Back Together

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"This sucks," Adrien huffed, he'd been cuddled up with Luka for two hours. The cuddling part didn't suck, he very much enjoyed the warmth from his boyfriend, but they were missing someone. (Y/N) had been gone nearly two weeks and both boys agreed they were going insane. Luka didn't realize how much he'd grown to rely on his partner, even after going out for well over a year. Adrien, who was now moving impossibly closer to Luka, was startled at how quickly he let himself fall into the blissful routine. He liked feeling protected, he adored the affection, and he worshiped his lovers with a smile on his face.

The only thing lifting the boys' spirits was knowing (Y/N) would be home within the hour. They spent the entire day cleaning (Y/N)'s place (more like the rooms they messed up because they'd been staying there while (Y/N) was gone and their house was way too big to clean all of it), anxious for (Y/N), Owen, and Milo to come home. 

The nightly calls with (Y/N) only did so much, seeing as they both agreed to save the major drama for when they were together again. Luka would whine when it was time for (Y/N) to hang up, clutching Adrien harder. He tried not to seem like he missed (Y/N) too much during their limited conversations, but Adrien could tell by his heart pounding just a little bit harder than normal how much he wanted to cry. 

"It sucks so much," Luka's tired, groggy voice answered. His fingers were tangled in Adrien's hair, pulling occasionally as he played with it. Luka grinned, Adrien could feel the boy's cheeks as he buried his face in the blond's hair. Luka breathed deeply, as if committing his scent, this moment to memory "it'd suck a lot more if you weren't here, though," 

Adrien's face flushed, something about the rough drawl in Luka's tired voice mixed with the praise did something to the poor boy. He could almost feel his heart skip a beat. Sometimes he worried what he felt for Luka was strictly platonic, and it was the moments like these that reminded him he was one-hundred-percent not straight. His head felt dizzy, and Luka's small laugh at the boy's deafeningly bloud silence only made his heart swell more. "You can't just say stuff like that, Luka."

"Why?" Luka asked, sitting up as Adrien shot up in bed, a worried crease in his newly pierced brow until he saw the pink dusting Adrien's face. His worried look gave way to a devilish grin while he leaned down to kiss Adrien's neck, holding back his laugh from the blond's surprised squeak. "Is my sweetheart embarrassed?"

"No!" Adrien, now don't he defensive, ducked away from Luka's affections (as much as he didn't want to) "We were supposed to be taking a break, we have to clean more before (Y/N) comes home and you-" Adrien huffed, unsure of how to confess his feelings without sounding cheesy "You laying there, being all perfect and talking in that voice isn't fair,"

"What voice?" Luka tiltied his head, his uncertainty genuine as the cogs in the machine clicked into place. "Oh, you mean this one?" Luka shook his hair out to look more like he just rolled out of bed as he cleared his throat before standing up. "The one where I drop my voice real low?" with every word Luka spoke, he took a step closer to the blonde until he was against the wall. His lips were ghosting over Adrien's ear, sending a jolt down his spine. "You like when I praise you, love?"

Adrien nodded, breathless, fighting for his life to stay focused. "Yes, but-"

"No buts, darling, just enjoy this." Luka cooed, his fingertips teasing the hem of Adrien's shirt "(Y/N) won't mind a little bit of a mess when they come home if we provide a sufficient enough distraction, right?" 

Adrien bit his lip, Luka had a point, but (Y/N) was probably going to want to sleep when they get home given the plane ride and jet lag. He nodded, "A distraction sounds good,"

"So," Luka kissed the boy deeply, both hands holding his face "We should practice, then." 


(Y/N) was sad to be leaving the States, it was more fun than they'd expected. But, they would've been lying if they said they weren't excited to be home. They had bags full of gifts for their friends and partners, a stomach full of questionable but delicious food, and their two dads dozed off in their seats. Flying private was something (Y/N) didn't think they'd ever get used to, but they also didn't think they'd get used to having one boyfriend let alone two of them. Yet there they sad, sad that their hands were not occupied holding Luka and Adrien's. 

They couldn't stop themselves from checking the flight status every two seconds, anxious to be home and with their boys again. They had tons of band stuff to catch up on and meetings to schedule, who knew running a band was so much work? 

Their phone was barely a distraction, because every time they opened it they remembered the particularly needy voicemail Luka left for them. (Y/N) had half the mind to delete the damn thing with all of the salacious things Luka whined into his phone, but something kept it in their inbox. Knowing they could listen to that kind of thing whenever made them feel spoiled. They adored it and secretly hoped for an encore performance. 

The hours felt like days, but eventually they were opening the door to the house and setting their things down before being all but tackled by blurs of blond and blue hair. "You're home!" Adrien breathed, kissing every part of (Y/N)'s face he could possibly reach. 

"You, my love," Luka scolded, his smile unshakable as he kissed them, his hands running up and down their torso "are never allowed to leave us alone that long ever again. I don't care what for. Next time, we're coming with."

"I didn't want everything you were working on to-" (Y/N) started in a hopeless attempt to defend themselves only to be cut off by Luka's lips finally meeting theirs again as Adrien pressed kisses to their hair. (Y/N) melted into the affection, thankful Owen and Milo went off to Italy for a few days for some extra "them time". (Y/N) was gasping for air by the time Luka pulled away, and barely caught their breath when Adrien attacked their lips too. (Y/N) laughed when Adrien pulled away "I missed you guys too." 

"Less talking," kiss "More making your way to the bedroom so we can make up for all this lost time," Luka whispered. He took their hand in his "Unless you'd rather take a nap?"

(Y/N) was too stunned to speak, they knew Luka and Adrien were insatiable, but they barely got their foot in the door and they were already trying to get less than PG. But damn were they convincing. Luka looked so good like this, and Adrien looked just as eager as Luka did. "You two really missed me, huh?"

"More than you know, angel," Luka said, exchanging a look with the blond over (Y/N)'s shoulder, "More than you know." He kissed (Y/N)'s hair, taking a moment to drink in their presence before going further. He grinned, giddy that his person was back in his arms. "Now, you want to be carried or do you want to walk while you still can?"


(Y/N)'s laughter through the house was infectious, the boys laughing so hard they nearly tripped countless times on the way to the bedroom. Luka and Adrien exchanged looks again, their world was right again with (Y/N) back in it, and they were going to keep it that way. (Y/N) was worth any price they had to pay, and Adiren was fortunate enough to have some pretty deep pockets, and Luka was happy to get his hands dirty if it meant he could see that smile. They silently decided to do something about Marinette, and soon.


(A/N: In true fanfic writer fashion, I took another month-long hiatus. Started college two years early, my brother almost went to jail, and my mental health is hanging by a thread. BUT I am currently writing this in what will soon be my all pink gaming/writing setup so that is exciting. Thank you guys so much for your never ending patience and support. You all mean the world <3)

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