The Easy Stuff

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(Y/N) didn't know how they were going to feel post-transformation or how they were going to like the costume. What they didn't expect was their muscles to feel stronger and their body feeling lighter. They felt like they could jump off anything and land without getting hurt. (Y/N) didn't think they'd particularly care for the skin-tight hero suits Ladybug and Chat Noir traipsed around Paris in but it felt surprisingly comfortable. 

The costume was black with a tasteful deep purple trim, they could feel their hands tingle as a deck of cards appeared. They knew some of the weapons were odd, but what were they supposed to do with cards? Paper-cut them to death? 

No time for that, people were in danger and they were going to have to figure out how to be a hero, and fast. Upon a quick investigation, the cards showed various images that (Y/N) could assume they had to ability to make come to life. A pleased hum from the back of their mind, most likely Asra, confirmed their suspicions. 

"You learn quickly, young hero. But we must go" Asra's voice echoed

(Y/N) nodded, grabbing a slightly outstretched brick and launching themselves into the sky, landing softly on top of the building with a massive smile on their face. (Y/N) could do all kinds of things now, they could save lives. 

The moment of euphoria was promptly interrupted by a massive thud, followed by scattered screams, coming from across the city. (Y/N) did a quick survey of the sky in just enough time to see a blur of the two heroes rushing to meet the new rival. 

(Y/N) quickly rushed to meet them, jumping from building to building and almost flying through the new way through the city. They felt the wind whipping across their body, basking in the sun warming their body as they flew across Paris. (Y/N) stumbled slightly in the beginning, but they quickly found their footing. The presence of Asra gave them an air of confidence they never could have imagined having on their own. They felt powerful. 

(Y/N) settled on top of a building, ducked behind a chair as they surveyed the situation. The victim was massive, dripping in some kind of acidic slime and melting things as they walked. The Akuma appeared to be obvious, seeing as the goggles on top of the beast's head were the only thing that didn't melt. 

Chat Noir and Ladybug were struggling though. Anything they could use to defend themselves was melted away as quickly as they got to it. (Y/N) felt their cards get heavier in their hands. Upon resting their hand on the deck, they pulled one out. The card seemed to beam at them, reading protection and accompanied by a picture of an elaborate shield. (Y/N) looked from the card to the mass chaos below, quickly flicking their wrist. 

(Y/N) wasn't sure what was going to happen, but the sudden purple sheen surrounding Ladybug and Chat Noir didn't go unnoticed. They looked at each other confused but stopped worrying when they realized they couldn't feel the heat of the acid surrounding them anymore. 

(Y/N) lept out from the building, activating the protection card for themseld as they soared through the air, landing next to Chat Noir "Afternoon, ladies and gents," (Y/N) said, smiling as their jaws dropped. 

"Who are you?" Ladybug asked, looking slightly less surprised than her blond companion. 

(Y/N) paused, internally panicking due to the fact that they didn't think of a name as fast as they thought they would.

"Raven," (Y/N) blurted out

Chat smiled "straightforward, I like it."

"We don't know them-" Ladybug tried to say before being interrupted by a massive thud, bringing the reluctant trio back to the present.

Raven smiled, knowing they needed all the help they could get felt oddly satisfying. Chat seemed perfectly happy with the arrangement, new heroes sprung up pretty regularly. Ladybug, on the otherhand, was more angry than anything. She huffed, spinning her yo-yo as she visibly gave in "Focus on getting the goggles, it's the only place the akuma could be."

Chat smirked, "Look at Ladybug sharing the spotlight. Raven, come with me. Bugaboo needs to work her magic," he said, wrapping an arm around Raven's waist and flinging the impromptu team onto a nearby roof.

The two smiled at eachother, both clearly reeling from the surprise of having to work together but not necessarily mad about it. Chat's tail flicked in the wind as he looked deep in thought, the joking air about him vanishing as his stature grew more calculated.

"You're new to this right?" Chat asked, keeping his voice low and calm. Raven tried to mask their surprise, they always imagined him to be joking all the time. The seriousness was a new sight for them. Eventually, though, they nodded.

Chat's flirty grin returned to his face, his eyes lit with excitement "This will be fun. You ready for a crash course?"

Raven looked down at the unfolding chaos and nodded, his confidence even bringing a little bit of comfort in an otherwise terrifying situation.

He took Raven's hand with a wicked grin "All we have to do is get his goggles. M'ladybug and I can't fly. You can- or- at least glide enough. Think you can grab it fast enough?"

Raven nodded, Asra's assuring hum in the back of their head bringing Raven enough heroic energy to throw herself off the building, gliding as quietly as they could. They dipped just close enough to the goggles as Ladybug ran out, stopping in their tracks as Raven nabs the goggles, digging their fingers into the akuma as she tries not to drop it.

"Break it! Drop it by Ladybug!" Chat shouted

"Oh shit" Raven muttered, dropping it as they landed much less than gracefully, landing right on her butt.

Chat laughed, rushing over to help them up as Ladybug summoned their magic ladybugs.

He smiled as Raven took his hand "We messed up way worse our first time. You did good, Raven."

Raven grinned at the hero as he pulled them up, dismissing themselves quickly as their bracelet began to beep. The facade fell as thry ducked behind an alleyway. (Y/N) knew then that what just happened was the easy stuff. They were going to need to learn a lot, and fast.

Somehow, (Y/N) couldn't bring themselves to care about any of that. All they could think of was finding Luka as they whipped out their phone.

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