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"wait, he actually said that??" jeongin slightly gasped, trying to process everything he'd said.

jisung said nothing more and smiled, nodding his head at the thoughts of it. "yeah! i think... i'm making process at last."

"that's great, i told you it would work." felix smiled after hearing the news, the three boys strolling down the hallway side by side.

"thanks so much bro, i honestly thought i didn't have it in me." jisung smiled even more, slightly shifting his head towards felix.

"no worries, i'm just glad he gave you a chance." felix replied, holding a few books in his hand.

jisung nodded again, filled with extreme happiness. "yeah, i know it must've been hard for him to give me a chance. i'm just so relieved, i'll make sure i won't ruin it, it's my only chance."

"you better not, otherwise everything will be a waste." jeongin joined in as they were now stood by jisung's locker.

"i won't, don't worry. i'll keep you update." jisung playfully slapped jeongin on the shoulder before opening the locker and taking his books out.

"also, is it me or have you been talking about this guy for days straight now?" jeongin added in, now resting his back against the lockers.

the moment he heard what jeongin had said, jisung paused for a bit as he now closed his locker shut. "well, he worries me a lot so i can't help it."

"what happened with rambling to us about your crush?" jeongin asked to which jisung slightly widened his eyes in shock.

'shit, i didn't realise i've been talking about him that i nearly forgot about my crush!' jisung exclaimed inside his head, nervously gulping.


"speaking of which, here he is." felix interrupted, causing all three males to turn their heads towards the scene.

here he was, all looking so mind-blowing and sexy to jisung's eyes. with every step he took, the more jisung could feel his heart beat faster.

how was it possible for him to fall even deeper each time? he was perfect, attractive; everything about him sparkled and shone from every direction.

jisung found himself mindlessly staring, unable to keep his eyes off him. unable to notice what he was doing, jisung's mouth dropped at the beautiful sight before him.

why is he so amazing?

he didn't realise he'd been staring for a couple of minutes now, now even hearing his own heart beat - his stomach fluttering even more. it wasn't until the two males met eyes to which jisung froze.

as the male continued to look into jisung's eyes from the distance, it wasn't long when he smiled gently. 'oh shit, he's so cute.' jisung thought again.

and with that, he began beautifully walking towards jisung. jisung was so lost into his world that he didn't care about the surroundings, nothing mattered to him.

it wasn't until felix nudged jisung to which he eventually came back into reality, soon turning to face him. "he's walking towards us." felix whispered as he leaned in closer to jisung.

"i know that!" jisung whispered back, jeongin saying nothing while hearing everything.

as jisung and felix continued to whisper aggressively to each other, they didn't seem to realise the male now stopping before them. jeongin was the first to notice and immediately nudged the two males, making them turn to him.

"hey jisung." the male said with a smile when he met eyes with him again.

"oh hey changbin hyung." jisung smiled back, feeling the heat on his cheeks. "sorry about that, i was just, uh..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

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