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"h-here you go..." hyunjin mumbled, alarming jisung.

jisung looked up to give him a gentle smile. "thanks but, you really didn't have to..." he lowered his voice down, still appreciating what he'd done.

the taller, on the other hand, just stood there silently as he awkwardly fiddled with his fingers. "i-i just wanted to do something... in exchange for your kindness..." he nervously gulped.

"i mean, i just did what i did because i wanted to. i didn't expect you to repay me or anything." jisung only smiled, causing the boy to slightly relax at his words.

"b-but i wanted to..." hyunjin dropped his head down, almost mumbling the words.

jisung luckily caught it and turned to look at him, a bit taken aback. it was the first time someone didn't take his kindness for granted or as a repayment, but rather out of his free will.

this made jisung unconsciously smile without him realising, slowly feeling a bit closer towards him. "thanks, i guess." he then gave in, taking a bite of the food.

as hyunjin watched his reaction in anticipation, sense of anxiety flushed through him. 'd-does it taste good...? what if he hates it? omg, it can't be-'

after moments of silence, he slightly panicked in fear. "u-urm, sorry! it taste bad doesn't it? i-"

"what are you saying? this tastes amazing!" jisung suddenly exclaimed, a widen smile finding itself on his face as he looked at him. "and not to forget, this taste better than mine. gosh, how are you such a good cook? i'm jealous." 

"i-it can't be... my cooking's horrible..." hyunjin quietly mumbled in disbelief. "i-i didn't even cook for a long time, it can't taste that good..." 

"well, it still does! you must have a gift in cooking. how are you still amazing when you haven't done it in a while?" jisung excitedly beamed at him, eyes glittering tremendously. "what's wrong with your parents' taste? they clearly don't appreciate this masterpiece!" 

"i-i guess so...?" hyunjin questioned in uncertainty, still unable to bring himself to believe it.

was it really that amazing as jisung said? he wasn't just saying that to make him feel any better is he? no matter how much he tried to believe it, he just couldn't.

especially after what his parents said all the time.

"don't believe me? here, try it yourself." jisung only smiled at his doubts, leaning a bit forward for the taller to open his mouth. "open your mouth." he gently spoke.

hyunjin slowly looked down to see the utensil in his hand and then at the food, gulping nervously. millions of questions invaded his mind, debating if he should take a bite or not.

when it felt like something in jisung's eyes were telling him everything would be okay, hyunjin hesitatingly gave in. "o-okay then..." he mumbled.

as hyunjin carefully took a bite, he took a moment to savour the taste, eyes tightly closed in the fear of the taste. however, it wasn't until he finally opened them back again, widening them in shock. 

'w-what...? how is it possible...?' hyunjin thought inside, soon finding himself able to chew and swallow without any problems.

jisung watched his every actions, only causing him to widen his smile. "it's good right? i told you, you're a great cook! you should have more confidence, you clearly have talents."

"h-how...?" hyunjin asked to himself, not knowing how it was possible.

"what do you mean? you probably have always been this skilled at cooking. it was just your parents bringing you down like that, have you ever tried tasting it yourself?" jisung questioned in curiosity, suddenly wanting to know more about his past.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now