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(Y/N) went from eating breakfast to registering for school, to going shopping with their grandmother, to going up to the attic for the first time after being told their room- which was more like an apartment- was finally finished. (Y/N) audibly squealed with delight seeing all kinds of art supplies and thier first real recording booth. They noticed there was a corner with all of their parents' stuff (Y/N) chose to bring with them, including their dad's guitar. They took a mental note to thank Owen later. 

(Y/N) finally took a chance to put their new clothes and school stuff away, their grandma took them out shopping because they wanted to go out anyway, and "They were starting a new school, they needed to do it with all new things" (Y/N) was confused but wasn't about to pass up new stationery. 

(Y/N) glanced at their school registry one last time and made a mental note to look into the whole Ladybug and Chat Noir thing since it was a pretty big deal in this city. (Y/N) almost immediately went to social media to see the crazy fan side of the story, getting slightly creeped out at the sexualization of highschool students. Other than that, They felt themselves diving into the rabbit hole of questions like how did they get their miraculous? Do the heroes like Viperion and Queen Bee know Ladybug or Chat Noir in real life? Do they know each other's identities? Who decides who gets a miraculous? Why is Hawkmoth akumatizing people and only after two miraculous despite it being a known fact there are several more?

As (Y/N)'s mind raced through such questions and finding some theories online, there was a sudden knock on the hatch door to get to the attic, startling (Y/N) as thier eyes widened comically before quickly regaining their composure "Who is it?" they called out, their eyes darting back to their phone. 

"It's Owen," the voice replied, "can I come up?"

"Go ahead" The (H/C) haired teen replied, thier phone stilled glued to their hand as they scrolled through what could easily be the hundredth fan page.

With a strained grunt of effort, Owen opened the door and climbed the ladder "Hey kiddo, what's so interesting?"

"This whole Ladybug, Chat Noir, superhero mess. There are so many profiles dedicated to theories, fan edits, fan art, there's even some fanfiction. People are really into this, huh?" (Y/N) answered as they dropped into a brief rambling session. 

Owen smiled, nodding in agreement "Yeah, it's wild. Honestly, I get a little into it myself. I can tell you're already trying to go sherlock mode on this, huh, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, I mean come on there are so many questions to be answered. Who is Hawkmoth? Why is he so adamant about getting the miraculous from Ladybug and Chat Noir specifically? Do they have additional properties? Who decides who gets to have a miraculous? Is there a power hierarchy within the miraculous holders? What kind of-" As it became clear (Y/N) would go on and on until they were blue in the face, Owen slowly covered their mouth with his hand.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were getting into this," Owen said with a laugh as his expression slowly turned more contemplative and serious. He pulled his finger to his chin, holding it thoughtfully "Are you sure this isn't just so you can ignore everything with your parents?" 

(Y/N) nodded, "Honestly it doesn't even feel real. They were out a lot because of work so honestly, this just feels like a business trip they'll come back from any day now. I know it's not, but I guess I'm in denial? I don't know, but even with that all of the whirlwind changes make it even harder to digest it. It feels like I'm in some kind of fanfiction if I'm being honest"

Owen laughed, throwing his head back and really getting into it, his face reddening as he lost more and more air "Right? You go from comfortable to filthy rich, you move to Paris of all places, a city with high school student superheroes," he went on with a stupid grin on his face "all that's left is you falling in love with a superhero or even becoming one. Maybe you'll fall in love with a rock star!" He howled as he laughed along with (Y/N), both people's eyes tearing up as they laughed "Anyone but Chat Noir, too many people would come after you"

(Y/N) nodded, holding their stomach in an attempt to alleviate the pain as they finally caught their reath "Obviously. If we're going off of appearances, Viperion would definitely be a contender," (Y/N) replied as they smiled, still giggling. 

As the atmosphere settled, (Y/N) finally took notice of just how well the apartment was furnished. Their grandparents kept saying it was their room but come on, it had its own kitchen and bathroom, it's an apartment. Aside from the sheer luxuriousness of their new place of residence, it was decorated to what (Y/N) would classify as their dream house, no way this was a coincidence "Hey, Owen? Why is the apartment decorated like this?" They asked, suddenly shifting their focus

"Well, we were going to have you here next summer while your parents went on some major trips so Papi had the whole place designed for you. Unfortunately, we had to use it much earlier than we planned but it's a really nice place." Owen answered, getting up as he finished.

"It really is a nice place," (Y/N) said in agreement "I'm sorry I'm imposing on you guys," she added, dipping their head slightly.

"(Y/N) (L/N), you are family. You could never be a burden, we're happy you're here. We don't like why but that has nothing to do with you, do you understand me?" Owen stated firmly, pulling (Y/N) into a warm hug, tapping (Y/N)'s shoulder as he pulled away "I'm going to go but you have got to tell me how school goes tomorrow, okay?" 

(Y/N) nodded, "Goodnight, Owen!" They waved as he closed the hatch behind him. They took the chance to go onto the small balcony on the roof to listen to the city, bringing their sketchbook and camera with them just in case they see something cool. 

(Y/N) took one look at the cityscape and was utterly captivated, they saw all the couples taking strolls under the moonlight, they heard people laughing with friends, (Y/N) felt the warm embrace of such a cool city, understanding why people called it the city of love with such certainty. They found themselves sketching faster than they could think about what they were doing. Eventually, (Y/Nl looked at their phone and saw how late it was "Two am? Crap I have school tomorrow!" They yelled internally, running back to their room and throwing themselves into bed "Please let tomorrow be a good day,"they whispered to themselves before closing their eyes, anticipating the new day to come. 

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