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(Y/N) was once again struggling with the prior effects of a vision, the headache coming shortly after the rest of the bans arrived for practice. (Y/N) tried to simply deal with it, as they loved watching everyone play, but their growing pain only became more evident as the minutes passed.

It started with (Y/N) grimacing when the music got louder, then the simplest change in lighting was enough for them to not-so-discretely cover their eyes. Adrien and Luka noticed first, Adrien sitting next to (Y/N) while they practiced and Luka being overwhelmingly attentive even while playing.

"(Y/N)," Adrien whispered quietly, careful not to be too loud despite the music "Do you need to step outside? You don't look too good, you want some water?"

(Y/N) shook their head "Just a bit of a headache, I'll be fine." Adrien raised his eyebrows, clearly not buying it.

Adrien wordlessly handed them a bottle of water "drink it, at least."

They sighed, unscrewing the lid and downing the content of the bottle before curling up on the couch, resting their head on Adrien's lap.

Luka glared daggers at Adrien, but was mostly worried about his partner. The minute they were done playing the song he was knelt in front of the couch, stroking (Y/N)'s hair "Doll, let me take you upstairs, you look sick"

"Just a headache," (Y/N) insisted, "I want to watch you guys play," they pouted, their eyes melting Luka's heart a little.

Luka smiled softly, kissing their head "You'll be able to watch as much as you want when you're feeling better, but right now I'm using my boyfriend powers and making you come upstairs with me. Can you walk?" He was already helping them sit up as they shook their head. "We're gonna need to go piggyback so I can climb up the ladder to your room, you gonna be good holding onto me?" That one earned a nod, so he knelt while (Y/N) climbed onto his back before standing. "I'll be right back, Adrien try out some keyboard accompaniments with some of our older songs while I'm gone."

Juleka and Rose just looked at eachother, they love watching the (Y/N)-Luka moments that so often ensued. Ivan and Mylene always giggle, but Adrien just went to the keyboard and waited.

Luka laid (Y/N) in their bed, pulling the covers over their now shivering frame "dearest, do you think you're getting another vision?"

"I hope not," (Y/N) whispered, their eyes suddenly wide and alert "They've always been so scary".

Luka felt a pang of pain in his chest, he hated seeing (Y/N) so frightened and upset over something that hasn't even happened yet. He kissed their hand, and looked at his lover fondly "Well its a good thing I will be right here to chase all of those bad thoughts away should they come to pass, isn't it?"

(Y/N) smiled weakly, a small laugh escaping them as their eyes began to close "I love you, Luka"

"I love you too, I have to go back downstairs but you call me the second you want anything no matter how silly thr request, okay?"



(Y/N) slept through the rest of practice, almost as if they were in a full on coma. Luka went up to tell them they were leaving but they looked so content he didn't have to heart to wake them up. So he left, pressing a kiss to their forehead before joining his sister and the rest of Kitty Section.

They laid there, Asra slipping out of their bracelet and leaving from the open window. He had an appointment to keep, after all.


"So what is this I hear about our dear (Y/N) figuring out the identities of our grand heroes of Paris?" Gabriel asked, sitting in his chair as he stared at the portrait of his wife, not bothering to look at Asra.

"They did, in fact, put some pieces together but I was not present for that discussion nor have the mentioned it since-" Asra flinched as Gabriel whirled around, slamming his hand on his desk.

"I have never been so generous as to let one of my kwami's free enough to be wielded by someone not within my sight, is that right Asra?" Asra nodded, earning a smirk from Gabriel "so why is it that you are failing to do the one thing I required of you, hm? I'd hate for this to be the last time you can come out of the bracelet of yours in one piece."

Asra swallowed nervously, his gaze flicking to the broken peacock miraculous. Gabriel was not one to bluff. "I assure you, master I-"

"I don't want your assurances. I want you to do you fucking job!" Gabriel shouted, earning another flinch from the Kwami "you have one more chance to take care of this before you are swiftly removed from the equation." Gabriel turned back around, his shoulders trembling with rage "go back to that pathetic wielder, before I stop feeling so generous."

"Yes, master Agreste." Asra said, before fleeing out the window and over the city of Paris.


Asra returned to (Y/N) sat up in bed drenched in sweat, their eyes wide as they rocked back and forth. Asra sat on the windowsil, about to speak.

"We're friends. Right, Asra?" (Y/N) asked, their voice weak and uncertain in the words leaving their lips.

Asra nodded as he floated to sit on the bed "Of course, (Y/N), why wouldn't we be?"

(Y/N) swallowed, a look of betrayal and clarity crossing their face "Then why did I just see you talking to Gabriel my vision" their voice was quiet, as if they didn't want to believe the weight of those words.

Asra held back a gasp, but the look on his face told it all. (Y/N) knew he was a traitor, and they knew all of their time together had been born out of deceit. "(Y/N), I-"

(Y/N) held their hand up, swiftly silencing the bird. They took a deep breath, their other hand clenching the sheets "Is Gabriel Agreste hawkmoth?"

Asra nodded, "But (Y/N) I-"

"...Did he have something to do with my parents death?" (Y/N) asked, their jaw clenched as they attempted to temper their reaction.

"Yes." Asra answered, standing perfectly still and willing to accept any punishment in which they may bestow.

(Y/N) nodded, a rawness forming in their throat as they bit back a sob "Do you want to escape him? Get the other miraculous in his possession away from him?"

Asra blinked in surprise, there was no way they were offering him a way out of everything after he lied to them. "Why would you-"

"Because you protected Luka, and everyone else that has ever held a miraculous by saying you didn't know who had them even though you were there when I told Luka." (Y/N) was interrupted as their breath got caught in their throat, tears finally falling from their eyes. "And because you didn't try to lie to me when I asked about- about my parents."

"But I lied to you-"

"You did, but now everything is out right? You've confessed to everything?" Upon Asra's nod, they continued "Then there's no point in wasting time, we have work to do." (Y/N) said, trying not to cry further as they picked up the phone.


Luka woke up to the harsh light from his phone as it rung, answering it the moment he registered it was (Y/N). "Love? What's wrong? It's like 3am,"

"I need you to come over, now." (Y/N)'s voice said, clearly sounding distressed. Luka was already putting his shoes on.

"I'll be there in half an hour, I love you"

"I love you too, Luka."

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