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"Have you ever been in love?" Owen asked, his legs dangling off one the barstools in the kitchen. He was smiling at (M/N), who had been making them dinner as their parents were working late again. Her hair was up in a super tight bun to keep it out of her face while she was at school, she was going to graduate this year and go to college- become everything their parents wanted. Owen, on the other hand, was a little kid just excited to show his sister the pictures he drew.

She had turned around from chopping the carrots with an amused smile on her face "why do you ask?"

Little Owen giggled, not looking at his paper but still scribbling furiously with his crayons "because I wanna know! What does it feel like? Is it just like the movies?"

Owen snapped himself out of the memory, tears pricking his eyes as he walked down the aisle. What he wouldn't give for his sister to be here. They would dream about their weddings since Owen was old enough to understand what weddings were. She was supposed to be here. Owen took a shaky breath as the wedding parties continued down the aisle. He was practically shaking by the time the maid of honor came out.

But the world froze when Milo came out.

"Well, it's like..." she smiled, her face flushed just thinking about it "it's like seeing them across the room and everything feels like it's gonna be okay again. It's seeing them and melting into them and just knowing they've got you. It's trusting them with everything no matter how silly you think it might be."

Milo was breathtaking, he couldn't stop smiling as he walked down the aisle, his heels gently clicking along the floor while Owen tried very hard to stealthily wipe his tears. He reached for Milo's hands immediately, desperately needing him to keep the poor boy steady. They'd been together since highschool and he still made him weak in the knees. Milo couldn't stop smiling, he bounced on the balls of his feet (well, as much as he could wearing heels), signaling he wanted a kiss but they had to wait.

"It's not being afraid to be vulnerable, but more importantly, it's about being yourself fully and completely."

"You look...." Owen murmured, struggling for words beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, perfect- none of the words fit right "wow..."

Milo's face flushed, squeezing Owen's hand in a silent thank you as the wedding officiant got to talking. Owen could barely hear the woman, he was so focused on not fainting from nerves that he almost missed saying his own wedding vows.

The kissing part he was great at, pulling Milo in the second they got the okay, his hands in his hair as he leaned heavily into him. "You're perfect" Owen murmured, hovering over Milo before diving in again. He nearly cried, he'd never have to be apart from Milo again. If soulmates were real, Milo was his.

Luka was crying like a baby during the ceremony, Adrien holding his hand and wiping his tears. (Y/N) fought for their life not to cry buy they burst into tears when Owen and Milo parted and called (Y/N) in for their first official hug as a family.

As the rest of the crowd made their way to the reception hall, Milo, Owen, (Y/N), Luka, and Adrien, all stayed. Luka and Adrien didn't dare get up to collect (Y/N) until the three parted from their hug. The only sounds that could he heard was the distant chatter of the other guests and Luka's sniffling. He was just so happy for (Y/N), they looked so happy.

Owen looked at Luka, giving him a smile as he leaned to whisper to (Y/N).


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