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(Y/N) looked at the clock as they stroked Luka's hair. They had watched a movie after Luka attacked (Y/N) with what seemed like endless kisses and eventually cuddled up while Luka took a nap, his head rested on (Y/N)'s shoulder. 9:00 pm, (Y/N) knew they were going to have to either wake Luka up so they could say goodbye or try and sneak out of his room without him waking up. (Y/N) smiled, looking down at Luka's sleeping face and kissing his forehead, and making the attempt at getting out of bed. They were sitting up before an arm wrapped itself around their waist and pulled them back into bed.

"Nope, no leaving," Luka whispered against their ear, his tired voice making it evident he didn't have the energy to argue "All mine for tonight."

(Y/N) had to hide the fact that they were blushing, if Luka knew how badly they didn't want to leave he'd find a way to keep them there "I know, and I am all yours- all the time. But I need to get home," they said, tucking Luka's hair behind his ear "I can't come over again if I'm grounded."

"Owen won't ground you for sleeping over on a school night," Luka retorted, huffing in frustration.

"I know he won't, but I have things to do tonight and it's already late." (Y/N) pouted

Luka looked at (Y/N) for a long time, just taking in every single detail of their face as he tended to do, before rolling over so (Y/N) could get up and out of bed. "Kiss," Luka whined as (Y/N) was opening his door. (Y/N) smiled and rushed back over, holding both sides of his face as they pulled him for a long, warm kiss to send him back to sleep "I love you," he whispered as (Y/N) pulled away.

"I love you too"


(Y/N) was practically a zombie going into school the next day. Going home so late knowing they had to clean, finish up homework, and work on some stuff for Kitty Section was not a good idea. What they thought was going to take three hours ended up taking five. (Y/N) didn't even register that the car had pulled up to the school until after the driver gave them a smile and told them to have a good day as he got the door for (Y/N) and it didn't register that they had stumbled over their own two feet heading up the stairs until a strong pair of arms caught them.

"Well good morning to you too," Adrien said with a smile as he helped (Y/N) stand, offering his hand when he noticed how much they were swaying "Are you okay?" his expression turning worried "You look really out of it."

(Y/N) managed a nod, "Just stayed up really late last night, thanks for saving me back there."

"Just doing what a good friend would do, (Y/N)" he couldn't help but laugh a little at the situation, they just got on civil terms and he was already keeping (Y/N) from falling up the stairs. "Do you need my arm to help you get to class or do you think you'll manage?"

(Y/N) let out a laugh, pulling their arm back "Yeah, I'll be okay. I'll pass out at home, take a nap at lunch, I've done this before." they answered as they opened the school's entrance, going to class with Adrien trailing after them, he got especially close when going up the stairs just in case they fell. (Y/N) felt a little guilty with Adrien so close, it felt mean to Luka even if he wasn't there to see it. But Adrien was just trying to be a good friend and prevent an accident. They finally parted ways when Adrien sat upfront with Nino and (Y/N) took their spot in the back, they frowned when they noticed Juleka wasn't there, was she sick? Where was Rose?

(Y/N)'s train of thought was quickly interrupted by Mrs.Bustier stepping out from behind her desk and starting class. They found themselves zoning out, their head dipping as Mrs.Bustier talked about whatever the homework was last night that (Y/N) did but didn't remember doing. (Y/N) would have just passed out since they were in the back but alas the seats were elevated the further back you were so there was no hiding. Rose and Juleka were both out so (Y/N) was stuck keeping themselves awake with the occasional pinch just to keep their eyes open.

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