The Blur of Red and Black

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(A/N: Holy smokes thank you guys for over 1k views! This chapter is pretty long, and this is where things start to set up the angsty part of the plot, so here is your warning. I hope you guys enjoy it!)

"Come here, (Y/N), let me show you how good life can be. Let me hold you, let me make you feel safe. I'm all yours, (Y/N), I am all yours." a familiar voice called out in an echo, the voice raw as if they'd been crying and carrying such a heavy statement with them for ages. There was a brief flash of Luka's mesmerizing ocean eyes before (Y/N) shot out of bed panting, their face quickly turning red from imagining Luka saying something like that.

(Y/N) risked a glance at the clock on their phone and felt a brief ping of excitement, the sun hadn't come up yet, meaning they could settle in and happily watch it rise like they would with their parents. They quickly jumped out of bed, the cold hitting them only stopping (Y/N) for a few short seconds. Slippers were on their feet and they were in the kitchen making a nice warm drink within minutes, and (Y/N) eventually settled into an overstuffed and very comfortable sofa laden with all the blankets and pillows they could possibly want.

(Y/N) sighed, smiling at how quickly the sounds of the city became such a comforting sound for them to listen to. (Y/N) had hated how loud Paris was when they had come with their parents, it was stuffy and humid and there were too many noises going on at once. But now, the noises were calming, and often accompanied by the smell of something delicious just around a corner. (Y/N) felt felt themselves wishing Luka was with them, he could probably come up with a song to show how they had changed before (Y/N) could ever try to put it into words.

(Y/N) basked in the soft, gradual changes in the colors of light pouring into their window and dancing across the floor. They felt the birds sing and could smell the fresh-baked pastries coming from a bakery nearby, now this was a life (Y/N) could get used to.

Eventually, they reluctantly pulled themselves out of their spot and glided to their closet with their muscles relaxed. "Now that is how you wake up", (Y/N) said to nobody in particular as they swung the doors open with a flourish. Their hand absently drifted over the jacket Luka and lent to them the night before after they had spilled their drink all over their shirt, simultaneously blushing and cringing at the memory. (Y/N) pulled it over their shoulders after throwing on some jeans and a thinner hoodie, becoming flustered when they realized it smelled like him. (Y/N) never got the scent thing and why it was romantic, but when they could smell his light cologne mixed with the smell of him, (Y/N) suddenly found themselves apologizing to everyone they had ever made fun of for it.

The driver dropped (Y/N) off at school and wished them good luck the same way he always does- with silence. Juleka and Rose waited up for (Y/N) as they rushed to the classroom door to meet their friends. Before they made it, Marinette got in between them with Adrien on her arm.

Marinette smiled, hugging (Y/N), "Hey! How was your weekend? Are you adjusting to the school okay?"

(Y/N) nodded, slightly surprised that Marinette wasn't mad at them about the whole song at the concert incident.

Adrien smiled, yet it somehow looked rehearsed. The smile reminded (Y/N) of all the mundane, repetitive smiles on his face in the magazines and advertisements they'd seen everywhere. (Y/N) honestly didn't get why Marinette picked this over Luka, but different strokes for different folks.

"Oh. this is (Y/N)?" Adrien said, snapping (Y/N) out of their inner monologue. He extended his hand, which (Y/N) shook quickly before pulling away "I'm sorry we haven't met properly. I'm Adrien, Marinette has told me a bit about you"

(Y/N) nodded, silently pleading for someone to interject. They could feel Marinette's frustration about the entire Luka situation, even if she tried to hide it.

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