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The week had flown by. It was a blur of Luka and (Y/N) sneaking off to be alone, playing games, eating awesome food, and nursing Rose's sunburn. Juleka stayed inside most of the time, rubbing aloe on her girlfriend's poor shoulders, neck, arms, and face. Milo and Owen were happy to take care of Rose while Juleka spent time outside with everyone else, it was her vacation too. She was fine by the time it was time to hop on the private jet and go home, a fact that everyone was happy about. 

"(Y/N), love, I think you might need to leave some of the shells here," Luka said, a small smile on his face as he watched his partner struggle with closing their suitcase "You have to take everything you brought with you back, plus the stuff you got when we all went shopping."

(Y/N) glared at Luka while they sat carefully on their suitcase as to not break anything "No, I can do this," they said, their voice strained as they pulled on the zipper, their eyes lighting up when they finally got it closed "Ha! I did it!" they cheered before turning, being greeted with Luka's arms wrapped around them and kissed their head. 

"I never doubted you, gorgeous," Luka said with a giggle "But can you carry it?"

(Y/N) physically deflated, realizing they didn't think about that part "No..." they said sadly, pouting. 

Luka laughed again, grabbing his things and picking up (Y/N)'s like it weighed nothing at all "Don't worry, love, I've got it. Just get your cute self walking to the car, okay?" 

With a blush, mesmerized by how strong Luka was, (Y/N) scurried out of the room and to the car before Luka could see how flustered they were. Juleka, Rose, Ivan, Mylene, and Milo were already in the car while Owen and Luka played trunk Jenga. Luka crawled into the back of the car with (Y/N) and promptly fell asleep on their shoulder as they made their way through traffic to get to the airport.

(Y/N) usually fell asleep first, so it was rare to see Luka so relaxed, smiling slightly as he slept with his mouth just barely open. His breathing was always so quiet (Y\N) couldn't hear it unless they really listened for it. He would moan quietly as he adjusted, and it was (Y/N)'s favorite thing to hear. Unfortunately though, the car was pulling into the airport, and Luka had to wake up.

"Babe," (Y/N) murmered sweetly into his ear, stroking his hair gently "we're here, it's time to get up"

Luka groaned, opening his eyes as he sat up and stretched "Good morning my love"

"It's two in the afternoon"

"Same difference." Luka sighed as he got out of the car, offering a hand to both Rose and (Y/N) to help them get out.


They made it back in one piece, everyone was safe in their own houses and (Y/N) was up in their room catching up on the ovet break homework they procrastinated on, their bright laptop screen reminding them how late it was getting. They were in their pajamas, comfy at thier desk with a blanket laid across their lap.

Their brain was a blur of math equations, history questions, poetry dissections, and chemisty problems. Hours had passed and (Y/N) silently applauded for themselves having gotten everything done when they heard the all familiar sound of a discord notification. As (Y/N) moved the screen's cursor they had a suspiciously bad feeling about whatever was awaiting them, who was up at 3am?.

Oh, it was Luka. Crisis averted. Why was he up?

Hey I saw you were online. It's pretty late is everything okay?

There he was being all considerate, (Y/N) smiled to themselves and typed back "Yeah I was just doing homework I may or may not have procrastinated on. Why are you up?"

"I'm not really sure, I just feel like something is happen if I go to sleep."

"I'm sure everything will be okay, do you want to call and fall asleep like that? We can both be muted but ik the knowlege of another person being there helps"

"I'd love to"

And that is how they slept for the night, and every night that followed.


A/N: I will be the first to admit this is far from my best work, but i had no idea how to end this chapter but i needed the chapter to be done yk. I wanna do some Halloween stuff like a fun chapter so lmk if there's anything y'all wanna see. I love you and appreciate your existence)

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