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The week with Luka flew by, late night cuddled up together in bed and early mornings enjoying eachother's company as the day made its slow start. Luka was always an angel, making dinner and having it ready to go by the time (Y/N) had finished their school work. In a blink Milo and Owen were home and the house was lively again. (Y/N) missed it a lot. Luka was great, but he had to work so sometimes it genuinely was just them in the big, cold house. It gave (Y/N) a new appreciation for Adrien's lively nature. It must be hard for him to be as happy as he is with how cold and lifeless his house is. (Y/N) was sick of it after just a few hours, but Adrien lived with it all the time?

As if speaking the devil into existence, (Y/N) looked up from their homework to a call from Adrien. They jumped at the excuse to take a break with a smile, throwing their textbook off their lap.

"Adrien, hey, what's up?" They looked out the window, enjoying the view for a moment.

They heard a deep sigh from his side of the phone "Hey, uh, sorry to bother you I just- needed someone to talk to" (Y/N) could hear the shaking in his voice as he tried to articulate himself "its been kind of a bad day but I can't exactly talk to my dad about it" (Y/N) could almost see the sad smile on his face at the dejected laugh that left his lips.

"Of course, is this a venting session or do you want advice?"

"More venting, I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack. I feel this huge weight on my chest and breathing is getting really hard- uhm- I'm sorry I don't usually call people when this is happening I don't know what the protocol is-"

"No no no don't apologize I'm glad you called. Can you get out of the house? I can meet you outside if you think getting out will help."

"I can't right now. I don't even know what's bothering me so much it just all kind of hit me all at once, you know-"

"Yeah," (Y/N) murmured, remembering their own anxiety episodes "Yeah I know. Sometimes it's hard to put it into words but sitting there doing nothing is somehow making you feel guilty for not doing anything which makes it worse?"

"Yes! Yes, exactly!" Adrien laughed, a real laugh this time. "You put that into words how'd you do that?"

"Luka makes me put a lot of feelings into words and doesn't care how long it takes. Eventually sitting there for two hours gets boring so you figure things out." (Y/N) said with a smile, fiddling with the string of one of the many hoodies they stole from Luka.

"He's really great for you, huh?"

"He is, but we're getting off track. Do you want a distraction? Because we can talk about Luka all day"

"I like hearing about him, we aren't exactly buddy buddy yet. But I like hearing how good he can be." Adrien laughed a little through the phone "Makes me hopeful for the future"

"I genuinely think you guys would've been friends if the Marinette situation didn't get so out-of hand. You both love music you're both very sweet, you both have daddy issues, you both adore me-"

"That we do-" He laughed again, his relaxed laugh he usually saves for Chat Noir "keep going"

"You're both heroes every day, you're both incredibly smart, I'm honestly surprised you guys don't have a bromance going on."

"Is that so?" (Y/N) could hear shuffling from the other end of the phone "think I'd steal him from you?"

"Yeah, you could if you wanted to."

"Thank God I have my eyes on someone else then, right?" Adrien laughed.

A loud, exaggerated gasp escaped (Y/N)'s lips "Wait you like someone? And you didn't tell me? I'm offended, Agreste."

"It's not anyone I'm gonna pursue, I can't even figure out if it's just really strong platonic love or a crush. But I know it's someone I want in my life forever, you know?"

(Y/N) smiled, thinking of Juleka "Yeah, for sure. But mine gets to be my sister in law if all goes well"

"You had a thing for Juleka?"

"Not like overly so but I thought she was cute. We became friends really fast, but I totally 100% never want Rose and Juleka to break up. What can I say I like the Couffaine family."

"Does Juleka know?"

"Not at all, but we've had our 'are we about to kiss right now' moments" (Y/N) laughed, a little nervous the more they talked "She's one of those people I'd make a marriage pact with if she asked. Do you have anyone like that?"

"I'd marry Nino if he asked nicely." Adrien said, question in his voice as he answered "but he's with Alya and they're all in love and junk."

"It's ok, blondie, you'll find someone eventually."

"Or my father will find someone for me" Adrien sighed,

"At least you won't die a virgin?" (Y/N) said "you know you can get married if that's something you want at least"

"Yeah, but I'd rather be a rogue crime fighter with no romantic ties so villains can't use it against me you know?"

"Oh yeah," (Y/N) nodded, pulling their textbook back on their lap "I can't imagine the stress our heroes of Paris must have if they're dating anyone."

Adrien stifled a cough, which made (Y/N) try not to laugh. It's easy to forget he doesn't know who Raven and Viperion are. "Yeah, I can't imagine. You think it's scary watching someone you love in danger like that?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) said remembering the look on Luka's face when he saw them fighting while they were coughing up a lung, and the lecture they got when Luka knew it was really them. "Yeah it's scary. The thought of losing them is terrifying."

"You talk like you know."

"I do, Luka had to watch me in the hospital and then we got separated during an Akuma attack super early into our relationship. He looked downright terrified when we finally found eachother. So it's probably  that suffocating feeling kicked up a hundred notches."

"That's fair," Adrien said, going quiet for a moment "thank you. For this. For- everything you do really"

"It's my pleasure Adrien-" (Y/N) was interrupted by a loud crash outside and scattered screams "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah- yeah, I did. I have to go- talk later?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, talk later." (Y/N) was flinging themselves out of bed the second they hung up. "Asra, let's fly."

In a blink (Y/N) was out the window and hoping from roof to roof, spotting Chat Noir far in the distance and Ladybug closing in from the other side of the city, all going to the same place. (Y/N) felt chills down their back as the wind whisked by them. It'd been a long time since they fought a villain, just what was Hawkmoth up to now?

(A/N: WE DID IT, GANG. I'm sorry I dropped off the face of the earth again, I hit a really bad spot mentally but I'm doin better now and Spring break is right around the corner. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I appreciate every single one of you <3)

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