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"so, how's it going between you two?" jeongin questioned, waiting in anticipation.

"who? hyunjin hyung?" jisung asked unknowingly, crunching on a packet of crisps.

"who else would i be talking about? felix?" he said, making felix turn to stare at him silently.

jisung playfully rolled his eyes at his question, taking another crisp out. "it's going well actually." he paused for a moment, enjoying the savoury taste.

both jeongin and felix just leaned a bit forward, silently anticipating to hear more. "well?"

"it's actually improving. even though our conversation gets a bit short, at least it's an improvement right? at least he's not ignoring or avoiding me anymore." jisung smiled at the thoughts of it, wondering how he's doing now.

"so? what's gonna happen now?" jeongin curiously asked, still feeling a bit iffy at the situation.

"well..." jisung trailed off for a moment, thinking to himself. "he's gonna stay with me for the time being. he doesn't have anywhere to go anyways and i wanna keep him by my side." 

"are you sure about that?" jeongin asked.

this made jisung nod, eventually finishing his packet of crisps. "i'm the only one he has left. everyone has already left him and he needs me. i also wanna get closer to him." 

"then go for it!" felix encouraged with a cheerful smile. "i know you'll do a good job in protecting him and keeping him safe. he deserve to finally get some love and care." 

jisung nodded again, completely agreeing to him. "he really does, especially everything he's been going through. he just wants someone to be there for him and i'll be the one to do that." 

"well..." jeongin began, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "if that's the case then i'm sorry for what i said before. you know, about the whole he's up to something thing." 

jisung and felix lightly chuckled at his words, unable to hold back in their laughter. "it's okay jeongin really, you were just worried about what he might do to me." jisung smiled at him. "don't worry, he won't do anything. rather that, he needs someone." 

jeongin nodded along to his words, sighing in response. "yeah, i was just cautious about him. but i guess i was wrong, i hope you take care of him."

"i will don't worry, and when he's ready i promise i'll invite you guys over. right now, i think he needs more time recovering, he's still not over his past." jisung replied, throwing the empty packet away.

"i can't wait! i'm really looking forward to meeting him." felix exclaimed. "we'll make him comfortable so he doesn't feel wary of us." 

jisung just smiled, nodding afterwards. "i can't wait either, i know you guys will get along. he's a really good person, he'll understand that you guys mean no harm." 

"so..." jeongin trailed off. "when are you gonna tell changbin hyung about it?" 

the moment jisung heard the older's name, he froze. he could feel his heart pound increasingly faster, feeling his cheeks heat up at the mention of his name.

"i already told you! i'm not gonna tell him." jisung then said. "and neither are both of you."

"why not? i think he should hear about it." jeongin replied moments later. "he can see what a kind hearted person you are if he hears about it."

"no! he'll just think i'm-"

"crazy?" jeongin cut him off, chuckling afterwards. "believe me, he won't."

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now