What Good Boyfriends Do

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It had been a week since the three had their first date, and they'd spent almost all of it together whether they were all on call or they were all in a cuddle pile in the solace of (Y/N)'s room. The band, Owen, and Milo knew, but Adrien and (Y/N) kept things pretty down low while in school. Adrien was worried about pissing off Marinette, just because they broke up didn't mean he didn't worry sometimes.

(Y/N) was always nice about it. They understood not wanting to be on Marinette's bad side. So they settled for holding hands under the desk after Adrien moved to sit in the back with them so Alya could be with Nino. Luka waited for them to get out of school and they made their way to practice. They all loved the routine, it was peaceful.

Adrien sat with Luka at the counter while (Y/N) cooked dinner for the band. Practicing was happening at (Y/N)'s house more and more frequently and the boys were always happy to have an excuse to not-so-stealthily sneak (Y/N) upstairs for some cuddle time. Luka was helping cut vegetables while Adrien hummed along to the music as Rose and Juleka worked on some songwriting in the living room. Mylene was sick so she couldn't make practice and Ivan was taking care of her.

Adrien couldn't help but feel a little guilty. He knew (Y/N) wanted to be more affectionate in public but because of his career and Marinette in school he was always too nervous to initiate anything even though he wanted nothing more than to pull them into his arms and kiss them. Adrien smiled weakly as Luka brushed his leg against his. "You okay, Adrien?" He asked, "you look like something is bugging you."

Luka always knew when something was up, a trait Adrien both appreciated and hated. Secrets were impossible, but he was also really nice when he asked. Luka put his knife down and tool Adrien's hand "C'mon, you can talk to us."

(Y/N) turned around after turning off the stove, placing their hands on the counter behind them "what's the matter, sweetheart?"

Adrien blushed a little at the pet name as he tried to figure out what to say "I just...feel bad."

"Bad about what?" (Y/N) asked, leaning in a little.

"I just," Adrien sighed "I feel bad about not being able to be more affectionate with you guys- especially you, (Y/N), because of school and Marinette and everything."

Luka listened intently, waiting for Adrien to finish before he provided any input "Well do you want to be more affectionate in school?"

"Yeah but Marinette-"

"Who gives a shit what Marinette thinks." (Y/N) answered simply "it's nice and very cute of you to try and consider her feelings but she's a big girl, she can handle it. You aren't responsible for how she feels- prioritize you for once. Do what you're comfortable with, obviously, but if she says anything I'll handle it."

Adrien blushed "but I don't want you to have to."

"I don't mind," (Y/N) smiled, leaning over the kitchen island to kiss him, their hand on his face "I promise."

Luka nodded in agreement "I'll help too- if she tries to make a scene. Plus, she might not do anything."

"You're right," Adrien said, leaning his head on Luka's shoulder "I'll try and relax."

"Speaking of relaxing?" (Y/N) chimed in, taking off their apron "dinner is ready!" They cheered, picking up the hot pot with oven mits and going to the dining room. "One of you get the girls?"


Adrien was shifting nervously in his seat, (Y/N) gave him a ride to school since his bodyguard got a much needed day off. He couldn't help but want to kiss (Y/N) on the way to school, but he was still a bundle of nerves even though they were officially dating. He settled for holding their hand as he tried to ignore his frantic heartbeat.

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