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Adrien was never one for serious relationships, it wasn't like he had the best role models growing up. Now he was sitting in (Y/N)'s room, holding his distraught boyfriend as Luka tried to convince himself he was okay. (Y/N) had too much faith in the boy, that he'd tell them if he was beyond the point of repair- he'd tell them if he was at the point in which he couldn't fight off an akuma should the need arise. Adrien, well-aquainted with misery, could take one look at Luka's eyes and see how little fight he had left in him. Luka was lying right to their faces, and (Y/N) fell hook, line, and sinker.

Adrien tried to bite back his observations- write it off as paranoia- but every time Luka swore he was fine the less Adrien was inclined to provide the charity of granthing the benefit of the doubt. (Y/N) was getting less convinced too, looking helplessly at Adrien for what to do.

It was that look- that pleading look from (Y/N) to make it go away- that made Adrien want to cry too. Adrien hugged Luka tighter and pulled (Y/N) into the other side of his chest "it's okay, we'll be okay."

Luka nodded, his sobs slowly giving way to soft sniffles and hiccups "I'm sorry about-"

"If you apologize for crying I will punch you in the dick." Adrien said with love, kissing Luka's forehead "you deserve to have a safe space to let you feelings out- I don't know how many times we have to tell you that."

Luka sighed, wordlessly burying his face in Adrien's chest while (Y/N) reached over to play with Luka's hair.

"Sweetheart," (Y/N) breathed, "I know you said you don't want to but maybe therapy would-"

"No," Luka visibly tensed, his tone sharp as he refused to look at his partner. Adrien's gaze shot to (Y/N), worried about them. They'd been taking care of Luka during these moments much longer than he has, but even he could see how hard it was to see a person you love in so much pain. "No therapy."


"No." His voice sharper, raised in volume. (Y/N) hid their flinches well, but Adrien felt this one. Adrien couldn't help but be a little upset with Luka- being upset wasn't an excuse to lash out at his partners.

(Y/N) just nodded, wordlessly slipping out of bed and leaving. Luka could hear the attic latch close as they climbed down the ladder, but all he did was flip onto his back and stare at the ceiling.

Adrien rolled his eyes "what has gotten into you? While we both appreciate what you did with Alya- you're being really shitty to (Y/N) right now. This isn't you at all-"

"What if it is?" Luka retorted, dismissive as he curled back into his shell "what if- what if this is all I am when you take away all of the flashy, superficial bullshit. What if I'm just angry at the world and don't want anything to do with love anymore."

Adrien took a deep breath, he knew Luka didn't mean what he said. He knew Luka would never say that. He tensed, looking at Luka's hair as the moon hit it. Something didn't feel right at all. It couldn't be Volpina- Rena Rouge had the fox miraculous now. Another illusionist? Adrien visibly tensed. If this wasn't Luka, then who the hell was in (Y/N)'s bed and where the hell was his boyfriend.


Luka didn't know where he was when he woke up, but he knew he wasn't in (Y/N)'s bed where he fell asleep. It was dark, he could feel something around his wrists as he slowly came to. He felt his heart spike- what the hell was over his eyes?

"Oh, so you're awake now" A voice rang out- an older guy, surely- as Luka struggled to wiggle the blindfold free "Don't bother trying, you're not getting out unless I want you to."

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