A Whole New Kind of Crazy

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(A/N: I'm really glad people are liking this story so far! It started out as something just for me, but I really love seeing the comments I've been getting. As always, I hope you enjoy!)

The following Sunday seemed to pass by in a blur, Juleka had told (Y/N) to come over and hang out with the band while they practice for the day. Both Luka and (Y/N) had tried to steal moments away together, doing things from going to get snacks or coincidentally forgetting something in the same location only to come back empty-handed. Rose and Juleka just grinned knowingly while Ivan and Mylene worked silently on tweaking songs and the seemingly endless offers they've been getting to play around the city. The most time Luka and (Y/N) got alone together was when he walked them to their car late that night, where (Y/N) kissed him on the cheek and disappeared behind the tinted glass between them. 

Now, Luka was sitting in his room fiddling with one of the many guitar picks in his collection, trying desperately to think of an excuse to text the new friend he was suddenly so infatuated with. Juleka was quick to pick up on the yearning mood she could feel her brother in after hearing him pick up his guitar and play despite the doctor warning him not to push his wrist too much. She walked into his room with an almost assured air around her, her head held just a little bit higher than the shy, non-confrontational girl Luka knew his sister to be. She grabbed his guitar out of hands, placing it gently back in it's case before whirling around and sitting next to Luka on his bed. 

"Luka, you know what the doctor said about playing too much," Juleka scolded, clearly rightfully worried for her brother.

"I know what he said," Luka snapped, causing Juleka to flinch slightly. Luka noticed quickly and reigned in his fowl mood, it wasn't his sister's fault he couldn't stop overthinking everything. He sighed, running his fingers through his very much messy bed-head "I just want things to go well with (Y/N). I'm worried about Marinette, she hasn't texted me since the concert and I'm worried I hurt her feelings." he rambled, biting the inside of his lip before he shares the rest of his thoughts out loud. If he says them, they feel more real than when they're just bouncing around in his head, and he didn't know if he was ready for such fears to be real.

Juleka quickly noticed he was holding something back, meaning it was deeply bothering him far more than the rest of the things he managed to say out loud before he forced himself quiet again, fiddling with his thumbs as the wheels in Juleka's mind turned. 

Juleka shifted her weight as she leaned against the wall, sitting criss-cross as she gets comfortable next to her brother "Is this about Adrien?" she asked, thinking out-loud. 

Luka's eyes winded, 'bingo', Juleka thought to herself as she tried to think about why Adrien of all people was someone who Luka was worrying about. After a few minutes, she threw her hands in the air and let out a frustrated huff "You're gonna have to help me out here, why is the Agreste kid worrying you so much." 

Luka tucked his knees into his chest and hugged them with his arms, almost as if he wanted to shield himself from what was running through his mind "I can't lose (Y/N) to him." he muttered softly, his voice shaky and barely above a whisper.

Juleka felt the mood shift, confusion flashing across her features before responding "What do you mean?"

"He already has Marinette. I lost her to him already, I can't lose (Y/N) too. He's rich, he's popular, and he could probably get anyone he wanted. He has classes with (Y/N) and he can see them during the day, he can protect them from akuma attacks and play prince charming. I can't do any of that." Luka explained, his insecurities pouring out of him. 

Juleka sighed, biting her tongue softly as she tried to think about (Y/N) and Adrien "Nope, it wouldn't happen. Adrien has no interest in (Y/N) even with the whole new kid appeal. Besides, their type is sensitive artists with dyed hair who fall asleep on a couch with them in the middle of a concert." Juleka said with a laugh, a teasing smile on her face

"But he gets more time with her-"

"He does, but he vanishes every time there's an akuma attack. He wouldn't go play prince charming and have (Y/N) magically push aside what they've got with you. (Y/N) looks at you like all they want is to make sure you're happy, and I don't see that changing." 

Luka's cheeks flushed, just imagining (Y/N) looking at him like that even when he wasn't paying attention made his head fuzzy and his heart skip a beat, he'd never gotten so attached so quickly. Whatever he was building with (Y/N) was a whole new kind of crazy, but a kind of crazy he never new he needed. 

He'd known (Y/N) for not even a week and he felt like he was in a movie, but maybe this was okay. Maybe he could let himself be selfish this one time and give into whatever feeling this was. He wanted to learn all about (Y/N), he wanted to be the one to make them laugh and be happy and hold them when they're hurting. He wanted all of that to himself, to be able to call them his. Such thoughts could sound creepy from anyone but the boy wanting nothing more than to be the one to make his angel happy. He wasn't in the business of fixing (Y/N), they didn't need fixing. He just wanted to watch them take over the world. 

Juleka smiled, seeing the happy and dreamy look on her brother's face assured her that he was feeling better. She tapped his shoulder and snapped him out of his much more blissful thought experiment "You know, you could always come with me to school and see them. We could let them join the band, even! Not even for music if they don't want to! They could do management, or even help do wardrobe. If you want to see (Y/N), we'll make it happen." 

"But join the band? What if the others don't like it? It's not just our band, they should get a say too"

"Classic Luka, always putting other people first. Look, everyone in the band loves (Y/N), they'd be ecstatic if they joined." Juleka said, already getting excited at the image of (Y/N) and Luka bonding onstage. Luka was happy enough just playing for an audience, so it was nice to imagine the joy showing outside of just his face, to see him so relaxed and happy seemed like something Juleka couldn't wait to experience. 

Luka smiled, the joy finally bringing some light back into his eyes, "You really think they'd be okay with it?" he asked, promptly earning a nod from his sister before she left to go make dinner. When his door closed, he sighed, a dreamy look on his face just imagining the kinds of things him and (Y/N) could do and bond over. This whole whirlwind romance with (Y/N) was something that was completely unexpected and built on chance, but it was crazy enough that things just might work out. 

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