A Huge Mess With a Side of Pancakes

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"Juleka told me... you were on the other side of the city but you hopped on your bike and made it. You waited until I woke up..." (Y/N) said, hugging him tight "You have no idea how happy that made me. Your gift was my favorite, by the way," they said with a giggle, kissing his lips quickly again. 

He smiled, kissing (Y/N) back before looking at them, shyness creeping into his expression "No regrets?"

"No regrets"


After a night of peaceful rest, Luka woke up first. Initially, he was still reeling from what he had imagined was just a really good dream until he saw the slight marks along (Y/N)'s neck, causing a deep blush to appear on his face. As flustered as he was, he couldn't help but smile as he took in how relaxed and content (Y/N) looked in his arms. He would be happy just laying there all day with (Y/N) snuggled up next to them. "Angel," he said, his voice soft as he began attempting to wake the sleeping beauty. 

(Y/N) began to stir after around five minutes of Luka soothingly stroking their back and cooing gently for them to wake up, groaning as they mumbled about how early it was and hiding their face from the sun by hiding their face deeper in Luka's chest. 

Luka smiled, kissing the top of (Y/N)'s head as he tapped them lightly "Angel, It's time to get up," his gentleness was met with a soft groan and (Y/N) pointedly ignoring him. He huffed a sigh of frustration and laughed "I'll make you breakfast," he murmured, tickling behind their ear with his fingers as he played with (Y/N)'s hair. 

"Can you make pancakes?" (Y/N) whimpered softly, really wanting to stay in bed

Luka couldn't help but laugh as he gently sat up, bringing (Y/N) with him "I'll make you anything you want, Angel. You can come with me if you want," 

(Y/N) was too hungry to protest, which led to them making a huge mess with a side of pancakes. Luka laughed as (Y/N) underestimated how much flour would come out of the container, and happily got some on his hair to make them feel better. They completely raided the fridge to see what would taste good in a pancake. (Y/N) said Chocolate was great while Luka sided with the fruits. 

"Just because you want dessert for breakfast doesn't mean everyone does. The fruit has naturally occurring sugars, and it's good for you." Luka said with a smile on his face as he threw a leftover strawberry in the air, catching it in his mouth. 

(Y/N) huffed, jokingly crossing their arms and pulling their plate laden with chocolatey pancakes with a pout "No chocolate pancakes for you then," they said with a smirk just barely spreading over their face. 

Luka, catching onto the joke, whined and wrapped his arms around (Y/N) from behind "Angel, please." he begged, dramatically drawing out his plea. 

Their time of playfully was cut short as Juleka walked into the kitchen and set her bag down "Hey, Luka I'm back-" she started as she turned around "uhh hey, (Y/N). It looks like you two are having fun."

(Y/N) whirled their head around to face Juleka, their face as red as the strawberries resting in the bowl "Hey, Jules! Do you want some pancakes?"

She nodded, grabbing an apron from the closet "Sure, can't promise I won't do more cleaning than cooking, though."


"Wait wait wait wait," Juleka said, sipping their tea as Luka lounged on her desk chair. (Y/N) had left hours ago and Luka almost immediately pulled Juleka into her room to tell her what had happened the night before. "You kissed them?" Juleka said, her eyebrows raised and her arms crossed. 

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