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Luka's face flushed at the nickname, shying away slightly "Just stay with me for a minute. Being alone makes it worse." he answered, pulling (Y/N) onto his lap and trapping them in a hug.

"I'll stay all night if need be, my love." 


School was getting less and less scary, and despite Marinette and Adrien's obvious distaste for them, (Y/N) fit right in. Luka made a point to meet (Y/N) after school when he picked up Juleka, and when Rose joined them they went on double dates, sometimes triple dates when Mylene and Ivan were free. (Y/N)'s house became a pretty common hangout spot since (Y/N)'s grandparents moved to a smaller apartment, apparently, they just didn't want to walk as much seeing as they were getting older. Milo moved in and (Y/N) was pretty much being raised by two wonderful gay dads. Two months had passed by in a blur of fighting villains, dates, and concerts with Luka, and coming to terms with the death of their parents, and just learning to enjoy life again. 

Ivan and Mylene were giggling uncontrollably at the mushy scene in the movie the band was watching. Everyone was hitting the point where they needed a break, and (Y/N) suggested watching a rom-com so everyone can zone out and have a chill triple date. Everyone was happy when Luka set up the projector on the deck and threw blankets and pillows at everyone, making a blanket announcement to leave before any heavy making out happens, earning a laugh and blush from the entire group. 

He settled next to (Y/N), kissing their head as he pulled them in to rest their head against his chest and shoulder, resting his other hand on their knee after he started the movie. (Y/N) didn't think they'd ever get used to how warm and loving Luka was to them. They felt so spoiled just cuddling with him and feeling the occasional 'I love you' tap on their knee at the romantic parts. (Y/N) was thankful it was dark so he couldn't see the blush dusting their cheeks, not knowing Luka was thankful for the same thing.

"This was a great idea, my love," Luka whispered, making (Y/N) jump slightly and earning a small laugh from the boy next to them, not expecting him to talk. It definitely didn't help that his breath tickled their ear as he spoke "Nothing recharges me better than just holding you like this." A smiled crossing his lips as he kissed (Y/N)'s cheek. 

(Y/N) smiled and leaned up to kiss him, which Luka happily returned "Is it bad if I say I suggested this just because I wanted attention?" 

Luka could feel his heart nearly burst at how shy and flustered (Y/N) sounded admitting that, they were so cute it was hard not to just kiss them all over. "Not bad at all, my love. It's adorable."


The movie ended after another hour of teasing and sneaky kisses, but nobody was up for working on concert prep yet. Luka finally made a suggestion after they all went below deck to raid the fridge, "Does anyone want to play Uno?"

Every hand but (Y/N)'s hands shot up in the air, and Luka raised a questioning eyebrow at his lover, making them launch a quick explanation "I don't know, I get really competitive when I play Uno. It's best I sit this one out." 

Luka smirked, an idea popping into his head as he got on his knees and took (Y/N)'s hands in his "Pretty please?" he begged with those frustratingly convincing puppy-dog eyes of his. 

"Fine!" (Y/N) agreed, half out of love and half out of desperation for Luka to get off the floor

"Yes!" Luka cheered, jumping off the floor and kissing (Y/N) happily as everyone moved to sit in a circle on the floor as Luka shuffled the deck and dealt out the cards. 

After many many many rounds of (Y/N) getting dealt plus fours and Luka winning, it was down to just Juleka and Luka since everyone else got back to concert prep. It was hilarious hearing the groans and shouts in frustration as they both dealt devastating blow after devastating blow. Eventually, Juleka came out on top and Luka sadly waddled over to (Y/N) and draped himself over them from behind as (Y/N) patted his arms affectionately "You sad you lost, baby?" 

He nodded, burying his head into (Y/N)'s neck and sighing, ticking (Y/N)'s neck. "I owe her ten dollars."

"Your fault for betting on it, Luka," (Y/N) sighed as they put the papers they were holding down and turning to kiss his pouty lips "Sad little puppy, huh?", they said, earning a pout from Luka as he nodded. 

"Do you need attention? I can play a round and lose if it'll make you feel better," (Y/N) jokingly suggested. 

Luka shook his head, wordless dragging (Y/N) to his room, earning a giggle and knowing look exchange among everyone else. "Luka, you don't need to pull my arm so hard!" (Y/N) protested as the two ran down the hall. He set (Y/N) on his bed and attacked their lips immediately, forceful yet gentle enough (Y/N) was happy to melt into the kiss. He kept kissing them until he had to force himself off in order to breathe, panting heavily as he rested his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder. 

"Was they pouty act just an excuse to get me in your bed, Couffaine?" (Y/N) teased, a smirk on their face "I would have come if you asked nicely." 

"Is it a crime to want you to dote on me for a second?" He replied, a smirk on his face as he lightly sucked on (Y/N)'s neck. It was enough to get a reaction but not enough to leave a mark. 

"Luka," (Y/N) sighed blissfully as they rested on hand on his head, playing with hair and lightly pulling on it "Luka we have to go help the band- your band, might I add"

"Five more minutes," he said as he kissed (Y/N)'s forehead "Unless you're uncomfortable- I didn't ask oh my god I'm so sorry-" 

"Luka, I am completely comfortable with this," (Y/N) said, holding his face gently "I just know you have a concert tomorrow you need to be ready for and I don't want you to regret wasting however long we lock ourselves up in here"

"No time with you is a waste, my love," Luka said "But we will stop after five minutes if you really want to get back to helping out, okay?"

A flustered grin crossed (Y/N)'s face as they smiled, nodding and sending a mental apology to Asra as they pulled Luka back into him. 


(A/N: Happy pride month! I'm still not great at more..steamy scenes but I wanted to write some straight-up romantic shit ngl. I appreciate all of you so much, make sure you drink water and eat today. I hope you enjoyed it.)

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