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after what had happened yesterday, jisung still couldn't stop thinking about it. he just couldn't bring it in himself to believe chan was someone who would do such things, did he really bully hyunjin in the past?

as much as he couldn't believe it, if hyunjin said it himself in such fear, then it must be true. no matter how bizarre or unbelievable it may be. he just has to believe him. the question he has now was, what now? what should he do to protect hyunjin from him?

it's not like he would come to his house and break in right? chan wouldn't do such things, he just has to make sure he doesn't go anywhere near him. hyunjin stopped going to school anyways, after everything that's happened to him.

he didn't wanna go through the pain and suffering he had to endure during his previous years, it was just so traumatic he even stopped his own education. just to end all of the torment and hardships he couldn't take any longer.

and jisung doesn't want his past to repeat over and over again, it's gonna come to an end. and he's gonna be the one to end it all, and keep all of the toxic people away from him.

'i wonder if changbin hyung knows about this.' jisung thought to himself, currently on his way to school the next early morning.

as much as he didn't wanna leave hyunjin alone as per usual, he had no choice. he can't just drop out of school like that, neither can he bring him along with him. it was both impossible and hyunjin would never wanna go.

so either way, the two can't be in each other's presence. jisung would have to wait until lessons end so he could quickly head home and make sure everything was okay. and hopefully, nothing happened to him.

why was he suddenly having an uneasy feeling resting in his stomach? he didn't know himself but he just couldn't help but worry about hyunjin. especially after what happened yesterday, he was more cautious than before.

and there was nothing he could do at this very moment. he'd just have to suck it up.

"good morning~" a deep voice interrupted his very thoughts, making jisung snap back into reality to turn to face a smiling felix.

"oh morning." jisung smiled back. 

"how's he doing?" felix asked in curiosity yet worry. "has he been doing okay? he had a massive breakdown yesterday."

this made jisung reminisce back to when hyunjin wouldn't let go of him the whole entire night, his arms completely secured around his torsos. it wasn't like he was complaining or anything, he's just never seen the older so touchy and cuddly before.

"yeah, he's doing much better now." he finally answered with his smile still on.

only sighing deeply in relief, felix widened his smile. "that's great then, i'm glad he's doing better. jeongin and i were so worried when we left so we wanted to check in with him."

"if you'd like, you can come over again. i'm sure hyung would love that." jisung said.

"really? i'm in!" felix excitedly exclaimed.

"and me," another voice brought the two males to turn around to see jeongin catching up to them. "plus, we have exams coming up in 2 weeks so it's a good idea for us to study together."

the moment jeongin mentioned the horrific word, he immediately earned groans from both jisung and felix. "oh fuck, i've completely forgotten about that." felix groaned, running his hands through his hair.

"me too." jisung joined in as well. "thanks for reminding us." he then rolled his eyes.

giving them a sly smirk, jeongin reasoned. "and this is what happens if your mind is off to somewhere else. both of you need to snap out of it and study hard."

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