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Adrien got to the cafe first and took a seat in the corner, he made sure not to bring anyone even though (Y/N) said it was fine. They had sounded upset over the phone and he didn't want to add any more to their plate. He scrolled through his phone while he waited, subconsciously staring at the clock as time passed. He jumped when he heard thunder crack through the sky, worried about (Y/N) being caught in the rain. 

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw (Y/N) walk into the cafe, making a beeline for the table. He noticed how rough they looked, they were downright shivering as a mix of rain and tears covered their face. 

"(Y/N)?" he said, trailing off as he shrugged his jacket off and took (Y/N)'s jacket, replacing it with his so they wouldn't freeze. His biggest fear was their emotional high causing them to get akumatized, but he tried to stay calm as he got up to get (Y/N) their drink. He waited in line restlessly, constantly glancing at (Y/N) to make sure they were okay. He came back and placed their cup in front of them "Do you want to talk about it?" Adrien said with a small, comforting smile "I'm also decent at distractions if you don't want to think about whatever happened anymore." he talked, keeping an eye on (Y/N)'s face as he watched the water fall from their hair onto the table. 

(Y/N) cleared their throat, finally looking up at Adrien and giving him an embarrassed smile "I should probably talk about it, I was really irrational."

"Were you though?" he asked, he was only friends with (Y/N) for a short while but he knew them well enough to understand that they had a tendency to beat themselves up. He leaned back in his chair, raising his hands slightly "I don't know what happened but I like to think I know you pretty well. So what's wrong?" he asked, making sure to keep his voice low and gentle like he wished his father would with him when he was upset. 

(Y/N) chuckled, "How much time do you have?"

Adrien's face fell to a frown, his worry only growing in intensity as he rested his hand over (Y/N)'s "As much time as you need," he'd blow off his father if he had to. 


(Y/N) had been talking for a solid hour by the time they finally stopped, looking at Adrien with a worried gaze, thinking they talked too much and dumped too much on him as Adrien sat in silence. Adrien had taken care of them so much today and paid for their drinks despite (Y/N) saying they would. This friendship was already too much taking on their end and too much giving on Adrien's. "I'm sorry- I know it's a lot to process and probably more than you signed up for. Friends shouldn't-"

"Oh don't apologize," Adrien said, visibly surprised "if you ask me this is what I always thoughts friends were for. They're a support system, right?" he paused, waiting for (Y/N) to nod before continuing "I do think Luka and the gang could have gone about it much better than they did, but they would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, right?"

"I guess, I know they had good intentions," (Y/N) said, blowing hair out of their face "I just wish they asked me or told me or just- I wish they didn't keep something that so obviously had to do with me away from me, you know? I hate secrets, they only complicate things and stress people out."

Adrien smirked, laughing to himself about something before turning his attention back to (Y/N) as the storm raged outside. "You're obviously allowed to be upset, I'd probably be fuming if I were in your shoes. But you should clear the air before you decide what you're gonna do from there." he paused, clearly thinking about something "If I know Luka at all he's probably panicking about where you went," he gestured to the window and the storm raging outside "especially with the storm. If you want I can come with just in case things don't go well."

(Y/N) nodded, smiling weakly as they got up "Thanks, my driver left me at Luka's and went home so I kind of walked here."

"You walked?" Adrien said, surprised at the protective and worried ache in his chest "In that?" he pointed outside as he got up, grabbing his umbrella "Without an umbrella?"

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