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When (Y/N) woke up sprawled across their sheets, they could immediately feel soreness in their throat and their head beginning to burst with pain. (Y/N) had felt off the past few days and today was the day that explained why. (Y/N) was sick. (Y/N) was too distracted by how much their head throbbed doing so much as sitting up to remember they had plans with Luka today, but it hurt too much to look at their phone to text him. 

(Y/N) collected all the tolerance they had, which took about half an hour to text Owen to get them medicine and to send a super apologetic but short text to Luka, explaining that it hurt to look at their phone so responses would be slow that day. (Y/N) felt strangely sad when they saw Luka had seen the message but hadn't sent them anything back. 

Owen, being a godsend, walked his happy ass all the way to the attic to give (Y/N) medicine and a ridiculous amount of water, accompanied by a cool compress and extra blankets, saying "Your mother would be rolling in her grave if I didn't get you everything you needed. By the way, Luka texted me asking if he was clear to come over and take care of you, are you okay with me saying yes?"

(Y/N) could only respond in a coughing fit, holding their throat as they took the medicine while Owen fussed over them "I just don't want him getting sick" (Y/N) whimpered weakly "But if he really wants to I guess it's fine."

Owen smiled, pulling out his phone "Honey he texted me four times I'm sure he's willing to risk it. I don't know how you found him but he is crazy about you. Do you need anything else before Luka gets here?" with a shake of the head from (Y/N), Owen left after giving (Y/N) a quick kiss on the forehead and soft "feel better soon, kid" 


"Wait (Y/N) is sick?" Juleka asked as Luka all but ran around the kitchen making soup to take with him "How bad is it? Is Owen handling it? Why are you going?" Juleka questioned, yet still helped as she chopped vegetables. 

Luka sighed, running a hand through his hair as he waited for the water to boil "(Y/N) had to cancel our date, which they never do, and said their head hurt so bad they couldn't even look at their phone, and they were super hesitant about me coming over so I guess it's pretty bad." He explained as he started assembling the soup, it was the recipe he always made for Juleka when she was sick. 

Juleka frowned, her eyebrows furrowing as she watched Luka's nervous gait and anxious energy "Are you sure they aren't contagious? I just don't want you getting sick." 

Luka smiled, looking back at his sister "It's a risk I'm willing to take," he paused, looking at the ground for a minute before speaking again "It's the first time they've been sick since their parents passed and I just don't want (Y/N) to feel lonely by themselves. Owen's great and I'm sure he's trying but he has responsibilities with his wedding and running his dad's companies." he explained before slipping out of the kitchen to grab one of his hoodies for (Y/N), not caring if he ever gets it back. They had mentioned his clothes were weirdly comforting for them and Luka pretty much just ran with it. 

Juleka hopped off her seat and followed Luka into his room "Do you want me to come with you? I can get Rose too and we can all take care of (Y/N)"

"No, no it's okay. Too much noise is bad for the headache," he explained, only half-thinking about that. The other half was happy he got to be the one to take care of them "I'm sure (Y/N) wants to keep the volume and social interaction to a minimum." 

After the soup was done, he headed off 


"Darling?" A blissfully familiar voice called just before the attic access opened up. A head of shaggy black and blue hair popped out and (Y/N)'s boyfriend was there. He closed the door as quietly as he could after he noticed how still (Y/N) was, were they asleep? He shrugged and put the soup he had made in the fridge and he quickly felt for their temperature before tucking (Y/N) in, leaving a soft kiss on their forehead. 

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