Livid and Loved

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Luka could hardly focus during rehearsal, he would look at Adrien and feel the burning in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong. He hated it. He didn't want Adrien to think he had to hide anything from him, he wanted Adrien to come to him with these kinds of issues, not repress them and act as if nothing happened, |Y/N| always came to him when they were having a hard time, even if they worried the problem would sound tedious and inconsequential. 

On one hand, comparing his relationship with one partner and holding another to that same standard was unfair, but, on the other, shouldn't Adrien want to come to his partners with stuff like this? Luka played his guitar a little harsher than usual, the friction on his fingertips serving as a much needed distraction. He ached to call |Y/N|. Not just to ask for advice, but because he was going crazy without them. 

He adored Adrien, but |Y/N| was always the one who held the group together. They were the one who got Luka and Adrien to talk things out when both of them were too nervous to broach the subject. He missed their scent, the way they smiled. He was devastated when their jacket stopped smelling like them, so much so that he went back to their house to steal another one. He told himself he'd return the one he was replacing, but he kept it on his pillow to hug because it was still theirs. Juleka had to have seen it, given how often they hang out in Luka's room, but she never said anything about it. He knew if he told them that they'd have some kind of solution figured out. It happened at school, maybe they would've seen whatever happened happen (although that was doubtful if Marinette wanted the conversation to be confidential).

Luka inwardly groaned, his grip on his guitar tightening as he thought about it. He was trying to focus, but he was lucky he had the songs committed to muscle memory so he could actually focus on focusing. He took a deep breath, thankful it wasn't his turn to sing, and finished the song before calling for a break. He could be patient, he could wait. 

He saw the horrified look on Adrien's face when he opened his phone, Luka caught a glimpse of Marinette's name before Adrien tilted his phone away from Luka's view. Something in him snapped. The protective and territorial snake in him that he worked tirelessly to keep still was shaking violently against its cage, the lock tight. Luka looked away from his boyfriend, but he could hear his breath hitch as if holding back tears. 

He couldn't wait. 

He loosened the lock on the cage. 


Adrien excused himself to go to the bathroom, all but running when the rest of the band went about their business. He was shaking, his voice caught in his throat. Was he a bad boyfriend for hiding this? Should he be telling someone? The blond hugged himself, his grip tight in frustration. He was sick of having people bail him out. Why couldn't he handle this one thing by himself? 

He felt the whimper escape his throat, and the bathroom door was opening itself before Adrien could even process it. He flinched violently until he saw it was Luka, but the look in Luka's eyes was enough to make Adrien nervous (and a little turned on). He looked away from Luka's face, focusing on his shoes (navy blue converse, a gift from |Y/N|). instead. He felt Luka's hand petting his hair, his other arm pulling him in before he could mentally process it. "Luka? What's the matter?"

Luka pulled back just enough so Adrien could look up and make eye-contact, the furrow of Luka's brows and the soft frown on his face had Adrien wracked with guilt. "What's the matter with you?" Luka asked, his voice dripping with concern, an edge of genuine anger creeping into his words the more the Couffaine boy went on. "I didn't want to force you into talking about it. But you looked miserable when I picked you up, and Juleka called me while you were at school, she said something happened with Marinette but wouldn't tell me what and I was going to wait until you brought it up. But," Luka sighed, hugging Adrien close "I saw that look on your face when your phone went off, and-" 

"Luka," Adrien sighed, pulling him tighter and burying his face in his neck, the tears threatening to spill over. He felt himself hiccup, a surefire sign he was about to cry. Luka pulled away just enough to slip his own jacket over Adrien's arms and pull it onto the boy. Adrien cuddled closer, Luka sitting on the floor of the tiled bathroom, his back against the shower door as he placed Adrien in his lap and ran his fingers through his hair. Adrien his his face in his boy's chest. "I'm sorry- I know we talked about this but I was just so scare of bothering you. I wanted to take care of something by myself for once, so you'd be proud of me-"

"I am proud of you." Luka cooed, squeezing the boy for a moment for emphasis. "I'm so proud of my boy."

Adrien's face flushed, he could practically feel himself making heart eyes. My boy, his mind echoed. He was preening, the praise going straight to his head despite his attempts not to make it so "But-" 

"No buts." Luka stated simply, kissing his hair "I am, and you physically cannot stop me. Now," Luka changed topics as Adrien's muscles finally relaxed "You wanna tell me what happened with our dear friend Marinette?" Luka asked, his lips flush against Adrien's ear and sending shivers down the blond's spine. 


"Well, she wanted to get back together." Adrien whispered, his voice bouncing off the tiles and echoing across the room as Luka's snake snapped into attention. He was no longer looking for someone to attack, he was listening for it. Luka's breathing stilled, as if Marinette was in the room with them. "She said that Alya and Nino broke up because of me, saying Alya being protective of Marinette and Nino being friends with me ruined their relationship." Adrien hiccupped, sniffling as he wiped his tears. "I knew she was full of shit, and I told her off but-" 

Luka tensed, his mind already painting the picture. Marinette with her smile and feigned concern. The mental image Adrien telling her off sent a thrilling shoot of pleasure down Luka's spine, but the snake in him ached to be the one protecting his boy. He wanted to see the specific glint in Marinette's eyes as her world shattered, the realization that she couldn't play Adrien into her life again.

"But she said I'd end up like my dad." Adrien whispered quietly, those words enough for the snake in the garden to snap. Luka wordlessly pulled Adrien off his lap, taking two long strides to the door, his hand on the handle and twisting.

"Luka, what are you doing?" Adrien asked, his voice shaking. He flinched when Luka turned around. He. Looked. Livid. Adrien was never scared of Luka, not the way he was when he saw the look in his eyes.

"What I should have done ages ago." Luka grunted, suddenly thankful they didn't have to worry about akumas anymore. Because this would end in someone falling victim to Hawkmoth's powers. "Mess with me fine, but I fucking warned her not to touch you." Luka sighed, falling back to Adrien and kneeling in front of him. He put his hand gently against Adrien's face, his gaze softening "never you, love." He breathed the words reverently, almost like a prayer.

Adrien was visibly apprehensive, but his heart swelled at the genuine affection from Luka. Him getting so worked up meant he loved him. He was loved. Someone wanted to protect him for reasons other than being paid to do so. "Okay." Adrien whispered "but could you stay here a little bit longer," he shifted, opening his arms to hold Luka "I don't want to be alone."

Luka blushed and nodded, pulling Adrien back into his arms and kissing his head "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"It's okay," Adrien laughed "you being livid makes me feel loved."

Luka tipped his head back in surprised laughter "We have some serious issues if that's the case, you know."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Adrien whispered, kissing the boy who made him smile so much.

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