Asra, let's fly

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(Y/N) opened the clasp and the lid shot open in a brilliant flash of light, a blurry figure appearing in front of them "Hi, (Y/N), I'm your new kwami,"


(Y/N) gawked at the small raven in front of them; somehow they seemed magical, a kind of radiant you would only hear about in stories. Their feathers looked pristine and perfect, a deep hint of purple laid in the darkness of the color. The raven made an expression of amusement and laughed "I'm Asra. I was sent here by my master."

The teem in the hospital bed shook their head, almost to snap themselves out of a dream. They reached out to touch the raven almost to assure themselvew this was really happening, and they leaned into the touch. 

"I'm very much real, (Y/N)."

"How," (Y/N) trailed off, any and all thoughts turning to mush as she tried to wrap their mind around the entire situation. This was the kind of stuff you would read a book or see a movie about, this wasn't the kind of one-in-a-million thing to just happen in real life. (Y/N) took in a shaky breath and made eye contact with the kwami, "Why me," the asked, their voice laden with disbelief and all kinds of unspoken questions. 

Asra perched on the table next to (Y/N), looking serious "Ladybug and Chat Noir can't do this by themselves anymore," and he continued before (Y/N) could bring up the obvious response of the other heroes, "Master says the others have yet to prove themselves as a permanent hero. But you were willing to die for the class you'd known for a week. Things are getting dangerous," he said, a glint appearing in his eyes " and you have the same fire as the cat and the bug, my master saw it that day." 

(Y/N) could feel their heart pounding as the raven spoke "How do I do this? The hero thing," they asked, holding up the thin silver bracelet now settled on their wrist with a pleasantly small clink of the interlocked chains. 

Asra laughed "The hero thing," he asked, his eyebrow raised, "You just have to take down the akumas to the best of your abilities, leave the rest to me until you get a grasp on things, young one," he said in his best attempt to bring some form of comfort. Asra fluffed his wings slightly before he spoke again "I haven't been used by a wielder in many years, so this will be a learning experience for the both of us." 

(Y/N) nodded, "So how do I power up and stuff?"

Asra chuckled "Is that what they're calling it? Powering up," when (Y/N) nodded, he grimaced at the lack of refinement before amending and answering the very obvious question "In order to bring forth your power, all you have to say is 'Asra, let's fly', and to go back to normal, you say 'Asra, time to land,' okay?"

(Y/N) nodded, jumping at the sudden knock at the door. Asra quickly vanished into the bracelet at the door opened, showing the very much welcome streak of blue hair. Luka smiled, setting down an almost unbelievable amount of bags with a smile on his face.

"(Y/N), did you sleep okay?" he asked as he dug around the bags looking for something. 

(Y/N) nodded, craning their neck to see what Luka was looking for "Yeah, yeah I slept fine," they said, "what's with the bags?"

"Owen and your grandparents went a little overboard when they found out you were getting discharged today and had me pick up a bunch of gifts from them since they couldn't be here." he explained, his face flushing as he spoke again "There's a little something from me too but it's not nearly as expensive as the stuff they had me pick up for them," he said, visibly looking a little embarrassed and sad. 

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