Add a little bit of ✨Spice✨

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(A/N: Listen, i wanted some spice. There is some spice here, but these bitches are teenagers as am I so if anyone make it excessively weird comments will be deleted so fast, okay? Itsmyfirsttimewritingspicesopleasebenice Now, LUKA SIMPS COME GET YOUR JUICE.)

(Y/N) and the gang had spent pretty much the first half of the day walking around and exploring the house, quickly getting comfy with snacks in the home theater while Milo and Owen made snacks and went off to do god knows what.

Juleka, Rose, and (Y/N) were all cuddled up on one massive couch in the corner as they binged pretty much all the romance classics. Mylene and Ivan were sat up front holding hands and talking quietly, and eventually pardoned themselves to go out and enjoy the sun.

Luka, on the other hand, was incredibly jealous that the girls were taking up all the time with (Y/N), but (Y/N) played with his hair as he sat on the floor so it was hard to complain. He tried not to groan happily, it felt good with their fingers working through his hair.

"Luka, what do you want to do first," Juleka asked, snapping him out of his blissful daze "volleyball, do you wanna just chill on the beach, or do you want to go in the water?"

Luka just nodded "Whatever (Y/N) wants to do," he said as he yawned "I'm happy with whatever"

(Y/N) lightly pulled his hair, a joking smile on their face "that's not helpful, baby"

Luka whimpered at the pull, not realizing how strangely good it felt, and suddenly he found himself shifting positions as he answered "I'm happy with just relaxing on the beach and going from there."

"Great!" Rose said as she pulled herself and Juleka off the couch "We'll head to the grocery store really quick and get some essentials, you two have fun!"

"We will," (Y/N) called out as the door closes behind the two girlfriends. They were almost startled by how fast Luka was on the couch and sitting them on his lap, holding (Y/N) close "You okay?"

He nodded "Just wanted to feel you for a minute, is that okay?"

They nodded, tilting his head up to meet their lips with his. The kiss was soft, but it was obvious Luka was holding back "It's always okay, Luka. I love having you this close too, the feeling is very much mutual. I wish we did it more to be honest"

Luka blinked in surprise, it felt like they made sure they got a little alone time every time they hung out, even as a group with the band. He was worried he was being too much, but hearing (Y/N) wanted more just stirred something in him and made him feel really needy. "Well I'm glad," he said with a smirk "because I really want to kiss you," he placed a soft kiss on their lips before maneuvering them so they laid down, legs intertwined with Luka on top leaning close to their ear as his chain necklace dangled "and I want to kiss you again and again until you can barely breathe, take your breath away like you do to me"

(Y/N) was short-circuiting. Luka was normally very unexpressive when it came to more physically intimate endeavors. But holy shit Luka was hot, even in the dark theater (Y/N) could feel his eyes, sense his every move as he leaned in to kiss them again, stopping just ghosting over their lips "Is that okay with you?"

(Y/N) nodded wordlessly, leaning up to take their boyfriend's lips and kiss them until neither of them could breathe. Luka gently pushed his tongue into the mix, (Y/N) quickly following as they very clumsily got into a very dance-like rhythm. Many giggles were shared, as both of them had pretty much no experience going further than kisses.

"Fuck, angel, I don't think I'll ever be able to get enough of you" Luka groaned as he pulled (Y/N) back onto his lap "Are you okay if I touch you? You tell me if you get uncomfortable at any point, okay? Don't nod at me I need to hear you say it alright doll?"

(Y/N)'s face somehow had even more blood rushing to it, embarrassed to admit it "More than okay with it. I've been waiting for this."

Luka nodded, going back to kissing them and moving down to their neck, reveling in all the small squeaks and noises (Y/N) was making, not holding back on the noise himself. He put his hands under (Y/N)'s shirt just to feel their waist, rubbing teasing, tickling circles into (Y/N)'s skin "You're so wonderful, Angel. So undeniably gorgeous, all for me." He whispered, sending shivers down (Y/N)'s spine as they pulled Luka in for a surprise kiss.

"I love you so much, Luka."

"I love you too, are you okay? Do you need to stop?" He asked, his concern snapping him out of whatever trance he'd been in as soon as (Y/N) shyly nodded. "Do you still want me here or do you need a minute?"

(Y/N) held his hand "..still want you here. I'm sorry, I got you in a mood and I had to shut it down I just- it was too much at once-"

"Angel, hey," he murmured sweetly as he cupped their face in his hands "Do not apologize for needing to stop. You have to be comfortable for this to be fun, and I want you to feel safe with me. Do you want to just cuddle and watch a movie?" With a small nod from (Y/N), he reached for the remote and let (Y/N) get comfortable while he got up to get smacks.

"I love you, angel, you did great. Just rest, okay?" Luka whispered as he kissed their forehead "you are so perfect. Did you have fun before you needed to stop?"

(Y/N) blushed and kissed him softly "I did. But I think I might need to super slowly work up to doing much more than that"

He smiled fondly at his lover "Then that's what we'll do."

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