(Y/N)'s First Friend

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The sun poured into (Y/N)'s room in paintlike rays, painting the room in iredescent hues of white, pinks, and oranges, the birds seemed especially happy this morning as they sung much more than usual, the city streets below were quiet without much more than the occasional honk or doors closing. When (Y/N)'s eyes finally opened and they took in such peaceful surroundings, they could just feel that it was going to be a good day. 

(Y/N) turned on music as they stepped into the shower ane did a double take when they saw how many products were in the bathroom alone. (Y/N) joked to themselves that if they didn't have clear skin within two months then rich people products were full of shit. Their muscles relaxed as the water wrapped a warm blanket around their figure, (Y/N)'s hair getting a lovely pampering as they cleaned themselves.

As much as (Y/N) wanted to stay in the shower forever, they didn't want to be late for theie first day with first impressions and all. They bregrudginly pulled themselves out of the shower and did their makeup for the day, they kept things pretty natural for the day with just a little bit of soft vibes, they manifested good things for the day. "Alright, (Y/N), we're gonna go out there and make new friends. We can do this, mom would want us to have fun," (Y/N) said to themselves as they looked in the mirror, proud of their outfit choice for the day. 

(Y/N) grabbed their light brown leather satchel their grandmother bought them to use as a bag and double-checked that everything sthey needed was inside, still shocked their grandmother bought thembso much stuff to begin with. (Y/N) grabbed their sketchbook and tucked it neatly in their bag before going downstairs where the driver was waiting for them. It was weird just thinking about going to meet their driver- too many new things they'd have to get used to.

(Y/N)'s driver was pretty nice, he was a pretty built guy. He looked more like a bodyguard than a driver, he had a short beard and long brown hair he kept in a manbun, (Y/N) thought it looked pretty cool. They made a mental note to ask where he got his hair done because it looked gorgeous. He dropped them off in front of the School and (Y/N) got out of the car, suddenly frozen seeing all the students stare at them as. They went up the stairs. 

(Y/N) was surprised there was so much space in the center of the school to just sort of hang out, they went into the office and turned in the extra papers and to meet their tour guide, apparently it was someone named Marinette. (Y/N) sat down in the office, which was remarkably well decorated as far as school offices go. There was a trophy case with all kinds of trophies, plaques, and medals the school has earned. 

"(Y/N)?" A girl's voice called out, snapping (Y/N)'s from her throughts.

(Y/N)'s head turned to face the girl, the person who stood in front of her had raven black hair pulled into low pigtails, utterly mesmerizing blue eyes, and an evident love for the color pink "That would be me, are you Marinette?"

She nodded, giving (Y/N) a polite smile "Mhm, welcome to Françoise Dupont High School. I'm sure you'll like it here! Most of us are really nice," she said as she led them out of the office and into the halls.

"Most of you?" (Y/N) asked, suddenly feeling themselves get nervous 

"Yeah, but don't worry. You'll be fine! I already talked to my friends, they'll be happy to have you sit with us at lunch and stuff so don't even worry about that." Marinette said with a reassuring smile.

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel like they had heard her voice somewhere, but they chose to push the thought aside for now "Thank you, I hope I didn't cause too much trouble, though." They said with an apologetic smile, (Y/N)'s eyes fixated on the ground. 

"You weren't any trouble at all. Come on, class should be starting soon." Marinette said, grabbing (Y/N) by the wrist and guiding them to Ms. Bustier's class. 

Marinette opened the door and eyes were immediately glued to (Y/N), who shifted uncomfortably under the sudden influx of attention. 

Ms. Bustier smiled, setting her chalk down and turning to address the class "Everyone, we have a new student! Their name is (Y/N) (L/N), please be nice." She announced before dismissing everyone to do their independent work, signaling for (Y/N) to come to her desk. 

(Y/N) walked up, still feeling eyes on them as they did so, theu felt the ground begin to vanish from under them but did their best to feign composure as Ms. Bustier began to speak in a hushed tone "I'm sorry for your loss (Y/N) and the circumstances that led you to transfer here, but we are happy to have you here regardless. You'll be sitting next to Juleka and Rose, they're up in the back." she said, pointing towards a girl with black and purple hair, very tastefully goth clothes, and a bubbly blonde next to her talking very enthusiastically about something while the black-haired one listened with a patient smile on her face. 

As (Y/N) approached and sat down, the blonde one, Rose got quieter as she spoke. (Y/N) noticed and tried to look as invisible as possible, their worst fear was being a burden to people so the last thing they wanted was to ruin someone's conversation. Juleka noticed and smiled softly at (Y/N), a knowing look in her eyes. 

Juleka nudged Rose and gestured to (Y/N) "Invite them to the gig! They probably want to make friends." She whispered to the blonde, truly trying to do something good. 

Rose nodded and turned to (Y/N) and noticed her drawing some cityscapes "Woah those are really cool!" She squealed quielty

(Y/N) looked up, a bashful smile spreading across their face "Thanks!"

"Say, what kind of music do you listen to?" Juleka asked, chiming into the conversation.

"A little bit of everything, if It's got a good melody I'll listen to it, why?" (Y/N) asked, praying they weren't coming off as weird. 

Juleka smirked, her shyness melting away when Rose took her hand "Well, Rose's band has a concert this saturday if you want to come. A lot of the class goes, my older brother is in the band too, it's a good time. It's a good place to make friends." she said, radiating pure excitement and good energy. 

(Y/N) smiled, trying to stifle their excitement "I'd have to ask but I would love to. I haven't been to a concert in a while."

Rose smiled, practically jumping in her seat "That's great! I'll text you the details, let me give you my number," she said before digging in her bag for paper, scrippling a number on a scrap piece of paper and handing it to (Y/N) "I'm excited to be friends, (Y/N)!)" Rose cheered.

Juleka nodded in agreement "I'll make sure you have fun," 

(Y/N) smiled, putting the number in their phone and jumping into the conversation, their mind swimming with excitement, happy to have made friends so quickly. 

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