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Who the hell is Lila?

"She's a nightmare is what she is," Adrien answered from behind, startling (Y/N) as they whirled around, the girls still in stunned silence. "I don't like talking bad about people, but Lila is the biggest narcissist I've met other than my father"

(Y/N) stared at him, glancing at the girl sitting by the window. She looked so normal, but with Rose being wary of her it was obvious something was wrong with Lila, Rose never liked to be mean to anyone. Adrien never talked about his dad so this had to have been serious "She can't be that bad-"

"She had the whole class but Mari and I wrapped around her finger last year" Adrien said, "just do yourself a favor and steer clear of Lila, stay with me or the girls at all times, she'll know not to talk to you."

Rose and Juleka nodded, "she took your seat (Y/N). You should probably sit with Adrien today since it looks like Nino isn't here."

"I don't need protection from a girl with a personality faker than her designer bag, I'll be okay."

Adrien snorted while Juleka and Rose just stared at (Y/N), visibly holding in his laughter as they went inside the classroom and sat down. "Nice one," he whispered, sneaking in a fist bump before class started.

"Everyone I'm pleased to announce that we have Lila returning to us after her volunteer work in the states! Everyone welcome back, I hope you all had a refreshing break because we have lots to do this semester! Now if everyone would open their textbooks so we can get started"


"I cannot believe we have a project already, it's the first day back!" (Y/N) groaned, slumping into Juleka as they made their way to the cafeteria "I hate it here!"

"No you don't," Adrien said, laughing as he pet their hair "You hate the homework. Marinette of all people hates it here, she got paired with Lila,"

Juleka whirled her head to look at Adrien, careful to make sure her hair didn't hit the dejected and resting (Y/N) "she did?"

"Yeah" Adrien laughed "Were you guys not paying attention at all?"

"As soon as I knew who we all got paired with I tuned her out to be honest," (Y/N) said, "speaking of how do you want to divide the work, Rose?"

"I'm happy with presenting since I know you don't want to, and I can do source collecting"

"I am so in love with with you right now" (Y/N) said, perking their head up as they sat at their regular table. "I'm sure Adrien will present for you guys?" They continued, looking between Juleka and Adrien.

"Probably," Adrien smiled, "But I don't mind at all! I like presenting and Juleka makes really pretty presentations, it's the dream team!" He cheered, pumping his fist in the air before freezing, his gaze falling just above (Y/N) "why is Lila coming over here?" He said just before the girl made it to the table.

"Hey guys!" God, even her voice was annoying already "Sorry to interrupt but I wanted to introduce myself to (Y/N)! We haven't met yet"

"Can't say I've had the pleasure" (Y/N) said, extending their hand to meet Lila's in a quick handshake "Did you need something?"

"Oh, no! Not at all!" She laughed, flicking her haie behind her shoulder as she rested a hand on Adrien's shoulder. "It's just been so long since I've seen everyone and I wanted to be friends with the new people, you know?"

"Yeah so you have fresh meat to manipulate" Adrien muttered, just quiet enough that (Y/N) could catch it.

"What was that Adrien?"

"Nothing, Lila," he said, a smile on his face as he rolled his shoulder to get her to let go "I'm sure you have to make your rounds so we'll see you in class, okay?" Sometime about his tone was so scarily polite (Y/N) and the girls all shifted nervously in their seats.

"Oh you want to get rid of me?" Lila pouted, her voice teasing "Well alright I'll see you guys later. And (Y/N) we just have to talk sometime!" She said, waving as she skipped off.

"I talked to her for two minutes and I want to kill her," (Y/N) said "you guys seriously liked her in the beginning? I can smell the fake from a mile away"

"I know," Adrien said, "Rose and Juleka are just too nice for their own good."

Rose and Juleka nodded "Yeah, we were." Rose said as Juleka ate. "The important thing is we know not to talk to her, and you shouldn't either."

"Please, I'd rather talk to literally anyone else."

"Good, keep it that way" Adrien laughed, stabbing his food before digging in.


"So Lila's back," Juleka said as they walked into the boat's kitchen, meeting Luka who was getting a snack.

That snack was quickly dropped on the counter as Luka whirled around to look at Juleka and the squad "Seriously? I thought she was gone for good." He said, waving at (Y/N) before focusing on his sister again as everyone sat down.

"Yeah, she told the teachers she was volunteering in America when we all know she was probably off doing god knows what"

"I cannot believe her, the whole class knows what she's like why bother coming back?" His food was now sitting on the island for everyone to take. Today it was cut up fruits and vegetables, a few heart-shaped ones set on (Y/N)'s plate before they even grabbed any.

"You haven't even heard the best part yet" Adrien mused, a sing-song tone to his voice

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"She and Marinette got assigned to work on a group project together," Rose said, watching as Luka processed that information.

"That's an akuma waiting to happen if you ask me," Luka said seriously before bursting into a sinister grin "but it is a little funny."

"When you guys are done laughing at their misery, is it okay if I steal my boyfriend for a sec?" (Y/N) asked, popping a piece of fruit into their mouth.

"Yeah, come on we can go to my room," Luka said without giving anyone else a chance to react, taking their hand and leaving. He closed the door as (Y/N) sat on his bed, joining them as he took their hand "everything okay?" He asked while they curled up into him, their hesd resting on his shoulder.

"Mhm," (Y/N) answered, wrapping an arm around his waist "just missed you"

Luka's ears tinged red, smiling while he pressed a kiss onto their head "I missed you too, love. Do you want a kiss?"

They nodded, pulling back and smiling "as many as you wanna give"

"Then we're gonna be here a while,"


(A/N: double updateeee (im proud of me). But like do Y'all want a spicy scene? Lmk your thoughts on what you'd wanna see i gotta feed my thirsty side of the audience every once in a while. Drink some water, take care of yourselves. I hope everyone had a wonderful new years! <3)

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