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Luka and (Y/N) had been holed up in (Y/N)'s room for a good five hours following the events of the reveal and the most recent fight. (Y/N) sat on the couch as Luka paced back and forth, recalling all of those moments where (Y/N) had just disappeared out of nowhere when an Akuma surfaced. He had been pretty much speechless as he realized how many times either of them could have died and the other would have no idea what really happened, his eyes were glassy every time that thought had crossed his mind. 

"Luka, please come sit down and cuddle with me. Thinking about the hypotheticals is only going to stress you out more." (Y/N) begged for what felt like the tenth time, Luka acting so anxious was starting to make (Y/N) anxious. They could see Luka pulling on his rings as his shoes hit the floor over and over again, still somehow rhythmic like the musician he was. 

Luka sighed, eventually throwing himself next to them and placing a gentle kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead "I'm sorry love. It's just a lot to process. Marinette is Ladybug, which was the secret she was keeping from me that ruined our entire relationship, Adrien is Chat Noir," he paused, biting his lip thoughtfully before flicking his hands in the air, suddenly feeling like an idiot for not figuring it out "And none of us knew?" 

(Y/N) nodded, giggling as they pulled Luka in to cuddle with them "It's okay, baby. You guys were too blinded by your little love triangle drama to put it together. It's not entirely your fault, if I were here from the beginning it may have taken me longer to figure it out." 

Luka smiled, his face flushed in embarrassment knowing (Y/N) was just trying to make him feel better "I appreciate that, but I should have known from their voices. Sound is my thing and I feel so stupid, it kind of feels like I failed in a way." 

(Y/N)'slips turned into a frown as their brows furrowed, tucking Luka's bangs behind his ear with a worried look "You are no failure. You are a hero of Paris, you kept saving people after Marinette pretty much stomped all over your heart. You are one of the most selfless and bravest men I have ever met in my entire life, Luka Couffaine." 

All Luka could do was kiss them, smiling like an idiot and whispering thank you as they got lost in each other. 


Juleka grinned as Rose set up the instruments, trying not to blush every time Rose looked over and gave her a huge smile. Tonight they were playing at another concert hall, this one even bigger than the last. (Y/N) couldn't help but feel the halls were getting bigger the venues were getting fuller. Ever since Luka started singing onstage the band seemed to explode. Everyone in Kitty Section was extra excited because Owen and Milo were finally able to come to one of their shows and it was (Y/N)'s first concert as an official member. 

(Y/N) eventually opted for a manager role, however, they provided some songs and worked on wardrobe. Luka couldn't help but be all giddy as he walked into the greenroom, hiding something behind his back to commemorate (Y/N)'s first concert on the team. 

"Luka, you're late," Juleka commented as he walked in, all he did in response was smile. 

"I had to make a quick stop to get something for our new manager, Juleka" Luka replied walking smoothly as he knelt in front of (Y/N), pulling out a bouquet for (Y/N) "These, my dear, are for you" 

(Y/N) could feel the blood rushing to their face as everyone in the room stared at them with all kinds of silly looks on their faces, Rose looked the most excited as she snapped a few pictures. (Y/N) took the flowers with a shy thank you and a kiss on the cheek as their boyfriend stood up again. "I've been waiting for an excuse to give them flowers," he said, a triumphant smile gracing his features. 

"I want what they have" Milo's voice rang out as he opened the door, pizza in his hands as Owen followed behind. 

"You do have that, and one of the priciest engagement rings I could ever imagine," Owen retorted with a loving smile on his face as Milo set the pizza down "In case it wasn't obvious, we brought sustenance. Feel free to eat up before the big show!" With the announcement, everyone but Luka and (Y/N) pretty much jumped at the pizza, there was still an hour before the show so they had plenty of time to kill. 

"What are you guys doing here?" (Y/N) said with a smile as they went up to hug their two uncles. 

Milo hugged them tightly, smiling proudly "This is the first concert we actually get to go to! Of course we're gonna bring you guys something special! We'll leave in a minute we just wanted to drop these off for you before the show while they were still-" 

"Hot!" Rose squealed as a bit of the cheese pretty much fell off the slice they were holding, thankful she didn't commit to the bite yet. 

"Sorry, Rose. I should have warned it was still hot!" Owen said, apologizing as he handed her some ice water and a napkin, both of which she gratefully took. 

"Alright, I'm gonna take him and wait outside so we don't kill anyone." Milo said, pulling his fiance up and to the door "Good luck everyone!" he shouted as the couple dashed off. 


The concert was a hit, everything went smoothly and everyone loved the new outfits (Y/N) had put together. Everyone partied until the sun came up while Luka and (Y/N) hung out backstage just talking. A lot of it was (Y/N) asking for constructive criticism on how they could do better and Luka telling them it was perfect. After (Y/N)'s anxiety was settled, they just talked about everything that popped into their heads. Juleka eventually joined them as people just got to be too much for her to handle, she was happy just sitting and listening to Luka and (Y/N) talk while she waited for Rose. 

Everyone crashed at (Y/N)'s place, as it was the closest to the venue. Luka and (Y/N) took the main bed while Owen lent everyone else guest rooms after they were done hanging out. Everyone was sleeping soundly except for (Y/N). 

Luka was sleeping soundly, completely exhausted from the evening's prior activities as (Y/N) sat on the couch, their head pounding and Asra trying to lull (Y/N) into sleep. Asra could feel how much pain (Y/N) was in and knew that was a signal. The plan was to be set in motion, and soon. Hawkmoth was not a patient man, and Asra was not ready to be the next broken miraculous. A single tear of his landed on (Y/N)'s face as he silently apologized for the next few days to come.

"Go lay with Luka, (Y/N). You have to rest," he said, nudging them gently until (Y/N) was snuggled next to Luka again, Asra let out a brief glint of magic to lull (Y/N) to sleep and to be rid of the headache before he took solace in the bracelet he called home, trying not to think about the pain his true master was forcing him to bring. 


(A/N: Hello everyone! The actual plot is finally beginning. I hope you guys are ready because I am definitely not. Make sure you guys take care of yourselves. Drink some water. You are all loved and valid and deserve all the good in the world.) 

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