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throughout the whole day of school, jisung couldn't stop thinking about the older male currently staying at his house. a way to have a proper conversation with him and have him open up, how was he gonna do that?

no matter how many times he tried to run felix's words inside his head, he couldn't help but worry. what if it all go wrong again? that would mean he'd have to start from square one again, he didn't wanna that, he wanted this to keep improving.

they were now walking out of the school building, anxiety slowly building up inside him. it didn't take felix long when he soon realised a troubled look on jisung's face, causing him to turn around to stare at him in worry. "hey, are you okay dude?"

"huh? oh yeah, i'm fine." jisung snapped out of thoughts, smiling at him.

"is there something bothering you?" felix continued to question as jeongin turned around too.

jisung thought for a moment, ruffling his hair in uncertainty while trying to debate if he should tell them or not. when he decided to eventually say it, he sighed. "well, it's about the thing i told you about the other day. i just don't know how to make a proper conversation with him."

"wait, he's still there?" jeongin suddenly barged in, making both males to just stare at him.

"i'm telling you jisung, just consider what i said and try to turn it into action." felix explained, his attention turning to face him.

"yeah i know but, i don't know. will it really work?" jisung questioned to which felix smiled.

"of course! i can come over and help if you want-"

"i think it'll be better if i do this myself. i don't think he's really ready to meet other people you know." he abruptly interrupted, causing felix to just nod in understanding.

"i see, that's fine. he's probably not ready yet." felix smiled reassuringly, eyes turning between both jeongin and jisung. "i should probably get going then. just try your hardest to make an effort and keep us updated."

he sighed before nodding once more, soon watching as both of his friends walk away until they were no longer in his sight. sighing deeply for the last time, jisung then turned around to his direction and began walking. "time to get home i guess." he muttered.

it didn't take him long when he soon found himself standing before his own door, immediately knowing that the taller was also in there. 'i hope this works.' he lastly thought to himself, starting to now unlock the door.

when he stepped inside the house, it didn't seem to surprise him when he was met with sudden silence. it was expected anyways, it wasn't like he'd expected the boy to just run up to him and excitedly greet him - it was the opposite.

his first instinct was to drop his bag in the hallway and already rush into the living room, hoping to somewhat see him again. throughout the past few days, it'd been rather unusual for jisung; he'd never experienced something like this before.

especially bringing someone he barely knew in his house, how risky could that be? he couldn't quite recall when was the last time he was the only person in this house. but now that hyunjin was currently here with him, it wasn't a lie that he'd been rather accompanied.

it felt nice not gonna lie, maybe jisung was starting to enjoy having him here. despite knowing nothing about him, maybe his presence itself was enough for him to say that he meant no harm.

but what he didn't expect was a still sleeping hyunjin on the couch. jisung walked further into the room, taking the moment to observe the peaceful boy, admiring his every features. had he always looked this pretty? too pretty for a boy in fact.

𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 | hyunsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now