Viperion Takes The Stage

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It had been three weeks of bliss since (Y/N) and Luka both finally got the reassurance they desperately needed. Asra scolded (Y/N) for making out in front of him but (Y/N) was too dazed at the time from the thrill of it to particularly care, much to the raven's dismay. Luka and (Y/N) were slowly just becoming a package deal, anywhere Luka went, (Y/N) was almost always with him and vise versa. They agreed to try to take things as slowly as they could, given how rushed it was, but they were both too excited to worry too much as long as they were both comfortable. 

Raven continued to make their appearances alongside Chat Noir and Ladybug, eventually building trust and as close to a friendship as they could. Who knew life-threatening situations were good for bonding people together. 

(Y/N) noticed that they'd met pretty much all of the heroes except Viperion, which they couldn't help but be a little disappointed about. (Y/N) was draped across the chair in Luka's room scrolling through the lady blog and other forums trying to learn more about Viperion but to almost no avail while Luka worked on homework. (Y/N) couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration as they tossed their phone on the desk. 

Luka looked up from his textbook and mess of papers strewn across his bed, a concerned look in his eyes but a teasing smile on his face "What's the matter, my dear?" 

(Y/N) sighed, wondering if Luka was going to think their frustration was silly and borderline obsessive. They slowly got up and just crawled next to Luka in bed, careful not to mess up his papers. Luka, obviously happy for the company, wrapped his arms around their waist in a warm hug, brushing some hair out of (Y/N)'s face "What's the matter, angel" he murmured, his voice dipping into a slightly worried one. 

(Y/N) could feel the heat rushing to their face as they tried to focus on anything but Luka clearly using his super-boyfriend powers to get them to talk. Damn those puppy-dog eyes. "You're cheating, Luka," earned a confused look from the almost brunette, this guy really needed a haircut and some dye touch-ups. (Y/N) blushed again, "You're making me feel all happy and now I have to tell you. Fuck you for making me embarrass myself," 

"Language, (Y/N)" he said in a fake scolding voice before relaxing again, "if it's silly then we can laugh about it, if it's not then we can figure out a way to fix it." 

"Fine," (Y/n) said, slightly bending the truth as they spoke, "I've been in Paris for over a month and I've seen pretty much every hero except Viperion." 

Luka tried not to have a visible reaction, but internally he was panicking, "Why, you have a crush on him or something?" he said, his voice clearly teasing. 

(Y/N) blushed, remembering their conversation with Owen before they moved to Paris. Viperion had piqued their interest long before (Y/N) moved to Paris, (Y/N) even going as far as making Viperion the first point of research when they found out they were going to Paris. (Y/N) smiled, laughing a little "Well he is objectively the cutest," (Y/N) said, unknowingly filling Luka with the most confusing mix of pride and jealousy he's ever experienced. "He's just so cool, Luka. His power is so fascinating. I mean, who wouldn't want to time travel!" 

Luka couldn't help but smile seeing (Y/N) get so into this whole superhero thing, wondering their thoughts on the new hero Raven and the question flying out before he could forget. 

"Raven?" (Y/N) clarified, going on after Luka gave a nod "They're cool I guess. I mean, their power is extremely useful but they're definitely not my favorite or anything. Everyone else is just so cool. We haven't seen enough of Raven to get to know much about them." 

"Really?" Luka was surprised, he expected Raven to be one of (Y/N)'s favorites. They just felt so similar from what Luka had seen on the news, carrying themselves with the same air of confidence. "I expected them to be a favorite of yours. You just have a similar vibe" 

"I'm going take that as a compliment," (Y/N) said 

"It is," 


After (Y/N) left Luka started thinking, why hadn't Ladybug called on him recently? Did she find someone that would work better with the snake miraculous? He couldn't help but feel a little sad that he couldn't be all suave and rescue (Y/N) as Viperion just to see their reaction. 

Speaking of Ladybug, timing must be part of her superpower as she knocked on Luka's window, causing him to jump and rush to open the window. "Speak of the devil," he murmured she climbed through. 

Ladybug smiled "I see you had a special friend over," she said, a smirk on her face "hope they're treating you well." she added, a hint of unknown guilt in her voice. 

"(Y/N)'s the best. But what do you need?" Luka asked, his interest clearly piqued. 

Ladybug sighed, "We need your help. We can't find Raven and I know you're the only other person who can help," 

Luka blinked in surprise, "You mean you don't know who Raven is? Does Chat? Who gave them their miraculous?" 

Ladybug shrugged "That's something I'm still trying to figure out myself to be honest," she said, shaking her head "Anyway, Luka, will you accept the miraculous of the snake and help me and Chat Noir?"

Luka was too excited to make (Y/N) freak the fuck out over Viperion taking the stage again to even consider turning the offer down, immediately putting the bracelet on and powering up after a very brief and wholesome reunion with Sass. 

"Sass, scales slither" 


(A/N: Hello bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes. I apologize for the *blows dust off my calendar* nearly month-long hiatus. Studying for finals is fun as a high school student trying not to fail their math class. But worry not, summer break is fast approaching and binge-writing will commence. I always welcome ideas for my stories if there's something you want to see and I've been considering starting a one-shot book to fulfill all of your Miraculous fanfiction dreams (Not smut, these kids are teenagers.) so let me know if you want that at all. Anyways, have a wonderful day and make sure you drink your water and eat some food, you deserve it.)

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