Couffaine versus Agreste

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Luka pushed himself off of (Y/N) and flopped onto the bed next to them with a soft thump, the pillows bouncing slightly as he pressed a kiss into (Y/N)'s forehead. His mind was still reeling from the events of the evening, Adrien was long gone and Rose was staying with Juleka in her room. He tried to push it out of his head but he couldn't stop thinking about the look on (Y/N)'s face when they ran out of the door. He tried to focus on (Y/N), who was currently in his arms and in the process of dozing off, as a reminder that they made up and everything was okay but something was nagging in the back of his mind no matter how tightly he hugged them. 

"Luka," (Y/N) asked quietly, their voice barely above a whisper as they propped themselves up to look at him "what's on your mind? You keep fiddling with your rings and you only do that when something's bugging you"

Luka smiled at (Y/N), a look of both earnest love and regret, leaning up to kiss them sweetly before pulling away. "I just can't get today out of my head," he confessed, shifting his gaze to the ceiling "I hate how I kept such a big thing from you, it's what ruined my relationship with Marinette and here I was doing that to you. I keep thinking about it and- and then I think about seeing you with him and I can't help where my mind goes with that." He felt awful airing his grievances like this, (Y/N) couldn't control what he was thinking and he didn't want to make it sound like it was their fault. "I love you and I just don't want to hurt you, and I hurt you today. You cried because of me" 

Luka froze when he felt (Y/N)'s hand on his cheek as they guided him to look at them, their fingertips were always colder than the rest of them but Luka loved the feeling on his skin. Luka could get lost in (Y/N)'s eyes, they were always so beautiful no matter how many times Luka saw them. "Luka, it's okay. You thought you were doing the right thing and you learned your lesson, right?" they said, only continuing when Luka nodded in response "so it's done, I promise. I'm okay and you're okay, that's what matters." (Y/N)'s voice was so comforting, vibrating against Luka's ears while he took a deep breath. 

"I still don't like Adrien," Luka huffed, looking away as his face flushed "I'm sure he's a great guy but I just get this weird feeling and it's probably just me being jealous but I can't shake it." 

"You don't need to force yourself to like him right away, just give him a chance," they said, pressing a kiss against his lips before laying down and cuddling into his chest. 

"I'll try," Luka said. He wasn't sure if he'd succeed, but he'd try for (Y/N). 


Adrien came over to watch the band practice and everyone but Luka was visibly happy to have him there. Luka remembered Juleka talking about how everyone was on good terms with Adrien and enjoyed his company but seeing it was a different experience. He hated seeing him sitting with (Y/N) while the band played but he noticed how much space he left in between him and (Y/N), they seemed to be getting along okay. He couldn't help but feel a bolt of jealousy when (Y/N) leaned closer to hear him as the band's louder songs were rehearsed but again, it came with the territory. 

He was sure (Y/N) noticed his tensity, they called for an early break and asked Luka to help them grab snacks and water. 

"Luka are you okay?" (Y/N) asked as they opened the fridge, grabbed a few bottles of water, and closed it again. They turned to look at Luka, a look of worry on their face. 

"I'm fine," Luka said, rubbing his rings "I just didn't realize my uh..jealous tendencies until today."

"Luka, you have nothing to worry about," (Y/N) said, kissing him quickly "Adrien and I are just friends and I hope one day you guys can be friends, you have more in common than you think."

Both of them turned as the door to the kitchen opened, Luka blinking in surprise when he saw Adrien walk in "did you guys need help?"

"Yeah, can you help Luka with getting the food while I bring the waters up? I'm sure Rose needs hers ASAP," (Y/N) said with a smile before pressing a kiss against Luka's face and making themselves scarce. Luka felt his nerves shoot up, he has never been alone with Adrien and he didn't want to be the one to make it awkward. What do you say to the guy your ex-girlfriend left you for?

"Luka," Adrien said after a few minutes of awkward silence, sticking his hands in his pockets and smiling shyly "I think we got off on the wrong foot."

"You could say that," Luka said, making sure his tone was light and joking as he smiled

"How about we just start things over, I know (Y/N) wants us to get along and well- I want to see them happy just as much as you want to see them happy," He said, laughing nervously as they continued "See? We already have something in common!"

Luka nodded, relaxing his shoulders "We do. Alright, you get a clean slate." Luka said, trying to quell the lingering jealousy. He opened the cabinet and pulled out some chips while Adrien grabbed bowls and some sweets. He made a point to hold the door open for Adrien, taking the chance to get the last word in no matter how much his conscience advised against it "but if I find out you have any sort of ulterior motive, I will be on you so fast and so hard that not even ladybug's magic will fix you, understand?" he said, his voice low and dark. He watched Adrien nod, he seemed unphased by his threat almost as if he expected it. 

"I get it, Luka," Adrien said, a gracious smile on his face that felt so fake Luka wanted to vomit just looking at it "you want them safe and you don't want someone hurting them. But I assure you, if anyone hurts them it's not going to be me. You won't be the only one getting revenge on their behalf." Luka was shocked, Adrien was getting too attached to (Y/N) too fast and he hated it but he did the same thing. He felt stupid, he felt like a hypocrite threatening him but he didn't care all that much. He felt like everything Adrien did was an indirect challenge. "(Y/N)'s probably hungry, let's get this to them." 

Luka only nodded, following after the blond while he pulled himself together. He hated how competitive he got around Adrien, he hated how out of control he felt when he was nearby, and he hated how low he stooped just moments ago. He bit back the bile rising in his throat while he sat with (Y/N), smiling and laughing as if it never happened. 


"Perfect, our wonder boy is faltering," Gabriel said, listening intently as Asra spoke, the kwami perched on the railing of his headquarters. He chuckled darkly at the irony of his own son being the one to lay the groundwork for his plans "soon enough that rage will consume him until he's under our thumb."

Asra swallowed, looking visibly conflicted the more Gabriel gave his villainous monologue to what was basically and empty room, all who were there to listen were simply butterflies and Asra. He fluffed his feathers while Gabriel mumbled to himself, only looking up when Gabriel said his name. 

"Keep him on this path or you're done, Asra." Gabriel said firmly, a threatening and sadistic glint in his eyes "You can go back to that pathetic excuse of a wielder"


"You did great today, Luka" (Y/N) said with a smile as they cleaned up the mess practice "I'm glad you two are finally finding some common ground."

"Yeah, Adrien is actually really cool," Luka said, thinking back to their little chat "He seems to really like you." 

"Well I'd hope so, friends should tolerate each other." 

"Yeah, they should." Good thing Luka and Adrien weren't friends.


(A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying where I'm taking the story so far, I'm hoping to get a bunch of chapters up this weekend before my midterm induced hibernation. Thank you all so much for your patience <3)

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