A thousand whispers

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"What if i was still in love with her?" Luka said, his voice barely above a whisper.

(Y/N) froze, they could feel Luka pull away and get up but couldn't bring themselves to move "..what?"


"Oh my god baby I don't mean like- romantically in love with her. At the risk of sounding mean I think I'd rather die. I am so completely and utterly in love with you and I spend every minute thinking of you and-" Luka said, kneeling in front of (Y/N), who looked about ready to start crying "I meant like- she was my friend and a huge part of my life and I miss her but not enough to have her back in my life but I still feel obligated to help her, you know?"

"Luka why didn't you just say that- either you lied about loving her or you were just that overwhelmed you weren't thinking." (Y/N) said, their shoulders shaking

"I promise I just couldn't figure out how to word it. Yelling is...kind of a trigger for me and Alya wasn't exactly quiet on the phone" he said, pressing a kiss to (Y/N)'s hands "Do you really think I'd leave you that quickly?"

"...wouldn't be the first time it's happened." (Y/N) said, pulling their hand away and wiping their eyes "I don't know what I thought. I wasn't even worried about how I'd feel if you and her got together at first I was terrified she was going to hurt you again-" ( Y/N) was barely getting the words out "and now im crying even though you're the one who- fuck, Luka, I'm sorry."

Luka sat at the end of the bed, feeling guilty. This time he knew it was his fault, he used the wrong words and unlocked a new fear for his partner. He promised he'd make it up to them. "Can I touch you? Do you want me to hold you?"

(Y/N) nodded hesitantly, moving so Luka could be the big spoon. "Are..we okay?

"Are you okay?" Luka whispered, his voice tickling their neck and ear. He squeezed them tighter.

"I'm okay- just...now I really don't like Marinette and Alya." (Y/N) said with a small laugh.

Luka turned (Y/N) to face him, kissing them gently as he held their face in his hands "then we're okay. Just breathe, focus on me and ignore them. We're okay. Don't worry, if anything I should be the one apologizing to you" He murmured against their lips before kissing them again "you're too good to me."

(Y/N) smiled back, their eyes still glassy and puffy "I'm not perfect either, Luka."

"You are to me" Luka said, smiling and looking at (Y/N) like they were the only thing in the world that mattered. He moved to press a gentle kiss on their neck, checking for any discomfort "I could kiss every inch of you, whisper a thousand times that I love you and it still wouldn't be enough." He tried to be respectful, as they were both stil in their swimsuits, but he wanted to dote on his partner and make it up to them.

"Do you want to go shower and clean up?" Luka asked after a while of gentle shared kisses and reassurance "we can shower together- or we can shower separate. It's up to you, I just- I want to like wash your hair and take care of you."

(Y/N) blushed, a teasing smile on their face "If you wanna check me out just say that, Couffaine"

Luka scoffed, "I do that even when you have clothes on. I genuinely just want to take care of you.

"Well come on then."

"Really?" Luka asked, genuinely surprised

"Yeah, I trust you. I know you won't like relentlessly make fun of me or make me feel insecure or anything. Besides that means I get to take in all your glory too."

Luka's face flushed, he covered his mouth with the back of his hand as he struggled to find a retort. He never was all that confident in his body. Now that was all he was thinking about "can we dim the lights a little bit? I just-"

(Y/N) shushed him with a kiss "Whatever makes you comfortable."


Luka took his time setting up the shower, making sure it was just the right temperature and everything was perfect. He knew they weren't going to have shower sex or anything- he didnt want to. But this was a new level of intimacy and trust he'd never experienced before.

Genuinely all they did was shower, they joked and they kissed as the water poured on them, Luka washed (Y/N)'s hair for them, washed their body for them, and he did it all with a smile and (Y/N) did the same for him. For some reason this made him feel so overwhelmingly loved in a way he hadn't experienced before. It felt so easy to just exist in this small moment where it was just him and his lover- his favorite person.

After they were clean and clothed, (Y/N) wearing Luka's clothes, Luka did all of (Y/N)'s post-shower hair care while (Y/N) looked at him with such loving eyes. It was quiet, but they were both comfortable in the silence. "I love you so much." Luka said, kissing their head as he lead (Y/N) out of the bathroom.

(Y/N) laid down in bed first, comfy on their stomach as Luka slid his hands under their shirt, slowly massaging all of the knots and aches as they talked about everything under the sun. It was crazy how fast they made up, like they both just knew they never meant to hurt eachother and they already learnt their lesson.

"How are you feeling?" Luka murmered against their ear as he finished up

"So much better. You spoil me too much."

"There is no such things. I told you there is nothing I could do to fullt express how much I love you." Luka said, taking their hand "you ready for bed?" (Y/N) nodded, rolling to cuddle with him while Luka put a show on for background noise and held them close "Sleep well, my angel."

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