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As the leaves changed with the seasons, so did the life of (Y/N). As they finally began to settle into the rhythm, the months flew by surrounded by people they loved and supported. They got stronger as Raven, gaining more recognition with every villain they took down. Asra came out of his shell a little, slowly becoming a friend to (Y/N) as well as a trusted mentor. It was hard to believe (Y/N) had been here for over a year now. 

The icy snow fell, the occasional flake tapping on (Y/N)'s window as if to say "hello" as they enjoyed their much-appreciated alone time, thinking about the crazy year it had been. Just over a year ago (Y/N) had lost their parents, their world shattered only to be thrown into the hustle and bustle of moving to Paris- and that was before they became a superhero. 

'Rose, the first friend they'd made, a constant ray of sunshine and optimism in the lives of all who were graced with her presence. She was the person who got (Y/N) to think about life like it could be fun again. Juleka, the silent support (Y/N) never knew they'd needed. They were their number one hype woman and always knew exactly what to say. She got (Y/N) out of their depression room, as much as Rose tries to take credit for it- out of love, of course. She was the one that led (Y/N) to Luka.'

'And Luka', (Y/N) blushed just thinking of his face, biting the inside of their lip slightly as they drew him, a habit they slowly picked up as the couple spent more and more time together. 'What a blessing Luka was. If anyone could be considered a guardian angel, it was Luka Couffaine. They'd met when both were wounded and hurting and built each other back up, even stronger than before. He was there for every nightmare, every bad day, every time they needed him he was there, his arms open and ready to accept (Y/N) for everything they were.' Just thinking about him made (Y/N) smile, remembering every wonderful thing he ever did for them.

***2 months before***

(Y/N) was startled by the knock on their door. Usually, Owen just let himself in and threw the curtains open, burning (Y/N)'s eyes as he went on about what he had planned for the day or whatever was on his mind that morning. It was getting colder as the winter season slowly set in, the leaves still hanging onto the trees, as if they were waiting for their bittersweet goodbyes. They wiggled out of their blankets, already mourning the warmth as they opened the attic hatch. 

"Hey," Luka said, a smile on their face as (Y/N) helped him up "I know today is kind of the anniversary of..." he trailed off, (Y/N) was so tired they weren't conscious of what day it was until they looked at the calendar, freezing with the realization. In just a few hours it will have officially been a year since they died... "I woke you up," he said, his voice startling (Y/N) "That wasn't even on your radar yet- fuck, love, I'm so sorry." 

"Hey," (Y/N) murmured, wrapping their arms around him and resting their face on his chest "I'd rather have the realization with you here than by myself," (Y/N) felt Luka physically melt. "Owen, Milo, and I were all going to visit their graves today if you wanted to come with us, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." 

Luka laughed gently, his hand finding itself playing with their hair as he pulled them closer "That's actually why I'm here, Milo called me last night and asked if I could come, he figured you wouldn't want to have to go and third wheel, it'd be too much of a bummer. Those were his words exactly." He kissed their head as he heard their small laugh "Plus, I really didn't want to leave you alone today of all days."

"Thank you," (Y/N) whispered, pulling themselves away just enough that they could kiss him. 


Then there was the holidays, Adrien and Luka ended up attached at the hip while they spent every second with (Y/N). Rose, (Y/N) and Juleka couldn't help but laugh a little at their not so subtle competition.

New years was the best, Luka invited everyone over- Adrien included. (Y/N) had never felt more excited for a new year before, finally starting it with someome other than their parents, spending it with the new people who already made such a difference in their life.

The fireworks were beautiful, Luka and (Y/N) slipped above deck before midnight to spent it alone, so they sat on the floor and just held eachother.

"You know," Luka had said, pressed a kiss to (Y\N)'s head "I don't think I've ever been this happy before"

"Not at all?" (Y/N) asked, genuine surprise as they remembered all of the stories Luka had told them and all of the things he had to be proud of "not Kitty Section's debut? Not writing your first real song? Not Juleka being the best sister ever?"

"Don't get me wrong, all of those things are wonderful." He paused, pulling away slightly as he looked deeply into (Y/N)'s eyes "but nothing has been quite as womderful as just sitting here with you, going into the year knowing as long as I have you everything is going to be okay"

"Yeah?" (Y/N) asked, trying not to get visbly flustered. It never mattered how long they were together, Luka never failed to make them blush

"Yeah," he replied, a goofy grin on his face as he pulled them in for a kiss.

***Present day***

School was officially back in session and (Y/N) was rushing up the steps to escape the cold outside, Juleka and Rose greeting them with a hug as they made it inside "Winter is pretty much over why is it still freezing outside!"

Juleka shrugged as Rose began leading the group to class "Almost over doesn't mean it's over. Come on we have to go to class before we're late"

"Oh my god," Rose half-whispered as she looked in the door, immediately pulling Juleka and (Y/N) away from the door "she's back"

"What? Who's back?" Juleka said, craning her neck to look through the window, her eyes filling with the same dread as her girlfriend "Lila," she said, a venom in her voice (Y/N) had never heard before

(Y/N) looked between the two with confusion, a lost look in their eyes as they looked at their bracelet as if Asra would know the answer "who the hell is Lila?"

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