Never Again

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"You're joining them on their honeymoon?" Luka asked, nearly dropping his guitar. It had been a week since the wedding, the band was currently in (Y/N)'s living room taking a break from playing while everyone retuned. Owen and Milo called (Y/N) to join them on the rest of their honeymoon, saying they wanted this to be their first official family trip since the adoption papers went through.

(Y/N) nodded "just for a week, I promise you'll blink and I'll be back."

Adrien hugged (Y/N) from behind, almost trapping them in his embrace "but- but we'll miss you." He whined, in his drawn-out puppy voice he saves for Chat Noir. He was practically hanging off (Y/N), forcing them to lean slightly due to the new weight.

(Y/N) smiled, reaching around to hold Adrien's face and giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek "I know, but I'll be back before you know it," they put their hand on the arm now around their waist "plus it gives you and Luka time to hang out without worrying if I'm getting enough attention."

Luka pouted, getting out of his seat to join in on the hug "but you'll be gone."

"I know, I know, you'll be lost without me." (Y/N) giggled "but I promise it'll be okay. I'll leave tonight and be back in a flash."

"You're leaving tonight?" The boys half-shouted in unison. They didn't have time to mentally prepare for (Y/N) leaving. They only hugged hugged them tighter.

"I'll send plenty of pictures and call every day, I promise." (Y/N) huffed, happy they'll miss them but struggling to breathe.

Adrien was the first to let go, Luka shortly following his example "promise you'll be safe?"

(Y/N) nodded, wordlessly locking pinkies with both boys "pinkie promise. Now, I have to go pack." They said, waving to the rest of the band "have fun practicing!" They kissed both boys goodbye and disappeared into the mansion.

Luka and Adrien just looked at eachother and back to the place where (Y/N) once stood, trying to keep it together. Luka huffed, going back to his guitar and leaving Adrien to fiddle with his keyboard before band practice started back up again.

The last they saw of (Y/N) was when they came with to drop them off at the airport, and even that was too short-lived. (Y/N) gave them both one last kiss before disappearing into the bustle of people.

Luka sulked in the car the entire way back to Adrien's, and continued sulking on his own way home. (Y/N) had never been gone this long, and Adrien was bound to be slammed with meetings so he was going to be all by himself for a week.

Adrien was sitting on his roof as Chat Noir, long after the sun had set, his legs dangling off the building. He sighed, looking off to where he knew Luka's boat was kept, not the Luka was close enough he could see it. He powered up his phone, hoping for some message from Luka but nothing. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard, trying to come up with something to say but nothing sounded right.

What kind of pathetic boyfriend was he that he couldn't last without (Y/N) and Luka? He didn't want to be a bother, so he powered down and went back inside and into bed, a bed that didn't feel right with nobody else in it.

Plagg sighed, trying to come up with a way to soothe Adrien, but one look at the far-away stare in the boy's face told the Kwami that he needed to be left alone.

Luka couldn't sleep, so he sat on the kitchen counter braiding new bracelets for (Y/N) and Adrien, a little tradition he'd started for himself. He kept a little box of the bracelets, he never planned on giving his partners the tokens of affection, part of him worried they'd think they were cheap. But he enjoyed making them, so make them he did.

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