Fleeting moments

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(A/N: I wanted to make this angsty, then I started writing, and then it got a lil spicy. So here's your warning).

The two heroes laid in bed for hours, neither wanting to leave the other as the reality of everything set in. Any one of the heroes could die on any given day, and there's no guarantee they'll be so lucky next time.

Luka tried to push the memories from the day out of his head, but every time he closed his eyes to try and sleep all he could hear were their screams and the image of his love into simple, inconsequential dust.

He glanced at (Y/N), who was still happily asleep in his arms, as he held them just a little tighter. He never felt inclined to be protective of (Y/N), they can handle almost anything, but he could feel himself tremble as he wondered what the next battle would look like.

He flinched as (Y/N) whined, adjusting themselves in their sleep. He smiled weakly, pressing a kiss to their head and trying to keep their focus on the present. "Please, be safe."


(Y/N) was worried about Luka, since the battle he'd been really shaken up and clinging to them as if they'd disappear if he took his eyes off even for a moment. They were never one to deny attention from their lover, but it was saddening to see him so worked up.

He looked more and more tired as the days went on, fighting Akumas became the scariest thing he could possibly do. He never let Chat Noir be alone with Raven after that day, much to the confusion of the blond hero.

Another rush of Ladybugs and another rush of relief from the city of Paris came and went, the heroes going their separate ways as Luka helped (Y/N) back through their window. He watched them flinch as he touched their side and froze, staring blankly before the familiar rush of worry flooded into him. 

"Love? Is your side okay?" Luka asked, lightly holding their side to apply pressure just in case they said no. 

(Y/N) nodded, laughing slightly "Yeah, I bruised it last night when I managed to fall up the stairs. I'm okay, I promise you don't need to look so worried." 

Luka nodded, pulling them in for a quick kiss. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I've been so paranoid lately."  He said, lying through his teeth. He knew exactly why he was acting the way he was, but it's not like anyone else went through it too. Yeah, (Y/N) knew what happened, but they don't remember it at all, and neither does Chat Noir. Luka was used to burdens, but he wasn't ready for this one. He wanted nothing more than to turn his brain off. 

"Luka," (Y/N) breathed, pulling away slightly and holding both sides of his face "you have that look in your eye, you know exactly what's bothering you. I know talking about it doesn't help, and I'm not gonna tell you to just get over it, but I promise you I'm not going anywhere. I'm here," they said, moving Luka's hand to rest over their heart "feel that? Beating just fine, right?"

"Right," Luka smiled, tearing up a little. Whenever (Y/N) got all doting and caring like this never failed to shake him to his core. He didn't think he'd ever get used to how good they are at their center, always wanting to help people and give what they needed most when those around them failed to give them that. "You're right," he murmured, leaning in close, his lips ghosting over theirs as he felt their smile. "I love you, you know that?"

"Good thing I love you too," (Y/N) giggled, closing the gap and pressing their lips against his, feeling his arms drop from their chest to wrap around their waist. They stood there, kissing outside of (Y/N)'s window as the sunset light streamed into the room, casting their shadows across the floors and up the wall. They both pulled away breathless, but their lips achingly close. 

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