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As soon as the green hero left, (Y/N) couldn't hold back the smile on their face and the laugh that escaped their lips. Luka was adorable thinking (Y/N) wouldn't notice the nickname, or even just the way Viperion was immediately comfortable with them. (Y/N) could recognize their boyfriend anywhere, and their boyfriend was Viperion.


"(Y/N), care to answer the question?" Rose said, snapping (Y/N) out of their daze. It took (Y/N) a moment to remember that they were in Juleka's room, the boat rocking as they did homework and just talked. Rose and Juleka had started talking about band stuff and all (Y/N) could think about was how the hell they were supposed to interact with Luka now. Yeah, they knew Luka was Viperion. Nobody else knew and the last thing (Y/N) wanted was to compromise his identity. Juleka had more posters and drawings across her walls than the last time (Y/N) was here, one of which being a new one (Y/N) had designed for Kitty Section.

(Y/N) finally looked up from their nightmare of a math problem, which had turned more into a doodling page than actual work "I'm sorry, what was the question?" 

Juleka smiled softly, placing a hand on top of (Y/N)'s as if to keep them grounded in the conversation, "Rose was asking what you thought about becoming a more official member of Kitty Section. I mean, Luka had been hinting at wanting to ask but you know how he is."

(Y/N) smiled, knowing that's exactly how Luka was. He was never the type to try to take up all of your time, he was always worried (Y/N) would grow tired of him. He had always let it slip as a joke, but (Y/N) never let it slide. A smile and blush in response was all (Y/N) needed in order for Rose to squeal in delight and tackle (Y/N) in a warm and happy embrace. 

A laugh escaped (Y/N) as Juleka joined the hug, just taking a moment to enjoy this time with their friends in a second of nothing but joy. 

"In all seriousness, what would I even do?" (Y/N) asked as things settled down, picking up their math textbook again. 

Juleka grinned, pulling out a small notebook "Luka and I made a list," she explained with a shy smile "He wanted options before he asked you. Obviously, working wardrobe is open, you could join on actual music if that's more your speed, you could work on sound, honestly, it's up to you."

(Y/N) blinked in surprise "Marinette quit wardrobe?" 

Juleka nodded, "The friend group has kind of been drifting, she wasn't exactly thrilled with how much time we spent with you after the whole concert situation," she said with a sad look in her eyes, sighing as she continued "That kind of attitude so isn't like her, but Luka didn't want Rose and I to stress over it as much, so he didn't argue when she told him she was quitting." 

(Y/N) felt themselves physically deflating "But she was so good at what she did, I would have backed off if you guys wanted her here." 

"Absolutely not," Rose blurted out, commanding the attention from the two other teens in the room "Marinette left because she wanted to, it is not your fault. It was too much drama after she rejected Luka, he was hurting and she's getting meaner. (Y/N), we love that you're here and we hope you love being with us." Rose wasn't usually so firm, or openly condemning of people. Juleka tried to open her mouth to argue but nothing came out. 

(Y/N) let out a tense laugh "Well, I'm glad you guys enjoy my company if nothing else." 

Juleka looked (Y/N) up and down with a playful lip cite "We enjoy other things too, you're not horrible to look at," A blush and a playful smack from Rose was all it took for Juleka to bust out laughing "Seriously, we all love you." 

"I love you guys too."

"What's with the lovefest going on in here," A blissfully familiar voice intervened "I'm a little hurt I wasn't invited" Luka joked with a smile as he hugged Rose and his sister. He blushed when he looked at (Y/N), leaning in to give them a quick kiss before taking a seat next to them on the floor. 

"Just doing homework and going over band stuff," Juleka said before shifting the subject "So, what's this I hear about you not informing (Y/N) of Marinette leaving the Kitty Section team?" her voice was skeptical, silently warning her brother to not hide anything from (Y/N). 

Luka sighed, running a hand through his hair "I didn't want (Y/N) to have anything more to stress over." 

"Yes, keep talking about me like I'm not here," (Y/N) said with a playful pout as they took a sip of their drink. 

"Believe me, darling, I could never forget you're with me," Luka replied with a wink, kissing their hand before looking back at Juleka. 

"I'm just saying. You don't have to protect (Y/N) from everything, they aren't a child. Let us help you every once in a while." Juleka said, her arms crossed across her chest. 

"That's what I've been saying!" (Y/N) said, setting their drink down and gesturing at nothing in particular. "You need to accept help every once in a while, Luka," they said, sending a cautious glance at Luka with a warning tone. 

Luka hid behind his outgrown bangs, he really needed a haircut. He fiddled with the rings adorning his fingers as they talked, "I'm trying to," he said, his voice quiet enough that only (Y/N) could hear him. Hearing the exhausting setting into his voice was enough for (Y/N) heart to break a little for him, wanting nothing more than to scoop him up into their arms and tell him how proud they are of him and how wonderful things are going to become. 

(Y/N) tapped Luka lightly on his hand, it was their little signal they had quickly established to say "I love you", a second tap, which (Y/N) used, meant they wanted to get a second alone. Luka happily obliged, standing up with a smile "Ladies, if you don't mind I'd like to steal my darling for a moment"

Juleka waved them off as they slipped into Luka's room. (Y/N) still wasn't quite used to walking in a houseboat so Luka's arms were always slightly out in case he needed to catch them up until the moment (Y/N) was safe in his bed and the door was closed. 

"Did you have a rough day, Luka?" (Y/N) asked softly, pulling him to rest on their upper chest. All he did was nod as he wrapped his arms around (Y/N) as he let out a long, heavy breath. (Y/N) rested a hand on the top of his head, stroking his hair gently "Do you want to talk about it?" 

He nodded again, quickly kissing (Y/N)'s neck since it was the easiest access before he sat up. "Adrien came up to me today at the park," he said, hiding behind his hair again "He wasn't exactly mean, which is why I feel like it's so dumb to be upset, but he just went on and on about Marinette and how great their relationship is. He asked me what kind of flowers she liked because he wanted to get a gift for her, and of course, I knew and I told him because I'm not an asshole," he went on as (Y/N) squeezed his hand "I definitely still don't have feelings for her, but all she's done is make me feel awful lately. First, it was her making you feel bad, then Adrien slapped me in the face with a reminder of how she so clearly shut me down. I'm also super stressed with band stuff and-" he hesitated as he kept talking "some other stuff I can't talk about. I just feel really bad today, too much buildup of bad stuff." 

(Y/N) sighed, kissing his cheek and tucking his bangs behind his ears to look at him, noticing how glassy and slightly swollen his eyes were "How can I help, angel" 

Luka's face flushed at the nickname, shying away slightly "Just stay with me for a minute. Being alone makes it worse."  he answered, pulling (Y/N) onto his lap and trapping them in a hug. 

"I'll stay all night if need be, my love." 


(A/N: Finals are done, summer has begun. I can finally write to my heart's content. I would like to thank everyone for their patience and love, it means the world to me. I love this story and I can't wait to focus on it fully. I love reading your comments and ideas, please keep them coming. Make sure you drink water and eat, I'm proud of you.)

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