front of him and kissed their head lightly "The second you need help, you scream as loud as you can and I'll come running, okay?" He said, dashing down the alleyway and into the fray only after a weak nod from Raven. 

It took another half an hour in the eyes of everyone but Viperion, for him it took another four hours and nearly 6 second chances before he could breathe and make it back to Raven. He dashed back into the alley as soon as Ladybug activated her fix-it magic. He scooped Raven into his arms and lept to the roof in case either of them detransformed. "Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly as Raven swayed the moment Viperion set them on their own two feet. 

Raven could barely manage a nod as they leaned heavily into Viperion "Just..go." they whimpered as their bracelet began to flash "You can't know who I am." 

"Raven I can't leave you like this-" Viperion protested 

"Luka, go," Raven said, their voice stern and demanding. 

"But-" He started, before realizing what the hero had called them "You know who I am?" 

"Of course I do, I know who Ladybug and Chat are too, Everyone in this city is blind," Raven said, gritting their teeth as their laugh hurt them "Just go."

Luka blinked, trying to wrap his mind around what Raven had just said "Then I should know who you are." 

"Deep down I think you already do." Raven said, standing straighter and leaning closer to his face "Come on, you said you'd know my voice anywhere, my love" Raven said, kissing him as the costume faded away. 

Luka nearly pushed them off before seeing (Y/N) in front of him. kissing him. He could feel his rage increase tenfold now that he knew Ladybug had sent the most important person to him into battle alone. He kissed them deeply as his costume faded, holding their waist and cupping their face, not caring if he got sick. All that mattered was okay and in front of him as he let himself get lost in (Y/N)'s scent, the sounds of the city, the feel of (Y/N)'s smile, and just (Y/N) being there. He knew (Y/N) was a hero, but he never thought he was dating a super one. 


(A/N: Hello my loves! Holy smokes this story is at almost 50k reads, that is absolutely insane and I cannot thank you all enough. I am thankfully a few days away from being back in good health and I cannot wait to see all of your reactions to the next few chapters I have planned. As always, you are all loved and valid. Make sure you drink water and take care of yourselves!)

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