Let's plan a wedding

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The three heroes fell asleep that night cuddled up in (Y/N)'s bed, trying to keep the nightmares at bay. (Y/N) slept in the middle, having fallen asleep cuddled into Luka's chest long before the two boys ceased their discussions.

Luka kissed (Y/N)'s forehead as he looked at Adrien, who had been sitting at the end of the bed. Laughing everything off could only work for so long, he looked visibly shaken. Luka squeezed (Y/N) a little tighter as he tried to put himself in Adrien's shoes. "Adrien," Luka started, hesitating when Adrien looked at him with dull eyes "do you...want to join us in this little cuddle pile? I noticed physical contact is a good distraction for you," Luka almost held his breath as he waited for Adrien to answer, the was probably the nicest he'd been to the blond since he got tangled up in everything.

Adrien smiled weakly "Is that really okay? Don't make yourself uncomfortable on my account, I've been dealing with things alone for a really long time," he laughed a little, trying to make his tragic truth into something to laugh at.

Luka sighed, remembering what (Y/N) had told him when he said something similar "but...you don't have to anymore. You have (Y/N)," he paused, considering his words carefully "and me. You have me too, so enjoy it,"

"I didn't think you liked me," Adrien whispered, the raw truth in his throat as he slowly moved closer to the couple

"I didn't," Luka replied, "I didn't like that you took Marinette from me, and I was worried you'd take (Y/N). But then I realized losing Marinette was the best thing that ever happened to me, and then I saw how much you cared for (Y/N) when I couldn't. I guess you grew on me," Luka didn't think he'd ever admit this to Adrien, he could always blame it on the late hour, but part of him wanted Adrien to like him too.

Adrien smiled, a real one that matched his eyes "You grew on me too, Couffaine. I didn't really like you, but that was because Marinette told me to. And then I just kind of...went too far I guess? Like there was no point trying to become your friend? And then (Y/N) came in like they do and changed everything."

Luka smiled fondly as his partner as he hugged them closer "they tend to do that, come cuddle with us. I know they'd love waking up to it,"

Adrien finally laid down, draping his arm over (Y/N)'s waist and his palm resting on Luka's stomach. He tried to hide his smile "thanks, Luka"

"My pleasure, just make sure you get some decent sleep,"

"I will," the blond said, promptly falling asleep within the next few minutes.

Luka laid there, pressing a kiss to (Y/N)'s hair before brushing some hair that fell into Adrien's face out of the way. "Sweet dreams, Agreste." Luka murmured, kissing (Y/N) one more time before joining the two in sleep.


Y/N) woke up first, being hugged from both sides and unable to hold back their smile. Luka and Adrien must have had a bonding moment, they were a little sad they were asleep for it. But now they were faced with a very different issue, they had to get ready to go out with Owen and Milo for wedding prep, but they were practically pinned to the bed. The both looked so peaceful, they didn't have the heart to wake them up.

(Y/N) let out a frustrated huff and just hugged Luka tighter, he usually woke up first so this was a rare opportunity. "You sleep good?" Adrien whispered from behind, his morning voice evident as he cleared his throat. (Y/N) jumped, they didn't think he was awake.

"Yeah, I slept great- I'm sorry I fell asleep so early. Visions usually take a lot out of me-" (Y/N) was trying not to feel embarrassed

Adrien pulled (Y/N) closer "No need to apologize, Luka and I had plenty of time to talk. I dare say we might even be friends."

(Y/N) smiled, Adrien was always really warm. They tried not to laugh as his breath tickled the back of their neck "Really?"

They could feel him nodding, "we have a lot in common. Especially you."

"What does that mean?" (Y/N) asked

Adrien couldn't help but laugh a little at their obliviousness "Ask Luka, I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you- maybe even do it in song form."

"Oh would I?" Luka said, his eyes opening. The first thing he did was kiss (Y/N)'s head "Good morning, my dear". He then turned his attention to Adrien "we could make it a duet, you play the keyboard while I play guitar."

Adrien nodded, "sounds fun,"

(Y/N) tried in vain to hold back thru surprise "just what did you talk about last night for you two to be getting along so well?"

"How in love with you we are," Luka answered, laughing at the look of (Y/N)'s face "we both care about you a lot and it went from there. Besides if we're gonna be getting his Dad arrested he needs some friends,"

"Very considerate of you," Adrien beamed, his grip on (Y/N) tightening.

"As much as I love this pillow talk, I have to get ready to go out with Owen and Milo. They have wedding prep stuff they want me involved in,"

"I'm glad they're trying to make you feel included," Luka said "that's sweet of them"

"They said I could bring a few friends. Do you guys wanna come with," (Y/N) asked, trying to ignore Luka peppering kisses in their head.

Adrien sat up, "I have the day off, let's do it!"

"If I ever pass up on the chance to spend time with you, I want you to kill me," Luka answered as he helped (Y/N) sit up, taking the chance to kiss them properly.

"Alright," (Y/N) cheered "let's plan a wedding!"

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