For Gay Rights (SPICE WARNING)

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(A/N: so..this one gets a little spicy. Maybe a little too much- Like they almost boink. So here's your warning. Don't ask why- I'm sad so enjoy it)

When Luka was released from the hospital, Adrien and (Y/N) were waiting for him at the entrance. Luka didn't know what to expect to see on their faces after everything that happened, but he was relieved to see them both smiling. Luka pulled Adrien in for a hug, and snuck a kiss onto (Y/N)'s lips before pulling them in for a group hug. He breathed deeply, memorizing their scents as he held them tight.

Adrien was the first to pull away "I don't care how much you protest, we are all going to therapy."

Luka smiled, holding up a business card "I made an appointment with one this morning...the doctors said it would be a good idea and recommended one."

(Y/N)'s eyes lit up, bouncing on their heels "really?" They threw their arms around Luka and kissed him as he nodded "Oh, Luka, I'm so proud of you!"

Adrien was grinning "I made one too, Owen pretty much insisted (Y/N) and I go and on paying for it since I'm gonna be staying with them for a while."

Luka nodded, Owen would be the type to send Adrien and (Y/N) to therapy. "Look at us, taking care of our mental health." He was smiling, a real smile uninhibited by his stress even if just for a minute.

"Took us long enough," Adrien laughed, throwing his head back as he wrapped his arm around Luka's shoulders, pulling (Y/N) in on his other side. "I love you guys."

"We love you too." (Y/N) grinned, kissing his cheek as they walked to the waiting car.


"Luka!" Owen cheered as the throuple walked in the door "how you feeling?"

"Everyone is acting like I almost died!" Luka huffed in annoyance as he plopped down on the couch "I wasn't even in the hospital that long."

"Well when you get kidnapped by a supervillain people tend to worry a little." Milo chimed in, setting a tray of snacks down on the coffee table "(Y/N) refused to do anything until the hospital called to come get you."

"Does Juleka know what happened?" Luka asked, ashamed he only now let himself think about his sister.

"The better question is who doesn't lmow" Adrien placed a reassuring hand on Luka's shoulder when he saw the dread on the boy's face "She and the band are on their way now, don't worry."

Luka bit his lip "and...are you doing okay?"

Adrien nodded, his lips in a tight line as his eyes flicked between everyone in the room "Nothing I can't handle."

Milo took the hint and just smiled "you guys can go upstairs and talk, I'll send everyone up when they get here while Owen makes dinner. How does that sound?"

(Y/N) was grateful for the excuse to get Luka and Adrien out of the understandably uncomfortable situation, a swiftly escorted their partners to their room. Adrien and Luka were already in bed as (Y/N) clicked the attic door shut, both visibly deflating as they sunk into the sheets. "You don't have to say you're fine in front of them if you aren’t."

Adrien nodded, a small smile on his face as (Y/N) sat at the edge of the bed, their hand running along the fluffy blanket currently in a pile next to them. "I know I don't, but I don't want them to think you're rooming with a basket case now."

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