When's The Wedding

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"I want you here" 

"Then your wish is my command" 


Luka could not hold back his smile as he reread the text what felt like a million times. He turned off his phone and dropped it against his chest, blushing like a maniac. It was times like these he wished he had more guy friends to talk about this kind of this with. He's never really sat down and had dinner with the parents of any of his partners- hell, he's never had a partner. Were they dating? Were they exclusive? Yeah they kissed but (Y/N) just lost their parents, would they even want to jump into a relationship so soon? 

"Get yourself together, Couffaine! (Y/N) wants you there, you can talk to them about this later," he said, pulling his jacket over his shoulders. He swiped his wallet and keys off his desk and stuffed them haphazardly into his pocket while sliding his phone in the other. 

Juleka walked into Luka's room, raising an eyebrow at the sight of him all but rushing out of the door. "Heading out awfully soon, huh? Is it (Y/N)" 

Luka jumped at the sound of his sister's voice, forgetting how quiet she saw as she walked. He turned, clearing his throat "Yeah," 

"Luka, they're gonna get sick of you," Juleka said jokingly with a smirk on her face, forgetting how sensitive Luka is to that sort of thing. 

Luka flinched, trying to push out those thoughts and smile for his sister "It's possible," he admitted truthfully "But it's not like I invited myself." 

Juleka smiled, "I'm happy you guys are having fun. Don't forget about the rest of us, though," 

"Never," he said, looking at the pictures from their concerts hanging around the room. 

After making sure Juleka had dinner, Luka practically skipped down the street to where (Y/N) was waiting next to the car their uncle had sent her with. Greeting (Y/N) with a kiss on the cheek, they slid into the back seat and the driver put up the divider. 

Luka wasn't expecting the tense silence radiating from (Y/N) as they twiddled with their thumbs avoiding looking at Luka. He sighed softly and looked out the window, watching the lights blur by. (Y/N) was probably just nervous, that had to be it. (Y/N) wasn't regretting anything, they could just be tired. What if something happened? What if they got in a fight with Owen? What if-

"Luka?" (Y/N)'s small concerned voice was all it took for him to snap out of it. (Y/N) inched their hand closer to his, eventually holding his gently "Are you okay?" 

Luka nodded, giving (Y/N)'s hand a reassuring squeeze "Yeah, I'm okay. Are you? You've been quiet too you know," he said, trying to add a teasing tone to his voice. 

(Y/N)'s face flushed "I just don't want you to get sick of me too fast, I only have so many one-liners," they said, leaning their head on Luka's shoulder. 

"I said the same thing," Luka murmured quiet enough (Y/N) couldn't hear, kissing (Y/N)'s forehead hoping they don't overthink it as much as he does. "(Y/N), I could never get tired of you. I love it when you lean on me like this and let me spend time with you."


"I know, it's a little over the top," (Y/N) said bashfully as they both stepped out of the car "Especially for four people," 

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