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(Y/N) eventually took that chance and took him to their borderline apartment, "I have all kinds of stuff to do but it's your call," (Y/N) said wandering around their room leaving Luka next to the attic access point, completely unaware of the tears dripping down his face until they turned around. 

"Luka, what's wrong?"


Luka shook his head and snapped out of his trance, not even feeling the warm tears rushing from his eyes until (Y/N) rushed in front of him to wipe them away, looking worriedly into his eyes. Why was he crying? He just had the best night with someone he loves and he got to see (Y/N) receive some of the best news in a long time. "I don't know," he murmured softly, still unable to stop crying. 

(Y/N) pulled him into a hug and guided him onto the couch, letting him lay his head on their chest while (Y/N) rubbed circles into his back. (Y/N) kissed his head and held him tight as if trying to squeeze the sadness out of the sobbing boy in front of them. 

Luka tried to focus on anything but the hazy thoughts gradually becoming clearer. He tried focusing on (Y/N)'s touch, their heartbeat, the sound of the music blasting from what he could only assume was Owen's room, even the sound of someone yelling down the road. The thoughts were getting too loud, too fast, too sharp. Saying he didn't deserve to be here, (Y/N) deserved better, he wasn't enough for Marinette so how could he possibly be good enough for (Y/N)? 

"Luka," (Y/N) whispered after what felt like years of just Luka's sniffling filling the room "what's going on in your head right now?"

His voice shuddered as he tried to respond, only breaking down in heavier sobs as he held (Y/N) tighter. This wasn't fair to them. (Y/N) shouldn't have to see this. It's too early, he'll scare them off.  

"I'm not going to judge you, Luka," (Y/N) said, making sure their voice was gentle but still louder than the screaming in Luka's head "I'm here, and I love you. Let me help you, the whole helping thing you're obsessed with doing is supposed to go both ways," (Y/N) said, moving his head so they could look him in the eye. They sat up and brought Luka with them, hugging him tight before reaching to grab a blanket. Settling back in, they kissed Luka's lips gently "You can tell me as much or as little as you want but tell me what I can do to help, that's all I ask. 

Luka took a deep, shaky breath after returning (Y/N)'s kiss, curling up into himself trying to make himself look as small as he felt "I shouldn't be crying. I don't get to cry"

"Get to?" (Y/N) said, the surprise evident in both their voice and expression "Luka, crying is normal. You literally sat there and held me until I was done crying, you saw that as nothing wrong. What makes you think you deserve different?"

"I'm supposed to be stronger- I should be stronger for you." 

"You don't have to change yourself for me- or anyone else for that matter." (Y/N) said decisively, hugging him again "You are wonderful. You are incredibly strong and you do so much for everyone. Let someone else do something for you for once."

Luka smiled weakly "Are you sure?'

They nodded, kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair "absolutely, why did you ever even think otherwise?"

"Marinette" he muttered

"If I hear about that girl hurting you one more time I'm taken Adrien just to rub it in her face." (Y/N) muttered, their jaw clenched. 

Luka pouted, "Please don't," he pleaded before turning his look into a smirk "I want you all to myself."

"Ask and you shall receive, Couffaine." (Y/N) said, pulling him into them and kissing him again. 


He began to feel someone's repressed heartbreak and pain begin to overflow, smiling as he finished sending out an email before practically flying to his observatory. He'd felt hurt before but nothing like this. This was someone pushing themselves so far off the edge they had almost nothing left to give. This was a feeling you wouldn't want anyone to ever have to experience- well unless you were Hawkmoth. 

This was something he could pinpoint- maybe even exploit. He knew the impact of being akumatized, it could weaken the person's psyche even further. Abusive, maybe. But he may have just found his newest weapon. 

He smiled as he entered the room swarmed with butterflies, enjoying the feeling of misery swelling across the city. 

He rested his hand against his brooch, laughing as he felt the power swell "Dark wings, rise" 


"Thank you, (Y/N)" Luka murmured, kissing their forehead 

"For what?"

"Making me feel like I can be enough," Luka answered


(A/N: Hello loves! I wanted to get the next chapter out because I really like this one. It's kinda short but the next few are definitely going to pack a punch. Take care of yourselves!)

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