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there was nothing that could describe how stunned jisung was, his eyes widening in shock. it can't be right? but then again, no matter how else he tried to take of it, he couldn't think of anything else that made sense.

this was the only explanation, much to jisung's denial. as much as he couldn't believe it neither could he process the reasonings inside his head, he couldn't do anything to escape from it. these were his actual feelings, for the taller.

how did he take this long to realise that he, instead, like hyunjin? what happened to him having feelings for changbin? were they just simply gone? or did it just transfer to the older instead? whatever it could be, meant that jisung no longer had the same feelings as he did before.

what was he gonna do? how did all of this happen without him realising? he was so certain he only loves changbin and no one else. how did it turn out to him falling for someone else? and that someone else, being hyunjin.

and most importantly, how long has it been going? his unknown, hidden feelings for him that is. as much as jisung wanted to know, it was futile. there was no way he could ever know, only to accept the fact that he likes hyunjin back.

this soon made him reminisce back to when hyunjin had confess to him, only making jisung's cheeks heat up even more. this all made sense now, every unusual actions and strange feelings he'd been feeling for days straight.

no wonder his cheeks would heat up whenever he was around him, and the way his heart would flutter countlessly. and now that jisung had finally realised how he truly feels for hyunjin, what now? what's he gonna do next?

with hyunjin gone missing for a day already, there was only one thing jisung had in mind. which was to obviously get him back, and let him know about his feelings; that way, he can finally respond back to the confession.

the question is, where could hyunjin have possibly gone? there was no trace of his whereabouts, he just vanished in thin air. there was no way he could find him... as soon as a sudden thought came across jisung's mind, he then paused.

wait, what if he? with such thoughts in his mind, jisung abruptly sat up and got up from the couch. almost immediately rushing over to grab his phone, he then dialled a certain person. placing the phone next to his ear, he waited for the line to connect.

"sungie?" it was changbin's voice moments later, his tone sounding soft.

this made jisung snap into realisation, soon realising that his heart no longer fluttered as much from his voice. "hyung!" he alertly exclaimed.

"what's wrong? did you perhaps, miss me and my voice already?" changbin lightly chuckled in a teasing voice, not seemed to have gotten any clues of what was going on.

usually jisung would madly blush hard from his teases, but it was a completely different feeling this time. one that no longer felt the same as before, he really is losing his feelings for changbin. how could this have happened?

as much as jisung wanted to tell changbin about it, it wasn't the main focus right. he'd have to deal with this later and sort it out. unknowingly dismissing his flirts and teases, jisung only continued to question the older.

"do you perhaps, know a guy called minho?" jisung curiously asked, his heart pounding in fear at the thoughts of what minho could possibly be doing to hyunjin.

nothing but concern and fear rushed through him, jisung unable to stop thinking about hyunjin and his safety. he is fine right? he isn't hurt is he? if his guesses were correct, then surely he'd be with minho right now.

but the question is, why? if so, why did he go back there? surely it wasn't the case and hyunjin went somewhere else. right? why would he wanna go back to his ex anyways? it made no sense, maybe jisung is wrong after all. or at least, that's what he'd hoped for.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now