They Boink in This One: The Sequel [female version]

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Adrien and Luka didn't even bother with celebrating with the rest of the band, they stayed just long enough to be polite and then all but dragged (Y/N) upstairs. Their hands never left (Y/N)'s or eachother's until they had to climb the ladder.

The moment the door was closed Adrien pounced, his hands running feverishly over (Y/N)'s clothes while Luka felt him up from behind. It was a chorus of hushed moans, whispers, and whines until they made their way to the bed. Luka was straddled by (Y/N), his lips captured by Adrien's in a heated kiss, he moaned shamelessly into Adrien's mouth as (Y/N) rocked their hips into him.

Adrien smirked at the sweet noises, his hand drifting to (Y/N)'s ass to guide their pace. He stuck with teasingly slow pace, much to the dismay of his partners. "If you're both patient, there's a reward in it for you~"

Luka didn't think he could get any harder but that seemed to do the trick, he shivered when Adrien sucked and licked up and down his neck. "I-I'll be good"

"Good boy~" Adrien cooed, glancing at (Y/N) who was currently also short-circuiting. He squeezed their ass "naughty little thing. You're quite the voyeur, aren't you?" His hand snaked around their waist and twisted their body to kiss them- a way of showing approval when they nodded- never stopping their hips from bucking into Luka's.

"Luka? My sweet boy? Would you do something for me?" Adrien whispered, his lips ghosting over (Y/N)'s. He squeezed Luka's hand when the boy nodded "have you ever been pegged, doll?"

Luka nodded, slightly embarrassed "(Y/N) and I have done it together- more often than I'd like to admit"

"Good," Adrien grinned when he ran his hand through Luka's hair "would you let me fuck you?"

Luka nodded, his hips bucking up into (Y/N)'s. The poor boy was so flustered his hair was already sticking to his forehead from how sweaty his face was. "P-please?"

Adrien bit back a moan, fuck Luka was intoxicating when he got like this. He didn't think Luka would be so submissive. "Well now I have to since you've asked so nicely." He guided (Y/N) off Luka and guided Luka onto his lap, his back against his chest while Adrien felt how hard his boyfriend was through his pants "it'd be a shame if we neglected our lovely manager though, wouldn't it?"

Luka nodded, he never wanted to leave (Y/N) out of anything. But he'd been craving them all day. "I want to- ah~" he whined as Adrien squeezed his not-so-little problem through his pants.

"What is it, doll? Use your words." Adrien cooed, his other hand slipping into Luka's hair and pulling it softly.

"I-I want to make them feel good too- can I?" Luka whined, half-begging as he leaned toward (Y/N).

"Well that's a question for them. Personally I'd love to see you too drunk on sensations to think about anything but wanting more." Adrien grinned, he was really shameless now that they've finally got him in bed.

Luka looked at (Y/N), laying flat on his stomach while Adrien took his pants off "would you let me go down on you- please?"

"Of course, baby. Such a good boy for asking so nicely~" (Y/N) grinned, their hand in Luka's hair as he started the task of taking their clothes off.

Luka jumped when he felt Adrien's cold and lubed up finger slowly beginning to slide in. (Y/N)'s scent hit him like a drug by the time he was finally able to bury his face in them, his finger rubbing against their clit. He slid a finger in, working up to more as (Y/N) bucked their hips into his mouth. "Ah~ such a good boy for me~" (Y/N) moaned.

Luka almost came just from that, yes, he was a good boy. He whined into (Y/N)'s folds, sending the vibrations shooting through them as Adrien slipped in another two fingers. He could feel him curling them as he went. Adrien was quiet, watching his partners intently. (Y/N)'s praise only had him going faster, eager to make them cum.

"Oh- fuck-" (Y/N) panted "you have to slow down or I'm going to-" (Y/N)'s words were knocked right out of them as their wave of ecstacy hit almost out of nowhere. Luka, like a good little thing, licked his mess clean.

Adrien leaned down, his bare chest against Luka's back "Good boy. Now what do you think about a little repositioning?"

"Wh-" Luka blinked, processing as he slowly tried to come back down to earth "what did you have in mind?"

"I want to fuck you. While you fuck (Y/N)" Adrien slipped another finger inside Luka, causing the boy to bury his face in (Y/N)'s thighs to muffle his moans, only to be yanked up by his hair by Adrien. "Oh you sweet thing, no hiding those sweet noises from us~ so? Are you okay with that?"

Luka nodded with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store "yes! Yes, please-"

Adrien flicked his attention to the dazed (Y/N), smirking at what a good job Luka must have done while Luka put a condom on "what do you say, angel?"

(Y/N) nodded, weakly pulling Luka closer as he lined himself up with their entrance. "You just tap my shoulder twice if it gets to be too much, okay, Luka?" (Y/N) murmured  softly, clearly dazed and exhausted.

Luka's heart felt like it was going to burst. Even in such a dazed state of mind, (Y/N) still wanted Luka to feel safe. They wanted him to be happy. He wanted to make them happy too. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to their lips as he slid himself inside, not moving until Adrien, now also wearing a condom, slid himself inside him.

Adrien rubbed Luka's back soothingly as he stretched the boy out, pulling in and out slowly as he worked up the speed. The room became a symphony of sounds from the sound of bodies connecting in pleasure to the the high whines and low moans that escaped everyone's lips.

(Y/N) and Luka hadn't had sex in a while, they wanted to wait until Adrien was ready and wanting to join them, so the stretch felt like their first time all over again. It was a little painful, some tears pricking long (Y/N)'s eyes. Luka, as doting as every kissed them all away as Adrien whispered praises to them for doing so well. "What a good little puppy we have, huh, Luka?"

Luka nodded, grinning at how (Y/N) tightened around him at the nickname. "What a pretty puppy~ doing so good for us~"

"L-Luka~" (Y/N) whispered, wrapping their around around his neck and pulling his chest to theirs "Luka please- kiss me?"

Luka grinned, tilting his head to kiss them. "I love you, (Y/N)," he whispered reverently before kissing them again "so much-"

Adrien took this as a chance to speed up, grinning at the surprised moan he ripped from both his partners. He squeezed Luka's ass, groaning as he pushed himself deeper.

"Adrien- I- close~" Luka whined "please- fuck- faster~" his broken sentences edged Adrien even more, (Y/N)'s hushed whines being enough to tip Luka over the edge. His voice broke as he filled up the condom, he continued fucking (Y/N) until they hit their second orgasm, which was swiftly followed by Adrien finally getting his high.

They all stayed like that for a while, panting as they processed what just happened. Adrien was the first to pull away, throwing his used condom in the garbage as he got up and went into the bathroom. (Y/N) heard the running water as Luka pulled out, his arms around (Y/N) bridal style as he picked them up "time to clean up, gorgeous~ want me to wash your hair for you? You can sleep, I'll make sure you don't drown."

(Y/N) nodded, leaning against Luka as he carried them to the bathroom for his promised pampering. The world went dark the minute (Y/N)'s body hit the warm water and they settled into Adrien's waiting arms.

(Y/N) didn't wake up until Luka had them in bed again, wearing a combination of his and Adrien's clothes. Luka kissed their head "Adrien and I are gonna clean ourselves up and do a round two in the shower. You get some sleep, love." He buried his face into their neck "I'm so proud of you."

(Y/N) smiled weakly, squeezing Luka's hand as the world went dark again.

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