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as hyunjin rested his elbows against the shop counter, waiting for customers to come, his eyes couldn't help but wander to the clock in front of him. why is his shift taking longer than usual? everything just feels strangely slow to him.

why is it that? why does it feel like his shift is dragging on? usually he wouldn't have any troubles with working long hours but these days, he couldn't help but feel the urge to just go home. to see someone? is that it? 

hyunjin didn't really know the answer to his strange boredom, he just wanna get this done with already. or maybe, it was the fact he'd just came back to work after recovering from the night he encountered his ex-boyfriend.

maybe he was starting to be cautious about possibly bumping into him from then on, it must be it. especially at dark hours, by himself. but then again, would minho really be around this neighbourhood out of the blue?

but then again, anything's possible if it's him. he'd always show up at the most unexpected times, who knows where he might be right now. he just hoped nothing bad happens to him while he's away from jisung.

speaking of the younger, when can he see him? after all, to hyunjin, it felt like he hadn't seen jisung in years, despite it only being a few hours ago he was with him. he wondered what he might be doing right, possibly already at home waiting for him.

whatever it is, he just wanna finish his shift and hurry back home, so he could see and snuggle with jisung once again. it wasn't a lie that hyunjin couldn't stop thinking about the younger nonstop ever since yesterday.

he just couldn't forget, everything that jisung did for him. he'd never felt this much love and care before, everything was the first. the younger is definitely his most safest place, one that he can, with so much confidence, call home.

and that was something he'd never done before. and that was, call a place home before, especially with this overflowing confidence he never once got. or even had. what was jisung doing to him? he'd never met someone this loving and selfless like the younger.

the fact that ever since jisung came into his life, everything in his life, changed. in a good way, of course. ever since that rainy night, jisung had brought nothing but brightness and happiness to his once dark life.

in fact, to him, jisung was his light that lit up the path. one that guided hyunjin to a bright and hopeful future he never thought he'd experience before. there was so many things he'd done for him, so many things he is so thankful for.

and before hyunjin knew it, he was already deeply in love with him, that he couldn't hold back in his feelings anymore. to the point he mindlessly spilled out the three words he could never dare to say that night in the amusement park.

anyone could say with such proudness that hyunjin was so courageous and amazing for confessing his feelings, but to him, he felt ashamed. nothing but the feeling of guilt and regret flowed through him, should he have never said that?

what if he just ended up weirding jisung out? what if, the words ended up ruining everything: the whole mood, their relationship and most importantly, jisung's view of him. hyunjin didn't want that, he didn't wanna make things awkward between them.

he just couldn't help it, he loves jisung to bits. no matter how many times the younger's attention were on someone else, hyunjin continued to love him. and adore him from afar, despite jisung being oblivious to everything.

it wasn't like hyunjin hoped he would like him back right? he knew this would happen anyways, no one will truly love him back overall. not even jisung.

he'd just hope at least that jisung didn't take his confession in a negative way. that was enough for him, for the younger to not change his view or unrequired feelings for him; what did he even expect anyways?

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now