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It had been a week since Luka fought off the akuma, and (Y/N) had pretty much refused to leave him alone since. When (Y/N) wasn't at him, they made sure to check on Luka. When they were together, (Y/N) had air of protective energy, and it was the same when they had to fight the akumatized victims.

It was hard for Luka to watch, he wasn't used to someone fussing over him so much without expecting anything from him. He could tell this was just (Y/N) trying to keep him safe, but he wished they wouldn't worry so much.

"I've fought back once, my love, I can do it again. You should try to relax a little" Luka had said as they sat together, taking a break from band rehearsal.

(Y/N) had looked up from the schedules they were building for next few shows, a small smile on their face "I know you can," they said as they reached out to hold his hand "The point is I don't want you to have to. Does that make sense?"

Luka nodded, he had to admit it made sense. If it was (Y/N), he probably would be doing the same thing. It was scary to be so vulnerable and trapped in your own mind as it was being weaponized against you, and Luka was definitely a protective type.

"You were already working too hard, though," he finally said as he squeezed their hand "I'd hate for you to regret putting this much effort into me."

(Y/N) looked up and blinked in surprise, Luka hadn't realized he leaned so close to them as (Y/N) tilited their head just enough to kiss him "Good thing that won't happen"

His face flushed as he felt his brain turn to mush at the unexpected show of affection. He forgot the effect (Y/N) had on him, he could barely remember what he was saying. It was almost tempting to cry just because of how loved he felt.


"Hey Rose?" Juleka asked as she was retuning Luka's guitar for him.

"Hm?" Rose hummed in response as she rummaged in her bad looking for something.

Juleka looked up and watched Luka and (Y/N) whisper and giggle, but the sad and worried expressions she saw in their faces terrified her "Do you think Luka and (Y/N) are okay?" She said, setting the guitar down.

Rose finally looked up, a curious look on her face "I'd sure hope so," she giggled before her tone turned more serious "Why wouldn't they be?"

Juleka shrugged, the tension never leaving her shoulder "That's what I haven't figured out yet. Just- keep an eye out for me, will you?"

"Of course! I care about them too" the blonde said as they pulled out some chocolate "you want some?"


"(Y/N), sweetheart, are you okay?" Owen asked as they sat at the table with Milo. (Y/N) was just picking at their food, zoned out until Owen snapped them out of it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a long week." They said, a small smile on their face as they stretched out their shoulders and trying to eat more of their dinner.

Owen looked at Milo, an unspoken understanding flashing between the couple as Milo cleared his throat "I've got an idea. Why don't we pay a visit to the family beach villa in Italy to unwind for a bit? You have summer break coming up, right? You can invite your friends, I'm sure they'll love it there."

Owen smiled, lightly shaking his boyfriends shoulder "That's a great idea! What do you think (Y/N)?"

"Why marry rich and not enjoy that kind of thing." Milo added, earning a playful grin from his fiance.

(Y/N) had to admit Milo was right, everyone needed some unwind time. Band stuff has gotten stressful, hero work was taking a lot out of Luka and (Y/N), and everyone definitely deserved a nice beach date "I mean if their parents are all fine with it that sounds like a great idea. Are the grandparents okay with it though?"

Owen laughed, shaking his head "They told you to use whatever you wanted, the beach house is one of them. I'm sure they'll be ecstatic you're finally traveling again."

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the two, they were trying so hard to help (Y/N) without openly admitting they know anything is wrong. (Y/N) had to admit, the idea of hanging out with Luka and their friends on the beach sounded like exactly what they needed. They were sure Asra would enjoy it too when he could come out. "Alright, let's do it!"


(A/N: hello loves! Sorry for yet another break, but i have been watching too much anime and i have decided it's beach episode time. This will likely be multiple chapters so PLEASE put some things you want to have happen in the comments! Thank you so much for 60k reads and all of your support <3)

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