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(A/N: obligatory "nice" for chapter 69. Also half of this was written on my break when we were slammed and SUPER understaffed, so idk how consistent the writing is but I need a nap. ALSO WE ARE AT ALMOST 200K READS WTF??)

Lucky for Adrien, it was a short and speedy trial. There was no way Gabriel Agreste was going to make any sort of headway with the jury with the overwhelming evidence on top of his own son's testimony. Adrien practiced with the prosecution lawyer, Luka, and (Y/N) for hours in the week leading up to his trial, making sure he wouldn't cry during his testimony and questioning. Money couldn't save Adrien's father, much like it couldn't save his mother.

In the eyes of the court, Adrien was entrusted to Owen and Milo until they could come up with a more permanent solution, due to Adrien's request and advisement of a therapist. Adrien insisted on no paparazzi when he made his exit, he didn't care how televised the trial was but outside of his testimony he didn't want to be on camera. Much to his fans' dismay, he also announced a temporary hiatus on his own modeling career while he took over his father's businesses.

Luka and (Y/N) barely saw Adrien for almost a month, even though Adrien and (Y/N) technically lived together. He was busy salvaging the reputation of the businesses he was inheriting, promising and making deals as he settled into the reality of his new life. (Y/N) swore they saw him getting grey hairs from all the stress.

It was time the boy got a day off, and a wedding was just what the doctor ordered.


Adrien and Luka couldn't believe the venue when they got there. It was a literal castle, the gardens alone had to have been worth millions of dollars in upkeep alone. Luka almost felt like he was ruining the cool marble floors just by stepping on them.

"This whole place for like 200 people?" Luka asked, his voice echoing in the hall as he turned around, slowly taking the entrance in.

Adrien smiled, gushing at how pretty his partner was when he was in awe. He took his hand "you'd be surprised how crazy rich weddings can get when the grooms hate people but want stuff like this" Adrien answered with a shrug as he gestured to the room literally three times the size of Luka's house. "Maybe you'll get a wedding like this- it's not like (Y/N) and I can't afford it"

Luka's posture shot up the mention, blood rushing to his face as he bit back a surprised cough. He inhaled so fast he nearly choked on his own spit. "You can't just say stuff like that!"

Adrien rolled his eyes, a smirk on his face as he leaned on Luka "why not?"

Luka cleared his throat as he looked at his boyfriend- who was unfairly breathtaking in his deep emerald suit, gold hardware on his belt, watch, and his earrings, and his hair slicked back but still loose- and blushed as he tried to come up with a response "because if I got married in a place like this I think I'd pass out."

"Oh~‽" Adrien cooed as he rubbed Luka's hand "so you don't mind the thought of marrying (Y/N) and I?"

"Of course I don't mind- it's a nice thought-" Luka admitted, way more readily than he'd expected. He didn't even register what he'd said until he saw the shocked smile on Adrien's face. "I mean-" he froze, his mind scrambling for a better elaboration "I mean when we're older and have our shit together and you and (Y/N) are doing better mentally and-" Luka's disaster gay rambling was cut off by Adrien pressing his lips against Luka's. Adrien's hand found the crook of Luka's neck as he nestled his fingers in the back of Luka's hair, his other hand not letting go of Luka's. The boy couldn't help but melt into the affection, he'd missed Adrien like crazy.

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