They Boink In This One: The Finale (Female ver.)

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The trip up to (Y/N)'s room was an almost indecipherable mess of limbs. Luka managed to almost fall up the stairs due to his distractions. Adrien was carrying (Y/N) up the stairs, their legs wrapped around his waist while he kissed them until they were gasping for air.

Luka shook his head, focusing on getting upstairs but easily enchanted by the sounds his partners were making. He turned, running his hand through (Y/N)'s hair and pulling them softly into a kiss while Adrien redirected his attention to their neck.

"You know-" (Y/N)'s breath caught in their throat as they stifled a moan, Luka's lips hovered over theirs as he waited for them to speak "if you guys keep-" another whine escaped their lips "kissing me then we're never gonna make it upstairs."

"Small price to pay." Adrien squeezed their ass as they laughed at the quickness of his response. Luka nodded in agreement while he slid his hands under (Y/N)'s shirt, his hands tickling their waist. "Besides," A boyish grin graced his face, and (Y/N) understood why he was a model "Who said we had to make it to the bed?"

(Y/N) swallowed, suddenly finding themselves flustered and giddy at the attention they were receiving. They missed their boys but didn't expect them to pounce as quickly as they did. Not even dinner first? (Y/N) thought about the gifts waiting to be opened for the boys, but something told them Luka and Adrien wouldn't get them until the morning. "I guess nobody, but-"

Luka chuckled his voice low and smooth as his breath tickled (Y/N)'s ear. He took them from Adrien's arms and promptly pinned them to the wall "But what? You didn't think you'd sleep tonight, right?" 

(Y/N) pressed their thighs together, their face feeling even warmer as Luka finally pressed a kiss to their lips. He squeezed their thigh, earning a moan from his partner and taking the opportunity to slip his tongue inside. He sucked, licked, and committed every noise (Y/N) made to memory. Luka felt Adrien press himself behind Luka, feeling his boyfriend's arousal proving to be enough to snap him out of his daze. He promptly picked (Y/N) up and ran up the rest of the stairs. 


(Y/N)'s hair was a mess, and both boys laid on either side of them as they took turns kissing their lips and each other. Luka was grinding helplessly into the mattress, waiting for permission to touch while Adrien slipped his fingers into (Y/N), his thumb teasing their clit just enough to feel good but not enough to finish. For someone who was a virgin before joining the relationship, he was an expert tease. He pressed another kiss to (Y/N)'s lips, relishing in their sweet moans while Luka looked helplessly at Adrien. "Luka," Adrien cooed, pulling his fingers out of (Y/N), much to their dismay "c'mere." 

(Y/N) pulled their legs to their chest so Luka could crawl to Adrien, and (Y/N) was rewarded with Adrien's fingers back inside them. They pulled a pillow over their face to muffle their noises. Adrien grunted in frustration, but Luka crawling into his lap and grinding proved to be enough of a distraction. "Luka, sweetheart," Adrien whispered, "Does my baby want to be sucked off?" 

Luka nodded, too flustered to form any real words "Please" 

Adrien tilted his head, his fingers setting an even rougher pace for (Y/N) as he spoke to Luka "Please what?" Adrien's other hand found its way into Luka's hair and pulled just enough to elicit a noise but not enough to hurt. 

"Please- fuck- please make me feel good-" Luka whined, trying desperately not to grind into Adrien. The smile Adrien gave Luka was enough to promise relief, and the boy almost came just from that. Luka was quickly switching places with Adrien, his back against the headboard while Adrien's mouth wrapped around Luka's cock. Adrien just held his mouth there, his tongue swirling around the tip as his fingers coaxed (Y/N) to the edge. 

Luka pulled the pillow off of (Y/N)'s face, leaning in for a kiss with the intent to swallow all of their noises. (Y/N) slipped their tongue between his lips, and their tongues danced together to a melody of ecstasy. Luka bucked his hips into Adrien's mouth as he started bobbing his head, his guttural moans echoing across the room. 

(Y/N)'s legs were shaking, their hips rolling to meet Adrien's fingers as he played with them, they could feel themself blackout as they finally finished, seeing stars as Adrien pulled his fingers out and shoved them in Luka's mouth while (Y/N) sat up. Luka sucked them clean and pulled Adrien off his dick. Adrien knew what Luka wanted, so he let Luka hover over (Y/N) as he pulled a condom on and slip himself inside his partner. He, however, didn't move no matter how much (Y/N) begged. Adrien grinned, sliding a condom on himself and taking his place behind Luka, and beginning to set the pace. 


(Y/N) woke up to Luka massaging their shoulders and Adrien massaging their legs. The boys looked absolutely spent, but they were eager to pamper (Y/N). They smiled, "I'll bet you guys didn't miss me at all."

"Oh yeah, not in the slightest." Adrien answered, crawling up to lay on (Y/N)'s side and pressing a gentle kiss to their temple, running a hand along their thigh "How are you? In any pain? You passed out about halfway through." 

"And you kept going?" 

Luka snorted "I think your exact words were 'if I pass out and I find out you didn't stop until you physically couldn't keep going I will kill both of you" 

"I said that?" (Y/N) asked, stopping to let out a relieved moan as Luka rubbed a knot out of their lower back. 

Adrien nodded, "Didn't realize you were so eager, but there you were." 

(Y/N) blushed, glancing at the clock "We were at it for four hours?" 

"And then some." Luka moved to lay on the other side of (Y/N) "Don't worry, love, we cleaned you and changed the sheets. We debated putting clothes on you but we wanted you to pick your hoodie." Luka kissed them when (Y/N) finally flipped to lay on their back. "We'll do all of the cute stuff tomorrow I promise, but we had a lot of...frustration to get out." 

Adrien nodded, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand "But let's get some rest for now, yeah?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) nodded, pulling one of Adrien's hoodies over their shoulders and sliding on a new pair of underwear Luka handed them, then Luka's sweatpants. They cuddled in Luka's chest while Adrien spooned (Y/N) and played with their hair "I love you guys."

"We love you too." the boys said, the last words said before everyone proceeded to doze off. 

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