The Concert

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After the initial daze of meeting new people wore off, (Y/N) was actually really comfortable sitting backstage. The entire band was hanging out with (Y/N) while they waited for the band currently on stage to work their magic. Ivan and Juleka were quiet as their girlfriends chatted away, Luka and (Y/N) content just watching everything. 

(Y/N) quietly admired the very calm atmosphere they created backstage. The room was dimly lit with all kinds of light color options, they settled on a soft pink so they could still read their music. The back wall was covered in small murals made by local artists, there were snacks in the corner along with a minifridge. Whoever designed the backstage area did an excellent job, it was easy to relax. 

Ivan took a quick glance at the clock, he took a deep breath and his impatience began to radiate around the room. Everyone was excited, the room was buzzing with anticipation for Kitty Section to debut their first song with Luka singing lead vocals, well, everyone other than Luka. 

Luka sighed, he absently rested an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders and pulled them closer to his side. (Y/N) could feel his muscles tense up the closer it came to their performance, so (Y/N) settled into him quietly while the rest of the band celebrated. 

"Luka," (Y/N) whispered softly "are you okay? You're so tense" their voice showed the same level of kindness and worry from when they comforted him on the boat, feeling a similar sheet of magic fall over the two of them. 

Luka glanced at (Y/N), suddenly becoming thankful for the dimly lit room to hide his flushed face "I'm okay, just nervous. I've never been one for singing in front of anyone other than Juleka." he explained, his fingers reaching out to gently play with (Y/N)'s hair as he spoke. He silently prayed they wouldn't ask him to stop, he had never felt so safe with anyone so fast before, even with Marinette. 

(Y/N) smiled, leaning into his touch slightly "You're going to do amazing Luka, I don't know what Marinette was thinking when she turned you down. You are truly wonderful. There is nothing you can't do, do you hear me?" 

He smiled, still wondering how someone he had pretty much just met knew just what to say to him to take all the stress away. His muscles finally began to relax, both teens relaxing in the casual affection they shared as they waited anxiously for the moment of truth. Luke glanced at both sheets of music peeking out of his bag, biting his lip as he tried to figure out which song he should sing. Should he stick to the song he made about Marinette or sing the one he wrote about the strange feeling of hope he got just a few nights before he met (Y/N). 

Luka cleared his throat "Hey, Guys?"

The rest of the band looked over, Rose trying to hide her reaction at how close Luka and (Y/N) were getting. 

"What's up, Luka?" Ivan said, uncrossing his arms as he spoke. 

"Is it okay if we play a different song?" Luka asked shyly, worried about disappointing his friends. 

Juleka raised her eyebrows at the question "You don't want to sing?"

"No!" Luka said, an edge of urgency in his voice before he settled down again "I just don't want to sing about Marinette. I wrote something else and I'd rather sing that instead."

Rose smiled "Of course you can, Luka! Can we see the sheet music?"

Luka nodded, visible relief on his face as he drug through his bag and passed music to everyone before settling back on the couch with (Y/N). He bit the inside of his cheek as the merry group of friends read over the music, trying to read their facial expressions as they read through it. His knee began to bounce slightly as the minutes ticked by. 

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