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Adrien was reeling from his now most cherished memories with Luka and (Y/N), having barely slept at all due to his mind trying to wrap his mind around everything that had happened while Luka slept cuddled into his chest with (Y/N) spooning him. He couldn't stop himself from admiring his partners as they both slept- people just look so different when their guards are one-hundred-percent down. They look infinite- like they could be anyone or do anything when those eyes open again. He didn't even need to look outside to see that the sun was beginning to rise, all he had to do was watch the sun dance across the face of Luka as he giggled sleepily about his dream- he just had to watch the sun wrap around (Y/N) like a blanket. 

He heard Luka's breathing shift, a sharp inhale as his eyes finally said hello to the world again. He grinned when he saw Adrien, leaning up for a kiss which the blond happily returned. "Good morning, love," Luka whispered, kissing him again. "Did you sleep at all or did you just stare at (Y/N) and me all night?" 

Adrien's face turned what seemed a million shades of red, earning a dreamy laugh from his boyfriend "A little bit of both?" 

Luka sat up a little, cautiously as he tried not to wake (Y/N) "A little more than one, though?" he asked, his eyebrows raised with a beautifully unrestrained smile on his lips. 

"I guess you'll never know," Adrien laughed softly, pulling Luka into him for another kiss "I love you,"

"I love you too," Luka breathed, his hand finding Adrien's "want me to get started on breakfast? I'm sure Rose and Juleka are starving by now."

Adrien nodded, "I'm sure (Y/N) will be happy to have food ready when they wake up."

Luka slowly climbed out of bed, giving Adrien one last kiss and kissing the top of (Y/N)'s head before making his way down the ladder. Adrien had (Y/N) all to himself, and he pulled (Y/N) close to him while he scrolled on his phone, one hand playing with (Y/N)'s hair with one hand and scrolling with the other. 

He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone rang, he didn't recognize the number but he was in such a panic to keep his ringtone from waking his angel that he answered without hesitation. "Hello?"

"Good morning, I'm looking for Adrien Agreste?" it sounded like a woman, maybe someone using a voice changer? Was it another stalker trying to get his number? God, he'd have to change his number again. 

Adrien swallowed stiffly, trying to stay relaxed as he let out a shaky "speaking," 

"My name is Julia Garnier, I'm calling because of your father- I'm in charge of his prosecution on behalf of the state- and I was calling because I noticed your father's lawyers didn't put you on their list of witnesses? Are you involved in his case at all? Did you want to testify?"

Adrien felt his blood run cold. His father? Testify? His father's lawyers had contacted him almost immediately after his father was taken into custody asking to testify for them, but he said he needed time to think. Now prosecution wanted him? "Well," Adrien cleared his throat as he sat up, his fist gripping the phone as he tried to focus, "They asked me but I said I needed time to think about it- is it okay if I get back to you?"

"Of course! I understand this being such a high-profile case and just- the emotional strain on you- take your time, just call me back at this number when you make your decision."

Adrien nodded as if the woman would know he was nodding, "Alright, thank you. Good luck either way. Off the record, my dad was horrible he should get life in prison whether I'm involved in the trial or not."

"That's the goal," the woman laughed "I have other calls to make but thank you so much for your time." 

"my pleasure, Goodbye." Adrien hung up and stared at his phone. He knew before he made any decision he had to do something first- he had to see his dad. 

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