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(Y/N) was pleasantly surprised when Adrien actually did his fair share of the work. It was a small poetry analysis project so it was due the next day. (Y/N) and Adrien worked in comfortable silence while they were in the library, but they didn't finish before their next class so they made plans to meet up at a small cafe near the school to finish it up after classes were over. Juleka and Rose picked a seat close to the two so they could listen in. Juleka felt both annoyed and glad they were getting along. She was worried about what Luka might think about the whole thing, but (Y/N) wasn't doing anything wrong either. 

Adrien and (Y/N) went their separate ways throughout the day, not focusing on much other than their respective routines but (Y/N) made sure to text Luka about what had happened and that they had to postpone their date to later in the day so they could finish their project with Adrien and he seemed fine with it. 

Adrien waited for (Y/N) outside the school so they could walk together "How did the rest of your day go?" he asked as he fell into step with (Y/N).

"Not too bad, chemistry is killing me though." (Y/N) said with a smile, their face getting worried as they spoke again "How was yours? I mean I can't imagine the whole Marinette thing has made things any easier for you."

Adrien smiled, a genuine smile- his Chat Noir smile "It's actually been easier, I didn't realize how draining some people were until they started leaving me alone," He shifted his backpack as he held the door to the cafe open for (Y/N) to walk through and step into line "How do you like your coffee? Do you want a snack or something? I'll buy it for you"

"Adrien you don't have to pay me for being here," (Y/N) answered with a smile before shaking their head in amusement "Luka has the same problem. Like he thinks all he's good for is doing things for other people when that couldn't be further from the truth." (Y/N)'s face lit up when they talked about Luka and it struck a chord in Adrien. Marinette talked about Adrien all the time but never had that look in her eye that (Y/N) did when they talked about Luka. 

Adrien smiled, sliding his wallet out "I want to. Besides, you can pay next time if you feel that strongly about it." 



"So tell me about Luka," Adrien said as he went over the work they did "I mean obviously you're head over heels for him so what makes him special?" 

(Y/N) smiled, happy to take the opportunity to gush about their boyfriend "He's just so creative and connected to everything that's going on in the world. It's so fascinating to listen to him talk about what really gets him going no matter how small it might seem to other people. He uses his music to express himself but he's trying really hard to start putting his feelings into words and he's doing so well and I'm so proud of him. I just love how his mind works in tune with everything else, I've never met anyone else who thinks the way he does," (Y/N)'s face was getting more and more expressive as they spoke, talking with their hands more and more to the point where Adrien had to move their coffee cup so they didn't knock it over "And he's so nice to everyone even when he doesn't need to be. He's just so- He's Luka. He's so unabashedly him and I love it." 

Adrien smiled, it was nice hearing someone talk so easily about why they loved someone. His dad never did that and Marinette was much more focused on appearances than she was willing to admit. "You must really love him, huh?"

"I do, a lot," (Y/N) said before clearing their throat "What drew you to Marinette? I know you guys broke up but there had to be something about her."

Adrien took a deep breath as he thought about it, he didn't like his answer but it was accurate "She was there and willing"

(Y/N) froze as they sipped their drink "What does that mean?"

Adrien sighed, sitting back in his chair "She was a very different person before we started dating. She was so...passionate and loyal. She trusted me with so many secrets and I felt like we had a bind like no other. I took care of her and she took care of me- even when we didn't know who we were. Then when we started dating she just...got so obsessive and jealous that I felt like I was suffocating. I felt like I was some sort of prize to her instead of a person if that makes sense."

(Y/N) could practically feel Adrien's armor coming off, they could tell he hadn't talked to anyone about the breakup yet "It makes a lot of sense, actually. Do you feel better talking about it?"

He nodded, looking down at his drink "Better than I thought it would. Luka's one lucky man."

"You can tell him that yourself if you ever want to hang out with the group," (Y/N) said with a smile "I'm sure he'd love to talk to you now that Marinette isn't in the equation for either of you."

"I might take you up on that," he said before he glanced at the clock "Well the project is done and turned in, don't you have a date to get to?"

(Y/N) nodded, packing up their stuff "I do, but this was fun. We should do this again sometime soon."

"We should,"


(Y/N) finally let Asra out from the bracelet around their wrist when they were in the car, their driver had the divider up so they were in complete privacy. The raven looked worried, thinking about Adrien potentially getting (Y/N) connected with Hawkmoth more than they, albeit unknowingly, already are. 

"Are you sure getting involved with the Agreste boy is a good idea?" the raven asked as (Y/N) fed him a snack "He has a lot of drama surrounding him, it could put you at risk for getting hurt or him getting akumatized. Miraculous holders aren't safe from akumas. What about Luka? Wouldn't he get worried?"

"It'll be fine, Asra. This is better than Adrien AND Marinette hating me. Now it's just Marinette. Besides, Luka and Adrien might become friends, and how great would that be." (Y/N) replied, trying to look on the bright side 

"What if they don't"

"We'll burn that bridge when we get to it, Asra. Try to relax."


"You're here," Luka said as (Y/N) boarded the boat, immediately holding them in a warm embrace and pulling them in for a longing, happy kiss. He kissed their forehead and rested there "I missed you so much."

(Y/N)'s face flushed, smiling as they answered "I missed you too. How was your day?" 

"Fine," Luka answered "Definitely not as interesting as yours, I'd bet. What happened with Adrien?" he asked, trying to hide his jealousy. 

(Y/N) smiled, leading Luka to his room and settling on the bed before answering "It went better than I expected, it was actually kind of nice. He let me talk about you and we talked a little bit of shit about Marinette. It was great. I think you guys would actually be really good friends."

"You talked about me?" Luka said, his face flushed 

"It was all good things, baby, I promise." (Y/N) said before pulling him in for another kiss

Luka pulled himself up before getting on top of (Y/N) and softly kissing their lips, eventually working his way to their jaw and neck, reveling in the small pants and gasps his partner let out "You got me all riled up, babe- canceling plans to hang out with him," he said, not stopping the kisses "I'm not usually the territorial type, love but look what you do to me" he whispered, his voice turning (Y/N)'s knees to jello

"D-Don't you mean jealous"

"No," he said confidently "Jealous implies you're someone else's. But you're all mine, aren't you, sweetheart?" he said, tilting their face up with his face so close he was teasing the possibility of a kiss. 

(Y/N) nodded dumbly

"Good, that's my angel," Luka said with a smile before diving in to kiss them. 


(A/N: BOOM DOUBLE UPDATE BECAUSE Y'ALL DESERVE IT. naptime for me. I hope you all enjoyed)

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