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(Y/N) spent another restless night in a daze, feeling like they were in between the blissful realm of rest and the much dreaded state of being awake. They swayed back and forth as they sat up in bed, trying to nurse another increasingly persistent headache. They tried to remember what Asra had told them about the side affects of using his miraculous specifically too often. Raven had always been told by the other heroes that they seemed to move five steps ahead everyone as if they knew what would happen next. Asra had said (Y/N) might experience visions occasionally, often stemming from their own emotional attachment or as warning of danger.

"I've never had a holder that had visions more than four times a year, they are quite rare and difficult to even focus on," Asra had explained, sighing before he spoke "unfortunately, before, after, and sometimes even without actually seeing anything, you will likely experience extreme headaches."

(Y/N) had just shrugged it off when he mentioned it, assuming he was probably exaggerating. Nope. He meant it. Two weeks of mind-breaking headaches and no visions.

Luka had been a god-send during all the headaches. When he was with his darling partner, he would always pick up on the pain and guide them somewhere quiet, even holding them if the pain got so bad they needed to cry. If he was gone, he'd text Owen and let him know so he could get some medicine up to (Y/N).

"Asra, when will it stop" (Y/N) whimpered as they buried their face into their pillow, it was nearly four in the morning and sleep had yet to overtake them "it feels like I'm being stabbed and having my skull kicked in from every direction" they said as they shakily sat up to drink some more water.

Asra floated innocently next to the miserable miraculous holder, his expression showing very obvious concern "Either after you have a vision or whenever it chooses to have mercy on you. I apologize, this is one of the reasons I don't often have holders."

(Y/N) waved their hand dismissively, the other holding their glass to their lips again before they spoke "Don't apologize, it's not like you can control when I get them. Just rest in the bracelet, I'll be okay" with that, Asra vanished and (Y/N) continued to suffer in silence.

The morning was only slightly better, eventually (Y/N) had gotten maybe two hours of sleep and chugged an energy drink before going to school. Thankfully all their homework was done and Juleka knew about the headaches so she promised to keep an eye out and keep (Y/N) from overdoing it. (Y/N) stumbled through the day, nearly dozing off during lunch. Juleka just rubbed their back while they rested their head against the table, whatever they had planned to eat completely forgotten. Marientte even tried talking to (Y/N) but Rose Juleka played bodyguard, saying (Y/N) was not up for chatting. Before getting offended, Alya pointed out how dead tired (Y/N) looked so the group backed off.

Luka was waiting outside the school with (Y/N)'s driver and immediately took (Y/N) into his arms and kissed their head "You did so good today, darling," he whispered, careful not to be too loud "All I need you to do is get in the car, okay, love? Can you do that for me?" He asked gently, only opening the door when he felt the small nod from his partner. He buckled their seatbelt for them and slid in, Rose and Juleka following suit and sitting in the back. "You did great, how's your head?"

All (Y/N) could manage was a weak thumbs up, their head was fine for now but their body was begging for rest. Luka smiled weakly, they were adorable when they were sleepy, but he felt bad they had brute force their way through the whole day "Rest on my shoulder and sleep, okay? I'll carry you to my room when we get there and you can sleep there too, okay?"

"Okay" (Y/N) whisperered, their voice higher and speech slower than normal as their eyes finally got to close and stay that way for a bit.

Alas, (Y/N) didn't get to have a nice dreamless sleep. They had a nightmare that felt so real Luka could feel them shaking as they slept, but (Y/N) wasn't waking up. All he could do was rub their back and hold their hand, hoping he can soothe them at least a little.

"Chat?" Raven called out as the city errupted into chaos, the heros had to split up to keep everyone safe while Paris evacuated, Raven was hurt. Bad. They got hit with an Akuma, while they were zoned out and maming an effort to snap themselves out of Hawkmoth's hypnotism, they got slammed into the ground pretty bad, swearing they heard bones crack. "Ladybug" (Y/N) sobbed out as their legs gave out, their body was betraying them, sceaming for a break. "Where is everyone" (Y/N) whimpered as they curled up in an alleyway, eyes fluttering shut.

Their eyes opened again to see Luka bloodied and bruised, tears falling from his face as he held (Y/N), "wake up, wake up. Please wake up, my love" he sobbed, his shoulders shaking as he held them tighter "we won. Hawkmoth is gone. Just- wake up"

"L..luka? It was...all my fault.." They said, their voice broken.


Then (Y/N) shot up, tears falling from their face and small scream escaping their lips before curling up and trying to keep their sobs quiet. They were in the houseboat, safe in Luka's bed while the band practiced upstairs. They could hear Luka's panicked steps before the door was throw open and Luka was knelt next to the bed, holding (Y/N)'s hand "Baby, Doll, Darling, you have to breathe for me." He said, bringing (Y/N)'s attention to the fact that (Y/N) was barely getting any oxygen into their lungs.

Luka moved to sit on the bed "Are you okay with me holding you?" He whispered, kissing their head when (Y/N) immediately three themsleves into his arms. "I've got you, it was just a bad dream" he murmured against their head as he pet their hair and rubbed their back "I've always got you, just breathe for me" he whispered.

"H-how did you know it was a nightmare?" (Y/N) asked, their voice shaky

Luka just hugged them tighter "You were having one in the car but you wouldn't wake up. Don't worry about it just try to relax." He said, only letting go when (Y/N) asked if he could get them water.

Juleka, and the rest of the band, looked at Luka questioningly as he climbed back on deck, waiting for an explanation on why he dropped everything and booked it below deck. "(Y/N) woke up screaming, didn't you hear?" Luka asked as he pulled two bottles of water out of the cooler.

"We didn't hear a thing. Are they okay?" Juleka asked, her and Rose already looking worried.

Luka looked down, as if he was thinking "They will be."


"Please tell me that wasn't what I think it was, Asra" (Y/N) sobbed out as soon as the kwami emerged, their shoulders shaking as they waited for an answer

Asra looked down, his voice low and solemn "I can't. Young master, that was a vision."

(Y/N) felt the tears well up in their face again, blurring Luka when he came in. He kissed (Y/N) softly and just handed them the water, focusing on (Y/N)'s erratic breathing as he closed the door "What happened while I was gone, my love?"

"I just- It got so scary. I don't know how much more I can take-" (Y/N) sobbed

"How much more of what you can take?"

"The visions- the superhero bullshit- school-  everything-"

Luka held them tighter, silently vowing to shield them from as much as he can from now on. Something told him he was going to be working overtime "I'm here to deal with everything for you, just focus on you and breathe. We can talk about the- visions later, just focus on breathing and calming down for me, doll"

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