No Regrets

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"I know, I don't have to do anything. That doesn't change the fact that right now all I can worry about is you. It doesn't change the fact that I'd go through all of that shit with Marinette a thousand times over if you could get them back." he said, his voice progressively filling with just genuine exhaustion and love at the same time, words falling out of his mouth faster than he can think them "It doesn't change that right now...all I want is to kiss you until it doesn't hurt anymore" he stated, running a hand through his hair and maintaining as much eye-contact as he could.

He grimaced, realizing what he just said and forcing himself to stop talking, dreading (Y/N)'s inevitable rejection.

"Do it, then," (Y/N) said, their voice just barely loud enough for his screaming mind to hear.


"Kiss me"


Luka stared at (Y/N) in shock, his brain immediately turning hazy as he tried to wrap his mind around what (Y/N) had just said to him. Yeah, they joked around and kissed each other all the time, but never on the lips. Until now he could pass it off as friends being friends, this was drawing a line in the sand. This was someone he was falling for telling him they like them too. This is someone, as puffy-eyed and scared as they were, putting their heart on their sleeve.

He pulled (Y/N) onto his lap, letting them rest there. He could feel their heart pounding as he pulled them in and rested his hands on their sides to hold them in place. He leaned up to their ear, his breath tickling their neck as he whispered "Are you sure you want me to do this? You haven't exactly had the best night" he asked, his voice dripping with anticipation and worry "The last thing I want is you to regret this, and I don't know how much self-control I have right now."

(Y/N) felt their heart drop, seeing him like this was exciting. They'd be lying if they said they didn't want him to do whatever he wanted with them, but they weren't about to admit that, not yet. (Y/N) looked at him, holding his face in their hands with a reassuring smile "I don't think I could ever regret doing anything like this with you, Luka," they whispered, kissing his cheek happily.

Luka bit his lip, engraving everything about this moment into his memory. No matter how scary it gets, no matter what happens, he wanted to keep this moment with him. All it took was their smile to get him to lean in and finally press his lips against theirs.

The kiss started out very cautiously, both of them worried about scaring the other off. Luka's eyes fluttered shut shortly after (Y/N)'s as they just focused on each other. (Y/N) got a little frustrated with Luka very blatantly holding himself back and wrapped their arms around him, kissing him just a little harder.

Luka was absorbed in how warm their lips felt, he picked up on (Y/N)'s hints and wrapped his arms around their waist, flipping the position so they were laying perfectly on the bed and he was on top of them. He admired how the moon hit (Y/N)'s face through his window, bringing out their eyes and the dazed smile on their face as they looked up at Luka with nothing but love in those brilliant (E/C) eyes of theirs. He leaned down and pressed his mouth by their ear, tickling them and sending shivers down their spine "I love you," he whispered quietly as he gently kissed their neck, being very aware of any signs (Y/N) was sending.

(Y/N) smiled, reaching their hand out to play with his hair "I love you too, Luka."

He froze, looking up at (Y/N) with wide, surprised eyes. That was enough to force what little self-control he had left crumble away, immediately kissing them with a fiery passion behind it. He fell for (Y/N), and he had no intention of letting them go.

(Y/N)'s face flushed as they saw this new side of Luka. They'd be lying if they said they weren't into it. (Y/N) happily pulled him closer and let him slip just a little bit of tongue in before leaving small kisses on their neck, whispering small praises and compliments in between each one.


"How long have you wanted to do this, Luka?" (Y/N) asked as he pulled away from what felt like the hundredth kiss of the evening.

He flopped next to them on the bed, grinning like an idiot and laughing "Since the concert."

(Y/N) shot up in bed "That long?" They questioned, looking at his very happily dazed face.

All he did was nod before pulling (Y/N) on top of him, pressing their head against his chest as he played with theie hair "Yup, and I wanted to ask you out when I found out you were in the hospital. Almost losing you made a lot of it click for me. We hadn't known each other for long- hell, we still haven't." he said, looking down at (Y/N) with admiring eyes that slowly shifted to something else "If you could have seen the way I dropped everything to get to the hospital-"

"Juleka told me... you were on the other side of the city but you hopped on your bike and made it. You waited until I woke up..." (Y/N) said, hugging him tight "You have no idea how happy that made me. Your gift was my favorite, by the way," they said with a giggle, kissing his lips quickly again.

He smiled, kissing (Y/N) back before looking at them, shyness creeping into his expression "No regrets?"

"No regrets"


(A/N: I know the last chapter was a bit of a cliffhanger, but I'm not that much of a sadist. So here you go! As always, I hope you enjoyed.

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